As much as we Arsenal fans have bitched and moaned about the likes of Sir Alex Ferguson and Jose Mourinho seeming to have a real and unfair influence on the officials in recent years, you know that we will happily take a friendly decision or two in our favour.
But really we just want a referee and his assistants to play fair and get their decisions right, and that could be even more important than usual when Brendan Rodgers and his Liverpool team arrive in north London on Monday evening. We certainly do not want anything like the ridiculous bias shown to them in their last game against Bournemouth, who had a good goal disallowed while Liverpool had a blatant offside, according to the new revision of the rules, ignored.
Rodgers has even had the nerve this week to praise the decision, even though the Premier League has announced that their goal should not have stood. Yeah, Brenda, nice objectivity, I am sure you will be saying that if the same thing happens against you.
Anyway, my point is that this is likely to be a tough and tight game and it could be the fine margins that decide it, so I am happy that we have got Michael Oliver as the man in the middle. Arsenal have not always had the best results under the young ref, with the 5-1 loss at Anfield being one of them, but we have not had much cause for complaint either. And with the seemingly penalty proof Marten Skrtel sure to be trying to take off our players´ shirts at every set piece, Mr. Oliver could have a big part to play.
He was brilliant when we went to Old Trafford in the FA cup last season, having the balls to send off Di Maria in front of the raging Man United fans. I think Oliver is on his way to being the best ref in England and I very much doubt that he will have any bias or make many mistakes, so now it is all down to the Arsenal players. Simples?
I just like to take a moment to lavish praise on Arsene Wenger.
He has been excellent this transfer window.
I remember when it was early days and we had just signed Cech and we AKB’s were like just wait until August or the end of August, the transfer window just started and its early days. I told you.
Haha completely agree with u. They said its early days the transfer window hasn’t even officially started and people are are going at wenger. Now just 9 days left for transfer window to end and wenger hasn’t even made a bid for anybody. Wenger will sign one snubbed player from big clubs like ozil, Alexis and cech every season and that’s it. 2013 ozil 42.5m, 2014 alexis 35m and cech 11m. Look at the price decreasing every season I won’t be surprised if he signs snubbed player from big club for free next season the only marquee signing.
@K-cool, must be damn stuffy (the closet). Lol! #AKB
But seriously, it’s not funny what Wenger is or isn’t doing and I really don’t wanna say anything much now, perhaps I’ve got nothing to say.
Wenger shoe get noble peace prize for being the best businessman in the world.
Money doesn’t buy success but if you sell ur property u get money nice motto.
Acc to wenger success is if u don’t win trophies. Failure is if you win titles.
When will u dumb akb’s realize that wenger will never win Epl or Ucl.
Umm – what?
Hahaha excellent.
Moment taken!
Klopp thumbs up
Wenger thumbs down
Meh, get something new… Even Arsene himself will thumb up KloPp
Then thumbs up we don’t need any player
Thank god its not andre marriner or martin atkinson!
I don’t care who the refree is all it matters is a convincing win. Only wenger and wenger fans are afraid of referees for excuse.
Thumbs up arsenal to sign top quality fc and dm.
Thumbs down happy with word class giroud and coquelin
What do u think?
I would say thumb down we don’t need any player. Giroud will score 40 goals and coquelin will physically destroy all teams.
Wenger will win fifa champions league, fa cup, carling cup and his favorite 4th place trophy.
Name one striker with 40…..Ronaldo or messi?
How come Wenger’s net worth is 50 m pounds whereas Jose mourinho net worth is only 20 m?
Because Arsene could take control of a second or third division team and consolidate them into being an established PL team, maybe even one which makes the CL places semi regularly. Whereas mourinho can only target and work with established players, that’s why he doesn’t know which or how many of chelseas talented youngsters to bring through.
Mourinhos scouts are finding the players and the players are experienced enough to know a few things on winning. Arsenes scouts also find him players but difference is that Arsene knows how to polish diamonds.
Wenger won’t win the league even if he buys messi or Ronaldo.
Then why ask for new singing?
Why complain b cuz no new signings?
Why ecen be critic to current players?
