Should Arsenal go back for wantaway Serie A star?

Arteta Wants to Sign Striker Right Away: Deal Could “Empty His Pockets”

Given how he played them at the start of 2022, many Gunners will not be eager to hear the name “Dusan Vlahovic,” but Arsenal could finally sign him soon, despite last year’s snub.

Arteta had settled for the Serbian to take over his attack after allowing Pierre-Emerick Aubamayeng to leave for Barcelona. Fiorentina was apparently willing to do business with Arsenal, who were willing to empty their pockets to get the deal done, but that never happened because Vlahovic and his entourage pushed for his move to Juventus. In 25 Serie A games for Juventus, the left-footed striker has 13 goals and two assists.

Though his statistics are promising, injuries and Maximiliano Allegri’s tactics that do not suit him are making him unhappy at Allianz Stadium, and speculation suggests he wants to leave. According to Corriere Dello Sport (translated by SportWitness), the forward’s agent, Darko Ristic, is looking for a new home for his client.

According to the report, Arsenal is one of the teams eager to “immediately” sign the Juve player once the January transfer window opens. The never-dying transfer desire and the current transformation of the Gunners from where they were at this point last season to where they are now may be appealing to Vlahovic this time around. But one might wonder what Arteta and Edu are willing to do to get him, their dream striker: Juventus is holding out for a 90 million-euro bid.

Daniel O

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  1. Sometimes stories that at one time had truth and excitement but which then died like a leaf in Autumn, return like an unwanted bad penny to haunt our hopes and resurrect brief but unfounded excitement in a FEW lesser thinking Gooners .

    The benefit of having to endure this JA constant torrent of rumours that are no more and have gone to meet their maker and join the choir invisible( apologies to Monty Pythons Dead Parrot sketch fans!!)is that we Gooners have become extremely adept at sifting the wheat from the torrent of chaff which surrounds it.

    Those running JA know that there will always be some , very few in percentage , but still SOME, who will grab, without any THINKING at all, at such obvious regurgitated nonsense and then post, accordingly!
    Fortunately, the many SERIOUS THINKERS who read JA can easily see that in football life, as in ordinary life too , key moments come and go and once gone ,they PRACTICALLY NEVER come again!

    Except in the many daft and pointless rumours that JA chooses to inflict upon us.

    I am sure that the MANY thinkers among us can see with a MOMENTS thought that this latest attempt to resurrect a story that died for good a year ago, belongs firmly where it ought to be; in the rubbish bin!`

    Nothing personal to you DANIEL O, as till now I have thought your articles worthwhile and have enjoyed them!

    So PLEASE, PLEASE, DANIEL, DEAR DANIEL, leave these type of non stories to both Admins, who can both rattle them off hourly, in their sleep!

    YOU are far better a writer than this. Please stick to PROPER NEWS AND PROPER, THOUGHT THROUGH FIRST, OPINION.
    I write articles occasionally for JA, but only when I have something that I have thoroughly thought through beforehand and not because I have a desperate urge to write ANY old thing daily.

    Believe me DANIEL , this is nothing personal toward you. I have been trying for YEARS to get less downmarket driven and more thoughtful article writers to shine on JA.

    From all you have written previously I see a promising writer in you . So please ditch resurrection rumour type articles, as they are pointless and boring.

    1. Guess who is the top under 21 year old scorer in europes top five leagues,, And sits third in Ligue 1 in France behind Mbappe and Neymar, It’s our very own Falorin Balogun.

  2. This is the second articles about this guy which most of us don’t believe he is suitable for Arsenal. I also don’t believe he can make it in other teams. He is so original.

  3. Luiz Suarez creates one of the biggest crimes against his faithfuls at Anfield, but smarter people who plays the game knew the lad was pedigree swallowed their pride and convinced him to stay that proves a master stroke in the end.

    Am a person who doesn’t carry grudges am quick to forgive and move on though I rarely forget.
    I sanction this move, go and bring him to our club, though am very much aware it’s not the political correct thing to say..

    Such a deal will be difficult to pull off though but he is worth breaking the bank for.

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