Mesut Ozil has finally said goodbye to Arsenal after squeezing a nice little earner of a lot of millions out of the Gunners to leave the club six months early. The figures quoted in the speculations were between 7m and 20m GBP for the settlement fee.
But now he has confirmed that he is definitely joining Fenerbahce when he told the Turkish TV station NTV: “I am so happy. I’m a Fenerbahce fan. God wanted me to play football in Fenerbahce. I’m proud.
“I am coming tonight with my family to Istanbul, thank God who gave me the opportunity to represent this club. I will wear the shirt with pride.”
He may thank God for letting him play for the Turkish giants, but he should also be thanking his agent who has negotiated the deal. The Mirror has been reporting just how much he will be earning when he signs for Fenerbahce, and it will be a very pretty penny, and remember that this is over and above his massive pay off for Arsenal.
This is what the Mirror have reported:
He is to take a significant pay cut in order to join Fenerbahce, and is likely to sign a three year deal worth £65,000-per-week.
But he will receive a hefty signing on bonus of an eyewatering £4.5m.

So, as a 32 year-old that hasn’t played for the last ten months, he is going to earn another 10m in the next three years, plus the 3.5m just for signing the deal, so he is not going to come out of this as a poor man. And I’m sure his clothing range and businesses will help top up his earnings if he is finding things a bit tight after losing the 18m a year he was getting at Arsenal.
He will be living in a million-pound mansion in a country where the average man earns around 1000 Euros a month, so he will be able to pay his bills a lot easier than he would in London.
At least no-one forced him to sign the contract so he will obviously play his best for the whole term, and a lot of it will go to charity, I’m sure!
Darren N
The additional paragraph where you incite “the poor” to burn down his “million-pound mansion” was left out. Must have been an editing error.
I don’t think Arsenal paid that much for him.
I mean why would Arsenal pay him off more than he would earn for the rest of the 6 month stay? He was already out of the squad. Maybe because of the loyalty bonus?
I think AFC played this well (given the circumstances) and I don’t think Arsenals pay off were that much.
Exactly, Next 6 months/actually 5 would have
7.5m Pounds. Unless your numbers are in a different currency
This shows for a lot of fans it was a problem with his money not his football . I can only wish our players (former)luck in the future
Some people here called him Shirt Selling Genius and I agree with them
One child called him shirt selling genius ,not some .
Wait until opposition fans start burning his shirt and effigy, if he plays well, or Fenerbahce fans, if he doesn’t earn his money. The “ultras” in Europe are very unforgiving.
I think his fans in Turkey would never criticize him
gotanidea, Fenerbahce has staunch rivals, like Galatasaray and supporters don’t “love” each other or opposition players. It should be remembered that supporters of English clubs have been stabbed in Turkey.
Look how English fans behaved themselves when on other country. for instance during the EURO in Denmark years back.
Trump Fan
Ozil and the club used one another for personal gain, thats why he refused to oblige them when the board wanted him out. am sure he wasnt forced out, he had enough of the whole saga then decided to take paycut to move on.
i wish him goodluck
It doesn’t bother me one iota what he’ll be earning in Turkey! And as for ‘squeezing a nice little earner’…. ‘we’ wanted him out, we had to cough up – he was entitled to every penny…
A lot of fans wanted him gone… it’s happened, move on, enough with the slating! He is no longer our player!
The very best of luck to him 🙂 Thank you, Mesut. AFC moves on….
It’s match day.. not only for Fenerbahce 🤣 but for us – the thought of facing Andy Carroll again, who has scored more goals against us than any other team… 😬
Spot on!
Sue. I am so glad this artist of a footballer and fine human being escape finally from the claws of ungrateful and cynical minority arsenal fans. I don’t have to resort to name calling but imagine they said they don’t want him and now that Ozil himself granted them their wishes they still won’t let him be. What do they really want. It won’t be long before they pick on another player because our team is full of players with what they accuse Ozil of. Good luck Arsenal, good luck Ozil and good luck to all arsenal players. You all we always have my support as long as you put on the Red and White.
