Piers Morgan sends a passionate appeal to Brighton ahead of Man City game

Piers Morgan has sent a passionate appeal to Brighton ahead of their match against Manchester City tonight.

Arsenal is at the top of the Premier League table now, but they have played two games more than the Citizens.

This means if City wins their outstanding matches, they will return to the top of the summit.

However, if the Citizens drop points in either or both of the games, they will hand the advantage back to Arsenal.

The Gunners were relieved to see Liverpool lose 2-0 at Everton yesterday and will be praying City also drop points at Brighton.

Life-long Gooner, Morgan tweeted:

“I grew up 16 miles from Brighton. 

“I spent most of my formative youth in Brighton. 

“I used to go and watch Brighton as my second, ‘local’ club when I couldn’t get to Arsenal. 

“Two of my favourite Arsenal players came from 

@OfficialBHAFC. COME ON BRIGHTON – you can do this.”

Just Arsenal Opinion

We need a favour from Brighton and the other clubs City will face between now and the end of the season.

This does not mean we will automatically win the league because we also have some tough games ahead of us.

While we watch City’s games, we must be ready to work hard and win all our remaining fixtures to be champions.

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  1. I don’t have much confidence in the present Brighton team. The quality and motivation is just not there.
    Safely enfolded in the mid region of the PL table, knocked out of Europe, can’t just see this Brighton side hurting a well rested City side.
    But I’d be the happiest man if they went and prove me wrong!

    1. Agreed – maybe Forest on Sunday might be able to get a draw v. Man City – they did manage a 1-1 last season at the City Ground – fingers crossed!

  2. This will be a tricky game, the Seagulls will play without fear even when gone behind, they have the abilities to hurt the citizens if they get it right.
    Recently their wheels have been wabbling so they can only be taken on trust, I would happily settles for a stalemate at this late stage of the campaign.

  3. As a lifelong Brighton fan I have no interest in Piers Morgan’s preference for his ‘second favourite’ team to win. We win, lose or draw on our own merits and I would be disappointed if Morgan had any satisfaction from linking an unlikely Albion win to his tepid support of our great club.

  4. Personally, and were we both not Arsesal fans, I would be inclined to make sure I did NOT comply with Morgans wishes, were I a Brighton player.

    For a man of his professional status, he seems a highly hysterical person. I heard his way over the top hymn to all things Arsenal, on Wednesday this week,on Talk Sport after our victory over Chelsea

    I found it somewhat childish , deliberately so, as he intended too, rather than a mature in age and widely recognised man with the professional past he had as Mirror editor and a career in the media.

    I thought him a berk actually!! We already knew he was an ego on legs and a determined self publicist!

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