Newcastle wants Arsenal man for next season – not Willock

Newcastle United is targeting a move for Arsenal defender, William Saliba ahead of the new season.

The Frenchman spent the second half of the last campaign on loan at Nice and he impressed.

He had failed to convince Mikel Arteta that he can play for the Gunners and the Spaniard sent him to Ligue 1 for more experience.

Having impressed with Nice, we expect him to return as a possible starter at Arsenal next season.

However, uncertainty remains about his future at the Emirates and Newcastle is hoping to take advantage of that to sign him temporarily, according to Mail Sport.

The Magpies signed Joe Willock on loan from Arsenal in the second half of the season and he was simply brilliant.

They remain interested in a move for him, but they might have to make an offer of a permanent transfer to enjoy his talents again.

Saliba will still face competition from the likes of Rob Holding and Gabriel Magalhaes for a place in the team.

David Luiz has left the Gunners and that has created space for him to play, but he would have to prove that Arteta can trust him to achieve that.

It would be interesting to see how he performs in preseason.

Tags William Saliba


  1. Off topic but I don’t understand what on earth happened with the Buendia deal??

    Surely you identify players that you really need and you do what you can to sign them, within reason of course.

    Are Edu and MA just playing games and trying half heartedly to sign some players. If he was identified to take us up a level surely we should put up the cash to sign him? We knew roughly what his price was going to be….so why waste time.

    And if you are willing to let him go to someone else over a few million only then was he really that important to sign? If not then why go for him in the first place?

    Seems MA and Edu are completely clueless. You either identify a player and go for it or you dont….half assing it!

    1. It’s not MA or Edu’s work to buy
      Dats d responsibility of the owner
      Theirs is to make the owner knw the player they want and the owner buy the player
      It’s the owner dat will release the money in which will be used to buy players so blame the crazy kroenke

      1. Yes Joshua.

        Some cannot seem to grasp how it actually works.

        The manager submits his “wish list”.

        The “owner” will sanction some on the list or not.

        The team we employ to get deals done are then tasked to open negotiations, and get said deals over the line.

        As covered on an earlier thread, yes of course the manager can get involved on a personal level by say calling the player to convince him our club is the place for him , but M A is not responsible for getting the deal done on a contractual level – plain stupid to think so.

        1. The owner is not involved in the running of the club, he employs others to make decisions but we don’t really know we were ever in for Buendia anyway.

          1. Declan.

            Are you seriously saying the”owner” does not sanction the buying of players ?????

          2. Thank you Declan. The fact that people think Stan gets a list of names on his desk with prices and he chooses is quite funny actually.

            Stan knows nothing about football or the different players, how could he possibly be involved.

    2. Analysing the situation isn’t easy because we don’t know that it wasn’t Neves who we were after the whole time.
      I never really understood the need for Buendia, with Willock returning.
      Bissouma in for Ceballos and Neves in for Xhaka.
      Just putting it out there.

    3. “We knew roughly….”! Good grief! If you wanted to buy a house/a car/ any expensive item , and you had decided exactly what that was worth to you in money but found the price was higher then you value the goods would you still buy it? And if you did, would you think YOU had the better outcome or would the SELLER have had it?

      In the real business world where “rough guesses” are laughed at, as being amateurs in a professional world, you would be quickly shown the door my amateur friend!

      I’d remind you to remember who owns us and who does not. Clue: It is NOT Abramovitch nor Sheikh Mansoor!

  2. Unlikely to happen, wouldn’t make sense especially if Gabriel goes to the Olympics with brazil we would be short of centre backs at the start of the season unless we buy another(which is not necessary imo) arteta should keep saliba and mavropanos

    1. Mavro and Greece beat Norway 2-1. Apparently Mavro had a solid game, some said he had Haaland in his back pocket 😄 Odegaard with the assist…

      I hope we finally get to see Saliba in our starting 11 – been a long time coming!

      1. I don’t understand some people believing that Saliba is ready to foot it in the EPL.
        It’s a huge step up and if the maturity isn’t there yet, he’ll be found out quickly and harshly.
        Big risk.

          1. 👍 👍 Look at the ages of Tony Adams and Martin Keown when they played first team football.

          2. Saliba was playing ahead of Fofana in league and Fofana played a huge role for Leicester this season, but still Saliba is not ready for EPL? That strange

  3. NoooooooooooooooooWaaaaaaaaaaaaay are Newcastle getting him on loan, if they do Arteta wants beheading.

      1. I know Sue, we cant let them loan him to Newcastle. He doesn’t need ostracising again. Shocking! Lol

  4. F. A. O. PJ _SA

    “Thank you Declan. The fact that people think Stan gets a list of names on his desk with prices and he chooses is quite funny actually.

    Stan knows nothing about football or the different players, how could he possibly be involved. ”

    You completely show you ignorance in the running of a top level football club.

    Stan Kroenke does not Know Pepe from Jordan Nobbs (do you ?).





    Would you like a phone call ;

    “Hello Mr Owner, we’ve just spent £100M of your money, and never consulted with you. What was that, did you sanction said SPEND … er, no”.

    GROW UP.

    At a semi pro level I’ve been involved with such matters where, although levels lower, the principal is the same.

    I will personally find Arteta’s statement from season end, where it states he has submitted his “wish list” to the club.

    Who do you think SANCTIONS the purchasing of players (NOT NAMES, BUT THE FINANCIAL OUTLAY) ………………….. Arteta – we’d be bust in a week as he’d want the lot.

    Who do you think baulked at Auoar as well as bring in Partey ???? KROENKE BLOCKED THE SPEND !!!

    Are you a troll on here, or simply know zero about the running a professional football club ?

    Look in the mirror and laugh at yourself.

    Try thinking before you tap the keys, trying to be cocky.