Good call sue
Spot on Sue. We wanted him gone, and now he is gone, he is no longer our issue. We have other important issues going on at our dear club that we should keep our focus on. Hope this is the last of Ozil’ related article we will see on here.
this is a perfect response to extremist like Darren.
players are millionaires of this world its like this and will remain so, the spot is generating income and lots of investors pumping in money, why do we blame the players who make things happen for taking a bite of the pie?
people are so jealous and self righteous, none of the people moaning about the cash would be happy to be in ozil shoes
Once again the voice of reason, good on you Sue! Like you I wish him well.
Wish everybody had your class Sue!
Arteta and Edu have undermined the style of Arsenal and also made them into a boring, soulless mid-table team.
I think they could not stand Ozil because they were half the players Ozil was. Ozil could have nurtured ESR while still providing something in fixtures like Newcastle and Palace.
See what City did to Palace last night? Although he came from City, it has became City that Guardiola has the imagination and Arteta only school teacher discipline. He can’t bear artists, he can’t bear anybody who does not run laps for him.
Ozil should been handled differently. And Arteta should be sacked. Its Arsenal’s worst half-season in two decades. And with the exception of Fulham, many of Arsenal’s victories have been luck.
You can add Chelsea and westbrom game to the list games we actually play football properly.
Sue. I am so glad this artist of a footballer and fine human being escape finally from the claws of ungrateful and abusive minority arsenal fans. I don’t have to resort to name calling but imagine they said they don’t want him and now that Ozil himself granted them their wishes they still won’t let him be. What do they really want. It won’t be long before they pick on another player because our team is full of players with what they accuse Ozil of. Good luck Arsenal, good luck Ozil and good luck to all arsenal players. You all we always have my support as long as you put on the Red and White.
i guess he was a better player than UE too and Joachim low, thats why he was not favoured by them anymore. grow up already. Ozil has moved on, its best we move on too.
maybe you should sack MA and recall ozil to satisfy your obsession
My mother once told me “H when you grow up you are going to see double standards from every corner. Your right, your left, they are going to come to you from the back, from the front, they are going to sprout from the ground you are standing on and they are going to fall on your head.”
Of course we are going to have issues with Mesut earnings while ignoring Willian who we are paying more than 100K per week to basically retire his ass on us. And we cannot sell him either for the next three years unless he find it in his heart to cancel his contract which has a higher chance of happening like my chance to visit the moon.
We are also going to ignore Aubameyang hefty salary in the wrong side of his thirties and the position he is playing is against him providing consistence performance for the remainder of his contract.
We should go on to ignore the whole Arsenal squad who are overpaid underperformers. Finishing 8th while the wage bill is nearly on per with the Champions League winners.
And its not like other Fenerbahce players are playing voluntarily as neither are all professional footballers.
I don’t know where you come from Darren but I am sure there are people living in mansions in your country just as there are homeless people in the streets or at the very least people struggling to make ends meet.
By your logic then people should stop attending our home games because the ticket cost 90 pounds (which people are complaining about which means if they are complaining about 90 pounds they don’t have much money to splash around) while the players live in mansions. Mansions which are paid by fans sweat and labour.
Do know H, the most painful thing about the way our is run is we never learn from our mistakes. You could Real in discussion Ramos, legand who has won many great things and won all for them,extend his contract on reduced wages. In the past we have seen great players in the other side of 30s like you said continue on reduced wages with the club they love but we always cowards because of some misplaced pressures from fans who’s say give this player what he wants and hands out contracts like a charity organization. The same fans will can these players thieves, leech and all sort of name when they ain’t performing. Speaking of double standard. Auba watch out…..
Yes. Even sadder that Aubameyang and Willian contract were given while the club was struggling with the Mesut issue and lay off of staff and all.
But its not a problem because we like them. Lets take a train and taxis while Aubameyang is decorating his garage with Ferraris and Lamborghinis. Its not an issue because we like him.
We will only see the Mesut mansion and suddenly our hearts are with Turkish people and their 1000 euros. Mesut living in a mansion is not okay for the sole reason that we don’t like him. Tierney can have two mansions and a line of servants but its not a problem because we like him.
Any play who held a club into ransom so as to collect big salary increase and after the club reluctantly offers such player the salary increase and the player fails to perform, the player deserves anyhow treatment from the club and abuse from the fans.
