Southgate refuses to give Ben White rumour “any form of credibility”

Okay, well we had a lot of discussion today about the report in todays report in the Daily Star that Ben White left the England camp under a cloud because of an argument with one of his coaches. The actual question asked was “Why would England hide the fact…“, and why wouldn’t they report it if that was what really happened.

I must admit that now I am under the impression that the Star was talking a lot of codswallop, now that I have seen Gareth Southgate’s response to the Star’s report, and I must now ask the question; “Why would the The Daily Star be so callous as to print such a terrible insult”, when they really have no idea of the facts of Ben White’s “personal reasons”.

So, just to let you know what Southgate responded to the media when asked by Talksport if he would like to elaborate on the report, he said: “Well, not really. What I’ve been shown was alleged and there was another word that was used.

“I think by commenting on the story I could be giving it any form of credibility, really. We explained why Ben left the camp and I think it’s important that that is respected, really.”

So, that’s it, as far as I am concerned.

JustArsenal will not be commenting or reporting on any other rumours regarding Ben White, and hopefully the rest of the media will do the same. It sounds like Ben is having a difficult time, and as Southgate says, let’s get back to respecting his privacy, shall we?


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  1. ‘ Why would The Daily Star be so callous as to print such a terrible insult’

    Its call sensationalism journalism, If it bleeds it leads.

    Through sensationalism, it claims, the audience is educated and encouraged to take more intrest in the news.

    Some of the tactics deployed is being deliberately obtuse appealing to the emotions, being controversial intentionally omitting facts and information.

    Hopefully a great deal can be put to rest.

  2. It doesn’t even make sense. He had a bust-up and still isn’t back at Arsenal when players like Tomi and Xhaka are already heading to Dubai. More cheap journalism from an awful source just for negative attention.

    1. Also what is with the English media consistently hating their own side every single tournament. They’ll do anything to start drama and tear into Southgate even when they keep progressing.

  3. I sincerely hope that Ben White is left alone. It seems scurrilous to me to blame an alleged training ground incident for him returning home, with no word since from him, Arsenal and until just now England about what is going on.

  4. Fans have the right to know if Ben White was either sent packing for legitimate personal reasons or was simply sent home to get his soother after causing tantrums in the dressing room.

  5. So some people believe a story put out from a rag, so called newspaper about Ben having a bust up, like they believed the story that Sterling’s family were subjected to a gun attack in their home when now the police have confirmed they were not there when it happened and no proof of guns exist.
    And, RFrances, no, fans do not have the right to know what happened!

    1. I second that
      We are all , no doubt, curious but that doesn’t give us the right is to look into White’s personal life

    1. @James.
      Maybe he did have an aargument in training, but I think we can safely say that is not the ultimate reason that he went home, and still hasn’t joined up with the squad in Dubai…

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