Should Arteta appeal his charges after VAR rant at Newcastle?

Arsenal's manager Mikel Arteta reacts during the English Premier League football match between Manchester City and Arsenal at the Etihad Stadium in Manchester, north west England, on April 26, 2023. (Photo by Oli SCARFF / AFP) /

Mikel Arteta gets charged for comments after Newcastle game

If you were watching the game against Newcastle, you’d know that it left Mikel Arteta ranting and raging and, in my opinion, for good reason, but it’s been confirmed by The Football Association that Arteta will be charged and fined with a breach of FA rule E3.1 after calling the VAR system an “absolute disgrace” after Antony Gordon’s goal was given.

After a game with a lot of drama throughout the whole 90 minutes emotions were high, and I’m sure Arteta himself regrets being so emotional after the game when giving his post-match presser.

But football is just that, full of emotions, and when you truly care about something, sometimes your passion can come across in the wrong way. Although I personally think Arteta was right to come out and say something about VAR, he probably could have done it in a better way.

But with the club doubling down only the day after and backing Arteta’s comments in the media I don’t know how the club and Arteta will respond to this, he does have till next Tuesday to respond to the charge but after being so vocal about the situation, I’d expect him not to bother and take whatever punishment comes his way.

Everyone has their own opinions on what happened through the match, and for me, the whole match was littered with bad decision after bad decision, emotions were running high for both staff and players and it was an important game for both clubs to win. In games like that it’s meant to be the referee who takes control of the game and sets the standards, and he just didn’t do that, which led to a build up in tension which spilled over once the goal was awarded.

I’ve said this before, once the whistle goes, that’s it, the game is over and whatever happened within those 90+ minutes happened and there’s no going back but maybe Arteta should have taken a more professional approach to the situation. Instead of ranting to the media, he should have sat down with the PR at Arsenal and wrote an official statement, like they ultimately ended up doing.

Arteta has ’til Tuesday to respond but I think it’s unlikely we will see him contest the charge, but should he take a stand?

What’s your thoughts on Arteta possibly getting a ban for his words in the media Gooners?

Daisy Mae

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Tags Arteta Newcastle United v Arsenal VAR


  1. Had he set up his team to score 2 goals, then all this noise would not have been there in the first place. Hope he learns from it and learns quickly that Kai is useless and will cause him problems – raise his emotions and get punished. And Viera is not too far behind Kai. Bench them or bin them, give chances to academy graduates, it will be good for the score line, Arteta’s health and our well being.

  2. He was 100% in the wrong, and should take it on the chin. I love his passion and happy for him to express it in a rant now and then. But as a club we should be classy enough to accept the punishment when he steps over the line.

      1. Technically he’s wrong and knows it, so will most likely let it go, rather than risk extra penalties, and accept the punishment, and your opinion of PGMOL will make no difference to the outcome.

  3. Arteta has told the truth and nothing else about officiating in the EPL. He is not new in the country. So I don’t see any reason to respond, because if he does, he will only be reiterating his earlier comments!!

    1. I think Daisey might mean making a personal appearance at his hearing with the FA. Sometimes it can work in their favour.

  4. The little I know about English FA, his Appeal won’t change or make any difference. They would probably stand by their decision. He should accept whatever charges; he’s been in Epl for a while now and he should know better how football is in England. Appeal is always easier if his team is in a winning situation. Unfortunately they were not. Arteta’s ranting on the line during games has always been questioned.

  5. He may be right but he should never have come out with all that on TV etc.

    He ought to have been more worried about how poor we were.
    We created nothing.

  6. Twas ever thus throughout human history, that corrupt and bad people take good people who expose their corruption, and gross inefficiency to task, simply for TELLING THE TRUTH LOUD AND CLEAR.


    Corrupt and stupid folk versus good and honest folk.
    I know which side I am on!!!

    1. Agree Jon and if the fa and PL insist on a manager (spokesperson) appearing minutes after a game to comment on what went on, expect them to be passionate in their responses.

      Wouldn’t it be nice to see an official come out minutes after the game and explain his decisions to a pundit who is looking for a newsworthy reaction?