Oooh so he hijacked our cannon and threatened the board to accept his demands?
What about Willian then? Did he hold the club to the ransom too? Oh we are just going to ignore Willian’s horrible deal because it will show the club incompetence and destroy our agenda.
Didn’t Willian hold Chelsea to the ransom and they basically told him to get lost? We should’ve learned something there.
Ade, cant the club say no and let him go for free. The club first messed up to let him get to the last 6 months of his contract and handed him that contract. They have also done the same thing with Auba, Balogun, Mustafi, Elneny, Sokratis, Saka and Laca will be in last year of his contract end of the season. Our administration is grossly incompetent and are wasteful but some we keep blaming the players the coaching staffs don’t improve them as well. In our club it is the players fault they don’t improve but we see around coaches improve their players. Who was mane,van dyke, Henderson before Klopp coach them. Darren you took double standard to the highest level… Ozil hefty signed on fee of 4.5 million is a pocket change compared to what our darling club gave Willian 10m
Arsenal should stop using outrageous salary increase to convince non committed players to stay in the club, any player who hold the club into ransom before signing contract extension won’t give 100%. truth, the administrators messed up the process, they should have known the players who only care about money , Ozil falls within that category including some others..
Ozil proposed the club agreed. Plus I thinks Ozil was spending a time of his time at arsenal.. Imagine 350K for doing nothing and access to gym and other training facility for free? Who wouldn’t want that.. It’s the culture at arsenal. Negotiate a good deal and relax.. like in the case of Auba and Willian
HH What I find ironic about your post – and I agree with almost all else of what you write – was your deserved criticism of lazy Willian(and Auba) on a “mere “£100 plus pw, whereas lazy Ozil, who has been consistently lazy for many years, you have not criticized.
And then you swrite about double standards, while being the perfect example of that yourself! I criticize ALL lazy players. no matter who or how talented they are or once were.
To be clear and fair to you though, I myself have often posted that ALL humans, MYSELF included, are prone to double standards. It is a normal part of our shared human condition and almost impossible to avoid having double standards at times. We are all fallible and human and personally I am glad about that!
Yes Jon I would not disagree that I am full of double standard as most of us are. But your or my double standards and shortcomings are not the topic today.
Today like the article has highlighted the double standards when crucifying (just a figure of speech) Mesut is not hidden from everyone who dislike him. For example the writer has issues with Mesut living in the mansion as if he is the only person in Turkey to do so.
How many mansions are there in Turkey? Did the writer’s heart went to Turkish people and their 1000 euros before Mesut transfer?
Has he ever in his life be concerned with Turkey people welfare before Mesut transfer there?
i no longer understand what Arsenal stands for. it is boring to the core. no wonder it is now a middle table club! it handles its players like so, it plays like so and fans around the world are increasingly perceiving it like so. millions fell in love with Arsenal because it used to play sizzling football. and now?
This report is not true, Arsenal did not pay him a penny to cancel his contract, they both mutually agreed verbally that the contract be cancelled and he Ozil move to Fanabatche as a free agent
Really? l will be very happy if ARSENAL didnt pay a penny has you have said.
The saga is over and it ended as a compromise from both sides.
Not sure if Darren wants Mesut to walk around in sackcloth now, but the truth is that his new club wanted him to sign a contract that our club also wanted him to do way back when.
I’m pleased for all three parties, as they must be also.
It also seems that those of us who believed he still had something to offer are happy to move on(Brilliant response Sue).
Enjoy your life again Mesut, perhaps we the fans, will also move on?
HI Ken, At last and so my friend it IS definitely time to move on. It was that time ages ago though some of us- meaning yours truly – were too dumb to do so!
Though there will be loads more Ozil articles on JA for certain, I have written my last post about him. This is it! I pledge that and if I break it, then please call me out and accuse me of being the hypocrite that I am -and almost all humans everywhere – are.
Hypocrisy is a natural part of our shared human condition and it is noteworthy that we see it in others all thetime but generally choose not to in ourselves! Hey ho!
You will have noticed how cunningly I left myself a get out Ken; admit being a hypocrite, say that everyone is and then when you break that pledge, just fall back on that “hypocrisy ” excuse. I will honestly TRY though! And I even wish him well, genuinely!
