Ten Hag insists his Manchester United team can stop Arsenal

Erik Ten Hag knows the scale of the task waiting for his Manchester United team when they face Arsenal this weekend, but the embattled manager believes they can still pose a threat to the Gunners.

United has struggled for much of this season, and many expect them to face difficulties in the game against Arsenal.

Although Arsenal won the reverse fixture, they needed a late flurry of goals to secure the victory.

The upcoming game at Old Trafford is even more crucial because Arsenal must win to remain in the title race until the final day of the season.

Manchester City will be closely watching the match, knowing that if their neighbours manage to stop Arsenal, they could secure the title before the final day of the season.

Despite having several injured players in his squad, Ten Hag remains confident that his team can achieve a positive result against Arsenal.

He told the United website:

“We know they are one of the best teams or probably the best team. You can discuss about this. Is City the best team or is Arsenal at this moment the best team? Very ball secure, so very good structures and we know we have to play absolutely to our maximum levels to get a result. But we are capable of it.”

Just Arsenal Opinion

Even though we expect to win, no one believes the game against United will be an easy fixture.

The Red Devils will not lie down and allow us to walk over them, so we have to go there and get the result through hard work. 


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Tags Erik ten Hag

1 Comment

  1. Despite that the Red Devils have been struggling for to hit top form in obtaining of good results regularly in the Epl this season. But with the season almost coming to an end. They haven’t succeeded to generally stop struggling for obtaining good results regularly. But are erratic in obtaining them..
    Going in into this week’s match fixture at Old Trafford on Sunday. The Red Devils have it on record a past very strong built match winning streaks over the Gunners in this particular match fixture in the season’s match fixtures calendar.
    But which had once seen the Red Devils annihilated the Gunners 8-2 before. (6-0) in aggregate score-
    I think Erik Ten Hag must be thinking of the past poor record of results which were mended to the Gunners to obtain by the Red Devils in the league at Old Trafford in the many past seasons. Which must have emboldened him to be talking confidently big. And spitting fire saying that his Manchester United coached team will stop Arsenal in their strides in the match on Sunday. And as a result, but if he achieves his aims. That stopping could consequently limit the chances of Arsenal to win the title this season. But if the Gunners fail to beat the Red Devils in the match will the limiting of the Gunners to win the title happens.
    I think Arteta and the Gunners are relying on the Arsenal’s strong away record in the Epl this season to provide for them the template on which they’ll use and stand on it to beat Man Utd in the match. And which has seen them to not lose in the big games at home and away this season. As they’ve won some and drew in some.
    At Old Trafford in their match against Man Utd on Sunday.
    And because of what still remains very high at sake for the Gunners to achieve it this season. In that to win the title. The Gunners will step up playing of their game in the match to a considerably high level in the match to beat the Red Devils. Which will be beyond the level that they can cope with it in the match. And beat them resoundingly well in the match at fulltime. And remain in the title win pursuit.

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