Arsenal has just launched their new home kit ahead of next season, and I can see that most fans are very excited with the new strip.
I understand that teams have to launch new kits every other season, but let us not be carried away with a jersey launch and forget that we have a season to prepare for.
I like that Mikel Arteta isn’t satisfied with this season even if we win the FA Cup as we will be finishing outside the top four.
Instead of getting carried away with other things, now is the time to start planning for how we will get on next season.
Stuff like sorting out the contracts for our important players and deciding which player we would sell or keep should take centre stage in our agendas now.
I know that we have an FA Cup final to plan for, but we have to also remember that the summer holiday will be a short one because of the coronavirus pandemic.
I would like to believe that Arteta already knows what he plans to do in terms of player recruitments and contract renewals.
New kits are nice and all that but I do not care if they are the greatest kits in the history of kits, I don’t care if the players play in potato sacks next season, all I care about is Arsenal getting a seat back at the top table. It has been too long already.
An article from Ime
The crazy marketing induced obsession with mere kit and essentially minor changes (as our main colours will remain red shirts with white sleeves together with white shorts) are so juvenile and typical of this materialistic younger generation who seem more interested in kit than in the cluband thre team.
Kit bores me and I get cheesed off with the mindnumbing obsession of those who are duped by clever marketing into spending obscene money and taking far too much notice of something that is only important to cover players decency and to let the footballworld see that it is Arsenal colours. When will football fans wake up and see that they are being cunningly juped by marketing companies and the clubs themselves. To worry overmuch over mere shirts and shorts etc is pathetic!
I love Arsenal kits.
Jon, every sports team has away kits. Imagine united and Liverpool playing each other. Nobody could follow. I don’t think many of us pay too much attention to kits. They do all look very similar, but I do enjoy seeing a decent looking one. Glad we got adidas in instead of PUMA. Majority of us can critique a kit AND be aware of the many problems plaguing our once great club.
Away kits always existed to avoid confusion but if Arsenal play away to Spurs, Everton, Chelsea, WHU etc etc there is no need for a change of strip.
RSH, Perhaps I did not make my true objection plain enough, as I rather think you have not truly grasped my point. My true objection is to the way that mass marketing has trapped many hard pressed parents into spending ludicrous amounts on kit for impressionable children. It is the obscene amounts of money spent on something which is actually quite basic that irks me.
I widen this objection to the way the whole worldwide fashion industry, which brainwashes people, more female than male but still humans in general. I object to clever and cunning advertising and marketing companies and the clubs growing rich on the hard pressed backs of decent ordinary foilk whose only “crime” is to show true love for their club. That is morally wrong to con people.
I say this not as a socialist, which I am certainly NOT , but as a believer in ETHICAL capitalism and fair but not obscen profits for businesses which do NOT impinge on the goodness of generally hard pressed families and fans everywhere.
The vast kit profits made go indirectly to vastly overpaid players at top level who hold fans to ransom and also to those leech agents. This is immoral and is the basis of my objection to the obsession with kit.
I have no objection at all to liking kit but to be trapped into an obsession is harmful. THAT is my point. Care to give me your thoughts on that please?
Finally, I am admittedly a political (small p ) animal and do not apologise for standing up for the common man or woman against gross and grasping greed, from wherever it comes.
Totally agree. Fools and their money are soon parted.
Agree – Every singel word
Mustafi out of fa cup final, that means Holding will play. I know some believe in Holding but not me.
Doesn’t matter, because most people don’t believe in Mustafi either, as do I. Both not good enough!
👍 Although Holding played pretty well in his last FA Cup Final against Chelsea. Repeat performance required.
William Saliba is not in the team for the French cup currently being played, I thought arsenal allowed him to play or is he still injured?
I thought they’d failed to reach an agreement in the end….
You’re right Sue, St Etienne didn’t agree to the fee Arsenal requested. I just hope this doesn’t cause Saliba to be angry with Arsenal at stopping him from playing in the final.
Apparently he went to watch it last night, Ozzie… and I also read he’s been training individually and has spoken of his love for Arsenal, so hopefully it’ll be ok!
Sorry to go off topic but as we approach the end of the season d like to post the following: ….Well well well, who would have believed it, Manchester United were 14 points behind Leicester City just a few months ago. I did say at the time “look out Leicester, they’re coming for you”. At the time Liverpool and Manchester City were nailed on for Champions League football, it was just between Chelsea, Leicester and, with a little bit of help, Manchester United for the other two places. Now, with the help of the powers that be, it just so happens that Leicester, over the past few months, have had some horrendous decisions while United have been granted 19 penalties, the most ever to a club in the history of not only the Premier League but also the Football League in over 100 years of their existence, funny enough their top scorer this season is “penalties for”, or is it Rashford, not sure about that one. Anyway, I’m sure you think why not Chelsea? The powers that be don’t mess with Chelsea for the simple reason they have the best legal team in the Premier League, Abramovich maybe a bit of a gangster but like any clever gangsters you usually find they have the best legal team behind them, whereas little Leicester? Huh! Easy meat There is still the possibility that Leicester get a result on Sunday with a good performance against the worse United side in 30 years, I’m sure everyone saw their performance last week against Chelsea but if I was a gambling man like I know Jon Fox is then I’d have a few quid on the draw and a United penalty. For those people who still believe, like Jon Fox and Admin Martin, who funny enough seems to think EUFA are crooked with the Manchester City affair last week, that our very own Football Association, Premier League and PGMOL would never sink to such depths, then I can’t help you, however think about it next season after paying out your hard earned cash of around £40 to £100 for a ticket whether you want to pay for this one time great but now sadly crooked game.This will be my last word on this particular subject haha and I’m sure that will please my friends Jon and Martin, thanks to both of you, always great debating with you both.