Jon, well said and I admire your mature approach to the news.
We still have the same tiresome baiting of fans going on and it achieves absolutely nothing… as does the other ongoing saga regarding AW of course.
Well said Ken and like you I hope we can all move on now. But, being the sceptic that I am, I wonder who’s next?
Keep safe and let’s put 2020 firmly in the rear view mirror!!
100% in agreement Andrew – Stay safety and well.
The man has clearly lost his footballing marbles. Fenerbahce are stupid to sign him. He will not click even in the Turkish league.
Your name though bro 🤔
I am still baffled as to why a top team never came in for Ozil? We keep getting told he’s a world class player, and he would be on the cheap/free, so how has he ended up in such a poor league?
Who will pay 350K in these trying times? Had he refused to sign for us then, all European teams would’ve come for him. He probably would’ve added a Champions League medal in his illustrious and very successful career. Shame his loyalty was paid back by being axed from the team. For clearly non football reasons.
Actually, if he had an ounce of ambition he would have left us, like ALL our other world class players kept doing. Although I don’t think one quality season in 8 years means you’re world class!
He stayed for the money, and the easy life.
Is there truly any player who is not playing for money nowadays?
Players are business man too and that’s how they negotiate contracts.
Did people forget how long it took Auba to sign?
He was negotiating his contract and if a different team made him a better offer he would have been gone.
HH, The honest answer is clearly, NO! fans would jump at that chance for free ; players who are seldom fans, will not. That is precisely why fans are the moral owners of all clubs.
Did it ever dawn on you that what you think and believe in are not the standards by which other people go by when they make decisions?
You of all people, as a business man, should know that published business transactions are just one part of what takes place.
Actually you’re wrong Icw, because I do not think like that.
If I already had enough money for many lifetimes over, on top of what I was earning outside of football, I wouldn’t need a whopping big contract to stay “loyal” to a club.
You are missing the point that he could’ve gotten same deal elsewhere with a signing bonus too. And a chance of silverware on top.
There again TMW, hat you and I think is ideal might not necessarily be ideal for others .
We all have different needs and wants .
To say if it were me I would have done ‘this and that’ is completely different than saying somebody was wrong for not doing ‘this and that’ .
Some say the offer Ozil received from D.C was on paper more lucrative. I am sure his agent and business partners did weigh the pros and cons of his actions.
But that’s the point TMJW, he (Ozil) made a commitment and he wanted to see it out – its being loyal to oneself.
As for going to a smaller club, why should that bother him?
He’s got everything he wanted and we should all move on – unless, of course, one doesn’t want to? ✌️
TMJW, it will be interesting to follow his footballing progress in Turkey for Fenerbahce.
Hopefully his back holds up and he can play often and consistently to deliver for his new club.
OG, I’m sure his new club made sure he was fit, healty and ready to play before signing him – perhaps our club needs to do the same in the future?
Why do I get the impression that all the fans who have been crying out for months to see him go. no matter what the cost, are the only people complaining?
Does it REALLY bother you what he does now OG?
I’m just looking forward to tonight’s game and supporting my club.
Ken, I have always taken an interest in the careers of ex Arsenal players; my interest in Mesut Ozil will be no different, than say someone like Santi Cazorla.
Ah the jealousy, leave him alone.
I feel sorry for Fenabache. They are going into this blind to whats reality.
1000 euros a month sounds like a fortune, at least to me. I would be extremely lucky if I get around half that value here in my country, not to mention the damn high cost of living in the metros where the jbs are concentrated. All my gibberish aside though, the writer has put in an awful lot of financial figures, like an insider. Are these figures really accurate? Even if they are, isn’t the writer happy that now MO is gone and Arsenal wont have to foot his bill anymore? I expected a celebratory poem, not a financial report lol. Guess only I am that stupid lol.
Farewell Mesut. Have fun in Turkey.
Once a Gunner, always a Gunner!
The figures came from the Daily Mirror which you would know if you read the article. The average wage is freely available figures on the internet.
No insider info needed…
Ohh, my bad then. I sincerely apoloize to you and Darren N. for criticising his research.
Yeah a footballer is on a huge salary ……..
That never happens ?