    Your immaturity is monumental.

  5. Well that took seconds.

    Two amongst numerous examples because the fact is so bloody basic and obvious ;

    “15/05/2021 ;

    “Arsenal’s dream 2021/22 XI as Mikel Arteta hands Edu five-man transfer wishlist ”

    LIST , let me repeat LIST (a number of other descriptions could have been used, but LIST it was).

    Now, do you think EDU sanctions the SPEND ?????????????????????????????????????????

    NO – he will deal with the PLAYER side of things (and even that with a team around him).


    Of course the bean counters at our place will work on the fee requested, and we will have experts on contractual matters, but ANY OUTLAY IN TERMS OF THE FEE PAID will need the owners blessing.

    Oh, and from our very own J A ;

    ““There were already a lot of changes in December, something that has not been done in years, but it tells us where we were. Things are going to have to change and the owners are going to back it up.”

    Look at the last 8 words !

    Of course Kroenke is involved in transfer activity in terms of the clubs (his) MONEY being moved around.

    Of course we are dealing with a guy who thinks PEPE is something he sprinkles on his steak, but he will be in the loop.

    Never for one minute would any right minded knowledgeable football fan think such basics needed explaining.

    And I’m sorry, this does not fall into the”opinion” category – you are FACTUALLY INCORRECT and spout rubbish.

    Be very careful you blind hatred of our current manager doesn’t make you appear a fool.

  6. PJ-SA – does this help at all ?????

    ” The decision to sign Nicolas Pepe from Lille was made at a BBQ at Josh Kroenke’s Los Angeles home. The ownership made certain financial guarantees in case the club was not able to sell players to fund the deal.”

    1. I’m so worried about you cos you may know something about football but you know little about Arsenal’s running.

      If Josh or Kroenke move with the outlay, will they buy Pepe for 72M and then sack Raul after further investigation?

      What happened to Kroenke signing the actual Transfer money for the season and those in charge spend it how they want?

      If Kroenke sanctioned 200M for a season, he doesn’t care if you sign only one player with it.

      You’re claiming you know how football is run, yet you talk like amateur who only guess about how football is run.

      I’m sure Arteta will give a list of 3 players each in every position he needs and tick his main priorities.
      So how do you know Arteta main priorities is Buendia?

      Never heard Arteta or Edu coming out talking about Buendia but is all about media frenzy right?

  7. Hi Bob.

    Thanks for your reply.

    However, I find your comments confusing twaddle.

    O.K. so in over 60 years of having a deep passion for Arsenal Football Club, I have of course learnt nothing regarding how the club is run.

    I am of course an ” amateur, who only guess about how football is run.”


    Bob, given your infinite wisdom have you coached or managed ?

    Have you been in and around a premiership club, picking up coaching / training methods to bring back locally to kids, and then semi-pro level.

    Have you taken 5 football enjoying local kids, to an indoor tournament and won the league and cup double – a tournament at which a pro’ club was present (who subsequently signed my lad) but my boys won the lot.

    Have you had an ex Arsenal legend give the nickname to my lad which has stuck to this very day.

    You don’t know me my friend.

    I simply enjoy coming on J A and joining in.

    I only raise this (in an non bragging fashion, some on here will detest me for all this – I’m a good bloke honestly ;-)), but your statement;

    ” You’re claiming you know how football is run, yet you talk like amateur who only guess about how football is run.” is a bloody disgrace.

    You don’t know me, my life has been given to “understanding the game – but I obviously absorbed nothing, and remain clueless.

    Just a pathetic point I will respond to.

    You have chosen to completely ignore hard evidence so debate is futile (Pepe).

    I re-post ;

    ” The decision to sign Nicolas Pepe from Lille was made at a BBQ at Josh Kroenke’s Los Angeles home. The ownership made certain FINANCIAL guarantees in case the club was not able to sell players to fund the deal.”

    If you cannot see why you would sack someone (Raul) who recommended a £72M outlay that was in real terms probably worth half of that fee – it is you who need help.

    ” What happened to Kroenke signing the actual Transfer money for the season and those in charge spend it how they want?”

    So we have employees running around at the club with a bag containing £150M blowing it left right and centre without any prior consultation with the owners – oh my god. the naivety !!!

    If you want to get personal on here, that’s up to you – but regarding my knowledge of the game………………………. you are just plain wrong.

    You’ll be pleased to hear I will not responding to any future posting from you.

    Have a nice life.

  8. In the wider context of this thread, and for open mined people.

    Remember, we are not talking specific PLAYERS here, but the FINANCING thereof ;

    “Arsenal owner Stan Kroenke will not sack under-fire boss Mikel Arteta this summer despite the Gunners’ disastrous season, and will instead SANCTION a free-spending summer transfer window, reports suggest”

    ” In order to help him do that, the owners have apparently SANCTIONED a huge spending spree this summer”

    SANCTION – the meaning of ;

    Give official permission or approval for (an action).

    or if you prefer ;

    ” to formally give permission for something”

    And so on.

    Not players – the SPEND.
    But apparently Kroenke just gives a sack of money over and let employees run riot with it !

    Sad really.

    1. Oh I never know you’re actually appointed as one of the board member at Arsenal and coaching our youth team in the process.

      You’ll be pleased to hear I will not responding to any future posting from you.

      Oh I’m sacred!!!
      Should I start begging you for reply?
      Who cares about your reply.
      I don’t even need a pathetic reply like yours if me saying…
      “yet you talk like amateur who only guess about how football is run” warrant such reply from you.
      So you can give but can’t take it right?

      And please, why are people so quick to bring out there age in a conversation?
      You claim you’re 60, does it mean you know how Arsenal is run than someone who is 35?
      You don’t even know if you’re talking to a 75years old man.

      How pathetic you sound with your comments.

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