      Mikel Arteta has my full backing (for what it’s worth!!) and I challenge all the “bleeding heart” fans to think about what their reaction was minutes after the game!!

      Why is it only players and managers are held accountable and sanctioned for what they say?
      Where was the retrospective punishment for Mike Dean when he admitted that he flaunted the rules to help a colleague out?

      1. I have every sympathy for your post and go along with its theme KEN. But as all wise fans know the Prem will do almost anything to gain even more worldwide publicity and to promote itself, as if its the “world authority on meaningful football”.

        The Premleague organisers are corrupt from head to toe, as are FIFA, UEFA, PGMOL (as an organisation) and the onfield behaviour of many individual footballers is also suspect and contains constant cheating and diving. FANS ARE ALSO ALMOST ALL BIASED TOWARDS THEIR OWN TEAM.
        True honesty is now a lonely and almost rare concept, rarely seen by fans or players.

        Players deliberately claim for things in the favour of their team, when they KNOW it SHOULD be given against their team. And many other corrupt things too.

        The fact that players receive the sort of ludicrous salaries they do, on the back of fans who attend, or who watch via Sky Sports, TNT, Amazon, or buy shirts and kit for their own kids or themselves, is itself amassive and long term ongoing corruption, in which fans are liitle more than helpless and football addicted pawns in the iron grip of corporate shysters and sharks.

        All the business that surrounds thegame and much of the game itself and esp how it is administered is rapacious capitalism at its very wicked worst.

        I have been banging this drum almost alone on JA- THOUGH NOT QUITE ALONE- for many years past.

        Nothing is done though and the unfairness gets steadily worse and worse still each passing year.

        VAR is the latest scam forced upon fans. We were not asked if we wanted it, before it came. We have no say in it and do not even know what goes on behind the scenes,(except in GENERAL process) though the LATEST general outcry has resulted in one or two only actual specific investigations into the process of VAR, esp the one at Newcastle in OUR case.
        I have long ago given up any realistic hope of top level football ever again achieving ANY level of fairness or of honesty or democracy.

        The top level football game is beyond mere corruption and stinks to high Heaven, FROM TOP TO BOTTOM.

  7. He should accept the punishment, whatever it is because he was out of order. He should look at the REAL reason we let the goal in, RAYA. He is trying to deflect his poor decision making, that led to a goal that was easily stopped, if the keeper, like many times, was not out of position and no mans land.

    1. Reggie, some of us are prepared to learn everyday so please educate us; which rule says he must accept the punishment? I thought it’s still within his rights to go for arbitration! Again, By drawing Raya’s mistake into the ‘ruling, aren’t you using the GK’s incompetence or shortcomings up in defence of the calls made?

      1. What rule? I said he should accept his punishment, nothing to do with a rule. He overstepped the mark going public, about a perceived injustto his club. He should be looking at the mistake by hus goalkeeper as the reason Newcastle scored. Not deflecting the issue.

  8. I support my manager 100%, the officiating, the VAR, the whole thing is an embarrassment and a joke.
    Why should managers take the “high road” and take whatever is dished out to them by corrupt referees and officials?
    De zerbi also said he dislikes the epl officiating and it disgusts him, let’s see if he too will get a fine.
    One would expect that with this much complains the pgmol would be taking steps to better themselves but no, they are doubling down and becoming more tyrannical.

  9. The fact that the ruling went against Arteta doesn’t mean the calls were correct. 50 years ago they would’ve been wrong, and 50 years from now, they will still be wrong. For the focus to be taken away from incompetent refereeing, to how the victim of their actions reacted to questions posed to him, is pure corruption in itself. Arteta was asked questions relating to the incident(s) and he responded. His was not a “rant” because he did not just go off the line of questioning to express his frustration. He did what the FA regulations require of him. If, out of frustration he had refused to answer the questions, it would still be a punishable offence. Perhaps the FA and PGMOL must prepare A SCRIPT FOR COACHES to adhere to, each time their match officials make bad, off-the-rule book, determinations in a match.

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