Welcome all to our timely greetings to everyone that makes Just Arsenal (probably) the most interesting and varied Arsenal fans forum in the known universe. I love our community that has thrived with fascinating opinions from all our contributors.
It would take me much too long to list all of the differing characters we have on here on a daily basis (You know who you are!) but it certainly gives me great pleasure and has been a priviledge to have created and curated it for more than a decade. I would like to thank you all, including all our Writers (and readers) that have given us their honest opinions up for discussion.
Sometimes they have been positive and uplifting and sometimes not, but it is definitely not boring, and long may we continue in our little Arsenal community for ever and a day.
Remember we are ALL Arsenal, just Arsenal!
Admin Pat (The one you all love or hate depending on the weather lol!), Admin Martin, Michelle (who does the Gooner Womans opinions), and all our contributors from all around the world..
Greeting to one and all and I sincerely hope everyone has fun and an even better next year (with lots of luvly jubbly trophies!)
Keep up the good work Pat.All the best to you and the entire JA team for 2025.
The legendary Frenchman once said, “If you do not believe you can do it, then you have no chance at all”
Seasons greetings and best wishes to the JA team and fans of all walks of life.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Pat and all JA family! Wishing you all happiness and blessing in your lives.
Are those vests in the gift shop yet? Thanks for the fine Arsenal fan site. Merry Christmas and keep up the great work for Gooners all over the world.
Merry Christmas to one and all on JA 🎄🧑🎄
Have a good one mate ,hope your health is better .
Merry Christmas everyone in the Justarsenal family
Thanks AdPat and support group,
Wherever you are in the world, we are all wedded to the Arsenal and want them to be the best they can be.
Wishing everyone on JA a happy Christmas and a peaceful new year where , hopefully, conflict can be resolved and a better future for all is possible
Merry Xmas to all ,and to all the older ones that have gone (not forgotten,good old times )
Thanks Adpat and team 🤝👏
Mery xmas all.
Merry Christmas admin Pat Mclaughlin and the Justarsenal family