I had a quick watch of uniteds penalty calls this year .must say someone up there is looking out for them.
Exactly!! I think, if I remember rightly, they have more than us, spuds and Liverpool combined…. and that ‘penalty’ against Villa… sheesh!!! Some things never change!
Hi Kenny. Good to hear from you on here and hope you stay with us . and I hope you are well and safe. As to football being corrupt, I havelong been posting exactly that and think that FIFA and UEFA authorities are crooked and corrupt. I havelittle time fot the players union and that Gordon Taylor self centred chap who looks mostly after himself at the financial expense of ex- players.
I do not agree that British refs are cheats, though massively incompetant. I do blame Riley for the way he runs the refs assoc and he is a bad un who we need to get rid of pronto.
I have always been totally against the whole concept of VAR, as it undermines the onfield ref, ruins the flow and spoils enjoyment I see no real benefit to it at all with a great many cons and I would also bring in far more draconian punishments for players cheating behaviour. Mandatory six Prem games bans for proven diving with a video panel to see all games(after the game) made up of ex players only with no refs on that panel. All forms of cheating I would come down on like a ton of bricks and in a few short weeks of zero tolerance, refs would have the same authority as rugby refs, BUT the FA, PREM and all offfield authorities MUST back up ALL refs and fans need to stop calling refs cheats, Incompetant yes but crooked, no! Not British refs anyway.
FANS OF ALL TOP TEAMS, EVEN UNITED, ALWAYS THINK REFS FAVOUR THEIR OPPONENTS AND MOST GOONERS ARE NO DIFFERENT but I do not think this is true and never have, never will, at least not without independant non fan biased evidence.
LASTLY I WOUD TRY TO BRING IN SALARY CAPS AT ALL LEVELS, though it would prove legally difficult to enact.
PS I would do whatever it takes to rid us of KROENKE. Legally if possible but WHATEVER IT TAKES!!!!
English referees are bunch of crooked and incompetent people. They are biased and this is their Achilles ( how many are referring for FIFA now). Most of them including Riley are Manchester United supporters. And they are also adjudge to be assisting betting companies in depriving peoples of their hard earned money.
Thanks for the kind words Jon, the same goes to you and your family. My thoughts about referees have always been the same, they’re not taking money or backhanders in any shape or form, they’re just bias, I’ve always believed that and nothing will change my mind. Who would you like on your panel Jon, Kenny Dalgliesh. Brian Robson, Les Ferdinand, whoever they are, they’ll all be appointed by Sky and we’ll be back to square one again. While Sky Sports run the game it will be corrupt.
Kenny, agree with everything you say about Riley and his clique of incompetent buffoons. You would think that the most expensive league would attract the best referees as well as managers and players; however sadly that is not the case.
It may be a step too far though, given the amount of money in the game, that all decisions impacting games are honest mistakes by officials.
Kenny Totally with you on Sky, who have a huge vested interest and as such, NONE of their pundits should be let anywhere near a video panel. Ordinary newly retired players taken from clubs who have no vested interest in the clubs involved in diving videos, neither for nor against, must be used as judges.
I love Skys football presentation BUT as a man of the world who knows a thing or two about how life and business works, I have NO illusions that Sky are in it only for the profits made and I would always be wary of letting them have any more power than they already have. In fact, they already have far too much power and need to be reigned in, even as things stand now. Same goes to BT Sports etc.
OT.. Well I’m surprised PSG only won 1-0… as St-Etienne saw red in the 31st minute!!
The number “4”,the captains number….
All the best Saliba👍✊
It’s not the kit that’s important, but the player wearing the red shirt with white sleeves representing the Arsenal.
May we see players with the ability, professionalism, pride, having the physical and mental toughness deserving to wear the shirt.
With this mentality of Arteta, Arsenal won’t go anywhere near its previous record. Arteta is not a leader, but a boss. He acts like an army commander. Wenger was the best in guiding youngsters, he treated them like his own kids. During his MBA studies, he learnt how to manage people. Its not all about spending money. When Arsenal was paying the loan of Emirates stadium, Wenger didn’t have quality players like Arteta has, but he’ll always finish in top 4
Sorry, Top Gunner but the quality of the players in the Arsenal squad have gone down overall from the latter days of Wenger.
Do you wanna tell me that the quality of Chelsea, Sheffield United, Wolves, and Burney is better than that of Arsenal?
TG, the players for those teams, if nothing else, haven’t downed tools on their head coach during the season unlike the Arsenal players did to Emery.
Arsenal board took a big gamble by appointing Arteta as Manager, let him give them the taste of their own medicine