Opinion – Bundesliga has proven the doom merchants wrong and so will the Premier League

The massive success of the return to football in the Bundesliga should be welcomed by all but the chances of that happening are unlikely, even if the doom merchants have been proven very wrong.

The cost of the Coronavirus pandemic will last for years, an economic Tsunami is set to hit the nation unlike anything that we have experienced before and before we get to the point of no return society must take decisive action.

It is dreadful the amount of suffering that this virus has caused but if we are not careful the economic impact will be far worse.

But as with every crisis, there are those that grab the opportunity to stand on their virtual soapboxes and preach to the rest of us about how wrong it all is, especially pundits, who shall go unnamed.

These people know better than everyone else, they know better than the Government, they know better than the experts and generally speaking, they are far more interested in their own self-image than they are about the truth and their fellow man.

Football must return and society has no choice but to adapt to the new “norm” the alternative is to go back to the stone age.

Only recently the World Health Organisation said that the virus may never go away.

Now, it is up to the individual if they want to listen to the WHO or pundits and self-proclaimed experts salivating every time they have the opportunity to spout their opinions at how morally defunct people are for wanting some sort of resumption of life.

I know who I will listen to.

If you listen to certain pundits they want life to stop until a vaccine is found, now think about that for a minute.

No more social life, ever. Nothing at all, no sport, little work, no haircuts, no swimming, no trips to the Lake District, nothing because, to some of these people, until a vaccine is found we must all stay locked down.

To them, humanity is incapable of adapting and any attempt to do so is disgraceful.

Football has to be brought back as soon as possible, peoples livelihoods depend on it, society has to come back and adapt, it is the only way forward.

The Bundesliga and numerous other leagues across the world have proven that football can return safely and that is good news, something we should all welcome and appreciate in these dark times.