BeIN Sports presenter Richard Keys has pointed out Mikel Arteta’s behaviour that needs to be punished.
Arteta’s team is having a good season thanks to tactical prowess, but the Spaniard can be overly animated on the touchline in some matches.
In doing that, he often steps out of his technical area and it is an act that Keys has noticed.
The gaffer did it again in the 1-0 win against Chelsea and Keys was unhappy about the act.
In response, he took to his Twitter account and posted an image of Arteta outside his technical area with the caption: “Why is this allowed every week @FA_PGMOL? Arteta has been jumping up & down all game – way outside his technical area. Potter is in his & 4th is watching. Do something about this man.”
Just Arsenal Opinion
Keys seems angry that Arsenal is succeeding because this is hardly a big deal.
There is an assistant referee on that side of the pitch who will notify the centre official if Arteta steps out of the line in any game.
As long as that hasn’t happened, we have nothing to worry about because Keys’ opinion does not count.
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Talking about making a mountain out of a molehill.
At least he’s moved on from policing perceived over the top celebrating. Maybe he changed his mind after City “over celebrated” an extra-time winner against a promoted team.
On managers wandering outside the box. I’m sure you could have taken a photo in the same game and it would have been Potter out of his technical area and Arteta in his. They all do it (albeit Arteta more than most). If it’s a problem, send out directive and then deal out consequences for repeat offenders. Problem solved and Richard can scratch around for something else to whinge about.
There’s a few short forms of Richard – Dick for example, which can be eponymous in some cases.
IDLWIC, it’s a shame his surname isn’t Cranium 😉
I want Richard Keys punished for being Richard Keys and totally irrelevant and past his sell by date.
Keys can just crawl off and hide under a sand dune somewhere. is there a spare Sarcophagus he could borrow .
Hi potter, hope you are well.
Keys is certainly a frustrated Tottenham supporter obsessed with our brilliant performances. Arteta is no longer new to the job.
A so called story concocted from a needless and silly comment by a nonentity. And then the author admits hmself that it is all nonsense. So why bother to report it then?
A silly and untrue rumour that refuses to die, even though its nonsense and always was from the first time it was peddled!
This refers to the untrue rumour about us being keen on Tielemans. I put it on the wrong thread, foolishly.
Who is this “strange slandering old man”. Who made him a referee of technical area? If so he should at least implement his standard to all other managers who also leave their technical areas not to just go after Arteta and Arsenal. Is Arteta the first and last manager to do that? He is just annoyed at Arteta and Arsenal is in particular. What a load of nonsense!!
Fake News
By keys
Keys is a gutter snipe and has no room to talk but Arteta needs to calm down and start being a bit more professional, while the game is on.
That’s his personality u can’t change him, he is very passionate, Putin young players out their doesn’t help either.
How many times me and my wife quarrel for hitting things while watching Arsenal. Its passion
Someone give this dinosaur a museum to showcase himself because he is talking absolute garbage. Look at how Conte behaves, has this mole called him out once. The bias and dislike of Arsenal by some of these pundits is absolutely disgusting. Keep on hating cos the more you do the higher we rise COYG💪🏾💪🏾 🖕🏾- this is for you Keys, up your Arsenal 🖕🏾
I say this Key is an idiot
have nothing to say to an Arsenal hater
But if Arteta does carefree encroach into the opponent’s team tecbucal dogout areas. As being alleged he’s often seen doing by Keys. To cut the story short, imv let Arteta then stop doing so. End of story? Yes! End of it I think. But as long the incidents doesn’t continue to happen again.
For, Arteta doing this encroachment of a thing into the technical area of the Arsenal opposing teams in Epl games. But if he does will not make him to successfully lead the Gunners to win the Epl title and others this season for Arsenal I so think. But his animations within the limit of Arsenal’s technical area can help inspire his Arsenal team to get invigorated, charged up to attack to score goals to win games. As he yells to them to buckle up and attack, defend solidly to not conced any goals, hold possession, employ some training sessions tactics, sometimes be calmed when necessary to be and says to his players to adhere to discipline in playing to avoid committing bookable offences and etc can see him giode Arsenal to Epl title win this season.
Fat man syndrome. Complaining always.
Keys, you bloody hell, shut up! You are just a garbage pundit!
Hey Richard. I understand where you coming from, that’s a good idea and I agree with you. but the truth is you never been on a touch line or on the hot seat before. That’s the reason why you quick to judge Arteta. Thank for your judgement. but no Thank!!!!
First of all lets get t know what team he supports, then we shall realise why the anger is driven towards us. He Arsenal to give him a platform on which to ride but that won’t happen. We should not mind him since he is not an official.