Rice and Partey are the key to Arsenal cutting through Man United like butter

Could Rice and Partey be the key to success against United?

Tonight, we get set to face off against Manchester United at Old Trafford in what is another must win for Arsenal and a massive game for us season wise. City won against Fulham last night and we cannot afford to step a foot wrong and need to walk away with all three points. United have been in poor form recently but they always seem to know how to show up against us at their home, so we cannot underestimate them.

United have struggled most in the middle of the pitch and with several of their players missing, Declan Rice and Thomas Partey might be our key to success. Partey has been missing due to injury for most of the season but since coming back, he’s looked good and really hit the ground running.

Rice has been incredible all season, consistently putting everything he has into a game and has made a huge price tag look cheap. Without Rice, I don’t think we would have been as good as we have been, he makes the midfield more fluid, creates spaces for his teammates to get into and he himself knows exactly where the back of the net is.

This all obviously depends on who Arteta decides to play in the midfield, but for me, I think he must go with Rice and Partey. With Partey playing a deeper CDM role, it will give both Rice and Odegaard freedom to punish United’s open midfield. Partey also acts as that first barrier before the defence and gives us an extra level of security if United do manage to get through on the counterattack.

With the pace of our wingers, I think we will be able to stretch United wide from the middle and with both Rice and Partey, you get two players who can spot passes that not many other players can, and I think combined with our attacking force, we’re going to cut United open like a knife through butter.

Of course, we can’t underestimate United at home, they have a deep history of winning games they have been tipped not to, but Arsenal and Arteta need to keep composed and just keep doing what we’ve been doing all season, we can’t let the pressure get to our heads and if we can just play like we have been, we should sail through tonight.

What’s your thoughts Gooners?

Daisy Mae

JustArsenal’s Admin Pat has done an interview with the biggest Man United fan site about our upcoming game – Read it here…

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Tags Man United v Arsenal Partey Rice


  1. Partey will be the difference maker with his ability to cut through midfield with passes. He could feast on that hapless united midfield and contribute to a landslide win.

    1. I don’t want a landslide win though

      Lol !

      I placed a Handicap-4 win on Arsenal

      So I don’t want a winning margin greater than 3

      Lol !

      1. So , even though you think it funny, hence your “lol”, you are not embarrassed and are happy to admit you put your own possible financial gain ABOVE that of wishing Arsenal the very best possible chance of a Prem triumph! How revealing!

          1. Obviously it is but there’s nothing wrong getting more, if the opportunity presents itself.

  2. Here is the problem how do we actually replace Partey or is he staying for another year? Him, Rice and Ode for are dangerous. Wish he would stay fit for one full season!

  3. Liverpool let them off the hook when they went to Old Trafford

    It should have been like 3-0 at halftime

    We won’t do that

    Any gift their defence gives us we’ll take it

  4. After we’ve cut through them ‘like butter’, will we use that butter & have them ‘on toast’, or will it be ‘spread too thin’ and we find that we’ve ‘bitten off more than we can chew’?

  5. They play a 4-5-1, with a packed midfield. They will be trying to disrupt of flow at every opportunity. Hope we keep our cool and not get frustrated… COYG

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