My highlights of this wonderful Arsenal season, whatever the final outcome

What a time to be a Gooner! In a few days, Arsenal, may or may not be declared league champions, but here are some of the highlights of this season whatever the final outcome may be.

For the first time since becoming an Arsenal fan, I saw the club beat Manchester United both home and away.

For the first time in a very long time, Arsenal fans experienced a fair title race until the season’s last round.

For the first time in memory, most Arsenal fans have seen their team go undefeated against the traditional Big Six (Manchester City, Chelsea, Manchester United, Liverpool, and Tottenham).

For the first time since most of us became Arsenal fans, we have been oddly disappointed with a victory at Old Trafford, simply because our squad was unable to overpower Manchester United by more than one goal.

Of course, this is the first time that Arsenal fans can confidently set such a high bar every time they see the team play.

They may not have won the Premier League title yet, but this Arteta-led Arsenal team has made significant progress and demonstrated courage this season.

That alone is reason enough to be proud of our team. Let’s simply end the season strong, and who knows, perhaps something unexpected will happen.

It’s an open secret that for our Gunners to win the league title, Manchester City must drop points. But even if the defending champs don’t drop points and Arteta and the lads don’t win the league, they have won our hearts.

Sam P

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Tags Arsenal season 2023/24


    1. It’s not like Spurs to miss a chance to do the most Spursy thing possible…

      Beat City, hand Arsenal the title, then finish 5th anyway.

      A golden opportunity missed by them today to add to their rich history. 🍌🤣

  1. Sam
    It started off really well and then you mentioned the top 6 amd put the spuds in there.
    The spuds as proven tonight don’t belong in the top 10 let alone the top 6
    It would now be nice to see Newcastle and chelski leap frogs
    The spuds and they.miss out on Europe altogether
    1 to go and I hold out.more hope for WHU to dig something out for us and snatch a draw rather then those lot down the road who only seem interested in what we do rather there own team
    Onwards and upwards

    1. Maybe it’s for the best.. City almost lost to Liverpool 2 years ago…so they bo7ght Haaland ! So we need to have a proper striker ..

      Havertz scoring is covering that fact as he also missed lots…Saka has scored a lot of penalties…so we still don’t have a someone scoring 20+ goals per seas9n

      That’s what will change us from 2nd to 1st

      COYG ..

  2. We pray for a West Ham miracle as we might not get this close next season. City will always improve their team whilst we are giving Jorginho another year. Next season we need to stop the habit of losing games we are expected to collect maximum points. We have vastly improved but if don’t win titles soon the team will lose some key players to title winning teams.

    It’s a game of fine margins and so far we have failed to achieve that. We also need to take cup games serious so that we build confidence and also get enough games for fringe players. In recent seasons Tottenham has been like this getting second place and those players have been forgotten because second place doesn’t have a cup or medal in a league competition.

    Arteta needs to win the league or even FA cup or else the team should bring someone else.

  3. Final day of the season

    Arsenal 3 – Everton 0
    Man City 0 – West Ham 0

    We still do it 😉

    1. @LtDan
      Remember who the manager for Everton is. That’s right Sean Dyche. He hates AFC with a passion and will surely try to upset our day. Jus sayin…

  4. Yes, if we are being over critical of Martinelli, then what can you say about Song’s dip in form. Either he misses Harry Kane or he has peaked and we’ve seen the best of him. Mind you hr could also come back to haunt us next season. I don’t know what to make of this season. It would probably be, “what a waste”. There’s nothing wrong in coming second although it will all be forgotten once the new season kicks in. Somehow though I have this unsatisfied feeling. There were Arsenal games which I didn’t enjoy watching especially when we predictably went to the right again and again even though our star boys were being tightly marked, I am still not sold on Harvetz and can’t see him being as being any better than a useful utility player. Our inverted wing backs are boring to watch and slow everything down . Also disappointing is the fact that we haven’t promoted one youngster. Either our youth system is failing or we have a manager who prefers the tried and tested, which could be dangerous as it often leads to stagnation. 99% of our fans base will certainly disagree but I am concerned about next season.

  5. Can’t blame Spurs for not trying, they would have won the game if Kane was playing. They had the best chances. It’s not completely over but it’s now out of our hands but we need to make sure we beat Everton and hope somehow West Ham can get a draw.

    1. Its now out of our hands
      Has been since Villa game
      Not sure why everyone has woken up like something has changed

  6. I agree Joe S. Arsenal right is all about buy buy. Even the likes of Nwaneri have been forgotten now. I don’t think our juniors doesn’t have players who could have taken the slots given to Elneny and Cedric and during the season could have gained much experience and confidence training and being part of the match day squads.

    Spending a lot of money and not winning titles has always been a disaster in the long term. I just for a miracle Sunday.

    1. Quite a few of the players from the younger ranks have trained with the 1st team squad. Once the likes of Nwaneri (17) and Chido Obi (16) are a bit older I’m sure they will get game time.

  7. For me and personally too. There SHOULDN’t be any fringe player in the Arsenal’s team squad setup next season.
    Who will be on the fringes in the Arsenal’s 1st 11 team squad group next season.
    But a all round top quality players having in the group by Arteta in his team squad for next season”s campaign in all competitions.
    So quality level performance by the Gunners will always be guaranteed in all Arsenal’s games next season.
    But not ee them dropped in top quality level performance throughout the season. No matter which Gunners start or come off the bench to play.
    But Performance in top quality level will always remain intact.

