Opinion – Supporting Arsenal should not be a matter of life and death

Come on you Gooners; please stay alive

I was all tears and sorrowful this morning, when I woke up to the story of how a respected Arsenal fan I have known for a while now, took his own life, after watching Arsenal not winning a game in more than four attempts. He had placed a bet on his darling team winning comfortably against Southampton over the weekend, but he was disappointed.

He staked a lot of money and after the game ended, he was heard saying “This team has finally killed me”. Nobody understood what he was saying exactly, until they all woke up to the sad news of him taking his own life. Why would a human think of committing suicide over a football game?

Football is a game of passion; a lot of people deprive themselves of food, just to watch a football game. A man once threw his wife out of his living room’s window just because she obstructed his view, while he was watching a football match. A fan in Kenya some years ago was reported to have killed himself after watching his favourite football team lose a game. So many incidences have been recorded, due to the passion involved in the game. Passion is a beautiful thing but when it becomes excessive, it becomes toxic.

I don’t know how this may sound, but I am one person who can never kill himself because of football team, not to mention Arsenal. Why did i just say so? Please read on.

Arsenal is a football club out to make profits. The players are being paid weekly and they are being paid heavily. Everybody at Arsenal gets paid either weekly or monthly; and their wages don’t depend on either a win or a loss for Arsenal. So, if these guys get paid heavily, despite a loss, then why would one poor guy like me, kill himself for nothing? Am i being paid to support the club? No! After killing myself, will my family be compensated? Probably yes but i definitely won’t be alive to share out of the money! So, why should I kill myself? I see no reason why I should.

Now, to all Arsenal fans worldwide; please keep your sanity and flee from the acute depression caused by Arsenal. The truth is Arsenal will bounce back one day and when they do, what will happen to you, when you decide to commit suicide, now that things seem to be going awry?

In life, we have the beautiful moments and we have the trial moments. We need to be strong in any of the moments we find ourselves in. I love you all and would very much love us to celebrate better days at Arsenal, together, soon. Please stay alive, you need it.

Sylvester Kwentua (LAGOS GOONER)