Just ask for wenger s firing and that’s it
hellooooo!!! still waiting for the signings here.By the way do you know that there is a certain player who starts for us who is really average.Once he starts anything can happen and the best we can do is to sell him.It is a real shame he continues to start and he never really has a long term impact.Some average players are holding the team back really and they have had an undying effect on some our players.We need to sell or release what we do not need.He has been average from day one and is still average yet some way somehow peeps praise him.A pity!!!
You just never know with Wenger. Ozil was a last minute signing. A few years back Arsenal officially announced FIVE signings the minute the window closed. I don’t care if he only signs one player so long as it is QUALITY. You are right, at least in general, about “average players. Wenger does NOT need to sign any more. Arsenal have deep squad players already.
So who is YOUR “average” player? Every fan has his own pick using differing criteria.
Donkey giroud, wenger and coq out I’m happy.
I am glad that this article at least mentioned the issue of Skrytel and his propensity to foul/grab/push/pull/hold/shove opposing attackers during every set piece and then some.
Skrytel’s defense is often nothing short of criminal mugging. If it did not occur on the pitch he would have been incarcerated long ago. But this is football – not Thunderdome. And most referees simply look the other way, shamefully pretending to not notice.
Maybe Michael Oliver, who is mostly a good referee, will call him on his frequent, obvious, often violent and clear violations of the rules.
Yeah right sh:: comments i would love to see your comments from now on because what you just said right now in itself is…….You know the word.By the way stop calling Giroud a donkey @moneytalks.
We know he has always been average and will continue from there but at least he is our player if not for anything let us respect him.It pains me in the heart when i see him and Mertesacker playing but i also cope with.I feel like crying when i see them along with some other 2 musketeers.But hey just respect fellas.We know who is average or not but just respect.
Wow!!! those who usually speak the truth on this site are thumbed down a lot.Anyway i am not shocked as the truth hurts.There is going to be no progress for Arsenal until they start accepting the truth.
What’s the truth?
Giroud isn’t Agüero. That’s the truth.
That Giroud is useless isn’t the truth.
That Per isn’t the fastest is the truth.
That he is not well positioned isn’t.
That Ramsey isn’t in form is the truth. That he is sale material isn’t.
That for the right price every player is available isnt the truth..
That player and two clubs have to agree is true.
Any way. I see a lot of points…good points here. But some thoughts are just exaggerated.
It’s a pity that fans can’t actually say things as they are. That’s why I think those are just trolls
Exactly, truth to one person can be opposite to the next person. Like how the truth to me is I am a dude, whereas the next person could be missus. IMO whatever the majority honest opinion is well that is closest to being truth. And if your saying things like donkey or useless well then your opinion doesn’t count. Or if your saying best in the world or best ever your opinion doesn’t count. Seeing as Girouds appreciators are not saying anything along those lines but there is a bunch of people saying the former ..well that bunches opinion doesn’t count.
A place in ucl every time versus …….
I am not talking about the history bcause it’s bigger…and locals can claim a lot. But for us around the world the top 4 that everybody complains about its the actual window to see our team.
signs were there before. Line the signing of Bergkamp.
But anybody who complain complain about some stuff clearly wasn’t a fan before 1996
I just want arsenal to win….. that’s all that matters to me
PLEASE don’t EVER sound like ‘Untold Arsenal’ again. 90% of their output is meaningless stats about referees, etc, which is a labour of vanity with the empty hope the FA will start analysing this lame evidence meticulously gathered over the years …. and the FA will not. They send their evidence and complain on the site when it is ignored for what it is.
The other 10% of output is slagging of real Arseanl Fans who disgree with the clique culture developed their in the comment sections. They even have derogatory names for Arsenal fans.
If you keep within their posting rules and still question their logic, they ban you from posting with no explanation. After they ban you they try to unban you when you’ve put their toys back in their pram and they haven’t the capability. They tried to reinstate me by making me post under another name. I have always posted under this name for almost 20 years and so I refused. I posted on that site from the first month it started years ago, just like I did with JustArsenal. 🙂
Regardless of which ref we have, his performance depends on how many road rage incidents he encounters before the match, whether his missus had a row with him before work, whether Arsenal have provided great hospitality before and after games in the past and a lot of other different factors. In essence it is his mood on the day.