  8. If to think of it. Us Arsenal prayers and hopes to see the Totts to deny Man city from collecting all points., in their home match against them have been dashed and evaporated. As the Totts have cowardly lost 0-2 to Man City in the match. And thereby ended their slim chance to qualify for the Ucl next season.
    And are even in danger of missing out on the European places altogether next season. If Chelsea or Newcastle upsurge them to it in the final table of the season.
    But all is not lost for us Arsenal to see the Gunners win the title this season. As there could be a working miracle on the final day of the season next Sunday at the Etihad.
    And which will work to the favour of the Gunners. And see West Ham take points off Man City. And as result abort Man City’s 4th straight title win ambition this season.
    But do I foresee that to happen? Yes! Why not it can happen.

  9. And I also want to add that, this is the first time after a long time our opposing fans genuinely and truly show respect to our club. Congratulations boys and Arteta.
    Mistakes are part of the game. Let’s just hope Arteta and the boys will learn their bitter lessons next seasons. Some of those lessons include:
    Arteta should be less stubborn and see reasons in good opinions.
    Players should be more business -like on the pitch and take their chances.

    1. Why should he be less stubborn when it’s that same stubbornness that made him a force to be reckoned with

  10. Joe S. Me too is concerned about next season. Will our players have the same level of motivation they had this season? Will the disappointment of not lifting the trophy affect their psych? How can the team perform next season with all the fringe and mediocre players? When will Arteta look inward and promote exceptional academy player to first team? I am indeed afraid of loosing some of our gem players. Let Arteta be serious with other competitions and begin to win trophies. Otherwise, let another cerebral winning coach take over.

  11. The progress is good, but without trophies, it will be meaningless. We need to learn from mistakes made this season to be better next season. (I’m still hoping WestHam will get a 0 – 0 draw with City😅)

  12. Hello, arsenal fans
    The gunners lost the league at the Emirates. They dropped 2 points against a ten man Fulham and failed to manage their lead against spurs. And how on earth you to lose both home and away to Aston villa? They should have gone for a draw as they prepared for return leg champion league. To make it worse they lost three vital points against west ham at home. As we always say if you can’t win, ensure you don’t lose. Those are great six points which would have enabled them be champions at Old Trafford.

  13. The objectives for next season are very clear:
    Don’t lose more than 3 games in the league (accrue 90+points).
    Next season we attack all four competitions almost equally.
    We need a well rotated squad next season.

  14. My highlights of this season:

    The way Arteta is developing this team, or let’s say the Arsenal management as a whole is a gradual process. Arsenal are not looking for a title one year and a decade of drought after that. It’s very evident with how this team is shaping up. That’s why I am positive in the years to come. Let’s accept the fact that Arsenal are at least one to 3 signing short of a formidable title challenging squad, have too many surplus players that are not at the level of the starting XI.

    I like how Arsenal is actually consistently there as title winners for 2 consecutive seasons. That shows the momentum isn’t lost and the players are getting better, and so the manager himself. I would hate to win the title and then finish 8th next season. I like the slow burning momentum that has already paid dividends this year as the stats show Arsenal have outperformed other teams, even city this year in several metrics. It’s there to see for everyone. One to three good signings and the next season will be even better. With players all yet to hit their peaks, I can’t wait for the next season to start and welcome the new signings.

    What this season showed is our players are getting there mentally and if they are not effective, or fatigued or just having a bad day, they have learned to buckle up as a team and see through results. That is huge for me and during the course of this season, many of our players have stood out as having leadership qualities and able to anchor the players to grind hard. Gabriel for example has impressed me this season in that aspect. This quality will be invaluable next season. We lacked that last season. What the players learned have this season is getting the points is everything, how we play is secondary. We can’t drop points whatever it takes, grit, dark arts, change of attitude, anything. I am positive we’ll see even more pragmatic approach to games next season, both from players and manager. We have seen the attacking flair of City in Arsenal as well as the shades of Mourinho when needed. I have huge praise for Arteta in instilling this adaptability in the players, that they are ready to do anything to get the points, Our wingers and forwards are the most hardworking in all the EPL teams that I can assert. When our players lacked quality, they made it up with doggedness.

    So a near perfect season, if we don’t win the Trophy. But to be fair, we still are someway to go but it’s very near now. Last season, I wasn’t convinced with the games even though we finished second. This season, the result reflects the performances truly imo.

  15. Why not tell the players not to lose any of their matches. You people like to look things from negative angle always… Do you even realize that this is our most match win in a season. Are you telling me that it’s just that easy to win every single match. If you can’t see the fact that the boys and the club did a magnificent job then you may support a better club

    1. Will you stop it with your ‘support a better club” BS!!! Many Arsenal supporters are probably feeling slightly down this morning following the depressing result last night, and the likely knock on effect this Sunday.

  16. It’s been a brilliant season, but only the community shield to show for it. Key players like Saliba and Gabby have stayed fit but that could be a one off. There has been little rotation and players like ESR can’t get a kick. Talented youngsters looking at that aren’t going to stick around and I hate the thought of a bought in future. It’s really hard to maintain the intensity we’ve had this season when you aren’t winning anything. Chelsea, Man u and Spurs aren’t going to be awful for ever…. In short, I don’t feel confident for next season.

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