Smith Rowe could save Fabio Vieira’s Arsenal career

Fabio Vieira is at a career crossroads at Arsenal, with his departure from the Emirates seeming closer than ever. However, could he stay at the club beyond this season?

The Portugal star has hardly been useful to Arsenal this campaign, as injury and poor training performance have kept him out of the picture at the Emirates.

Arsenal is not impressed with how his career has developed while he has been with them, and Mikel Arteta seems prepared to cut his losses on the midfielder.

This summer could mark the end for some Arsenal players, and since Vieira has struggled to make an impact, the club is considering selling him.

However, Vieira might be spared if another player in his position is sold. A report on The Athletic reveals that if the Gunners cash in on Emile Smith Rowe, another player who might leave, they will likely give Vieira another season to impress.

Just Arsenal Opinion

Vieira and Smith Rowe have failed to meet expectations in recent seasons, and it makes almost no sense for us to keep them in the group.

There will be better players to sign to replace them before the next campaign starts, so we probably should sell them now.


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Tags Emile Smith Rowe Fabio Vieira


  1. It’s unusual for The Athletic to write nonsense like this. If they’d said that Vieira could save Smith Rowe’s career it would be more acceptable.

    1. Now that I’ve taken the trouble to read the Athletic’s article I can see that they’re suggesting that one of them leaving (no names mentioned) would impact on the other’s future at Arsenal.
      I could have told them that!

  2. Smith Rove will just need a string of games to gain fitness
    whilst Fabio is not an PL player and never will be, sad but true.

  3. IMO ESR has not failed to deliver. He has not got many chances, even when he was fit. The manager just doesn’t seem to believe in rotation.

    In general, I think one of the reasons we seem to be poor at selling players for good money, is that we discard them totally.
    If ESR had got enough minutes in many of the game we were winning big, his price tag would have gone up simply because we could state he is an active part of our squad. ESR when fit is more than good enough to come on as sub. The more first team appearances, the more valuable a player becomes. But we really don’t have too many regular subs, which make the player lose rhythm and market value.

    If you bench a player and never play him, no one is going to offer you big money.

    Contrast that with Martinelli and Trossard who have both got important minutes, and you will see players that are easier to sell.

    Kai Haverz might be back to being close to his purchase price in value, buy an Isak or other starter in his position, hardly play Havertz next season, and you will be lucky to receive offers above £30 million.

  4. Too many articles (and this article is not factual) on Vierra. A poor buy, a poor player, a dud. Lets move on, he should be shipped out. Looks like a 12 year old when playing. Rubbish.

  5. Esr being sold would only make sense against the FFP setting given he is home grown so pure profit to facilitate further purchases. I rate him and would rather see him play more as he has shown signs of a good player in the past(maybe not this season gone though). Fabio isn’t up to the PL standard and doesn’t fit our style to press so if we can he needs to be shipped out. Partey is another I see as time to go, he doesn’t move the ball quick enough and often gets caught in poccession this season gone.

  6. It would be in ESR’s best interests to find another club. At his age , with his skill set he needs to be playing regularly. This ,sadly will not be the case at Arsenal, it appears.
    Move on , lad, before it’s too late. Don’t waste your obvious talent by sitting on the bench.

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