
The facts about why Ozil was offered the new bumper contract by Arsenal


We were told a couple of days ago in an article, that Mesut Ozil had done nothing to warrant a new contract and it was the biggest risk The Arsenal had ever taken – so I decided to look back and check on some of the claims made.

Let me make it clear, that this is not an article about his salary, his commitment, his injuries, whether he should be playing or not, if he still has any worth left, should stay out of politics, taken a pay cut, and/or anything else that anyone wants to throw in…this is simply checking and presenting the facts leading up to that contract signing.

I wanted to look at the reasons why it was alleged the club had no reason to offer him a contract extension, as he didn’t deserve it. Plus, why it was deemed the biggest risk ever, to do this and if it was obvious, as stated, that at the time of doing this, everyone could see it was a mistake.

A little background first, using Wikipedia, in order to set the scene:

It was reported that the club had signed Ozil for £42.5 million, with the contract being for a period of five years on the 2nd September 2013…meaning he would have left, if no other contract had been offered, in 2018.

It turns out, however, that when the new contract was put forward, details came out that, in fact, Ozil cost the club £37.4 million, with a further £5.1 million split equally over 6 years from July 2014 and subject to CL qualification. Same value with a twist in the tail – Madrid were so confident The Arsenal would qualify for the CL they allowed this insert!!!

So, if we had sold him or let him go when his initial contract had run out, we would still have had to pay Real Madrid over £1.6 million.

However, that shouldn’t have played a part in the new contract, because if he was this spent force who had done nothing to warrant a new contract, the club would have just cut their losses, got rid of a useless player and that would be that.

I then had a look at the games played since Mesut Ozil signed for us and these figures include all the first team appearances and goals scored each season, plus the manager/coach at that time:

13/14 40/7 – AW
14/15 32/5 – AW
15/16 45/8 – AW
16/17 44/12 – AW and the season his new contract was signed.
17/18 35/5 – AW last season
18/19 35/6 – UE first season
19/20 23/1 – UE last season – MA from January to date 12/7/20

Now, during the 15/16 season, he was voted Arsenal’s player of the year, after helping to break our trophy winning drought in his first season, 13/14 and then doubling up the trophy collection again in the 15/16 and 16/17 seasons, whilst also winning the three community shield games that these FA cup wins saw us take on the premier league champions City and Chelsea (2).

Also, in the 15/16 season (the one before he had done nothing to warrant a new contract we are told), he recorded the 2nd highest assists in the history of the premier league in one season (19).

There was even more for the board to consider when offering him a new contract, that being the fact that Ozil was named PFA Player of the Month for April, November and December in..2015 no less!

As a little side piece of information, in the 2015/16 season he was named as The Best German Player Abroad, plus, of course, he was still the holder of a World Cup Winners Medal as the negotiations loomed.

So, when talks started 6 months before his contract ran out, this was what the owner, the board, AW, Gazidis and Mesut Ozil himself put forward to begin negotiations – not a bad set of negotiating chips for starters…yet, remember, he had done “nothing” to warrant a new contract!?!?

It was stated that, amongst other things….and this is the important thing to remember…that at the time of his new contract some the following points were aimed at him in the article:

“Rewarded for not performing” – Look at what he achieved up and until the contract.

“Shoehorning him into the team thus affecting the balance and potential of the team” – Up and until Ozil arrived, we had not won a trophy in over ten years, so what potential, from what was described as dross, mentally frail players left by AW, are we talking about, that a world cup winner couldn’t improve on (as he did of course)?

“Constant niggling injuries never seems fully fit” – Go back and you will see that he played more games in the 15/16 season than ever.

“Bringing politics into football” – can anyone tell me where politics were mentioned before he signed the new contract?

Then came these two statements… the first one bears no resemblance to what the article was actually intending to do and the second has no credibility, if one digests what is being said versus the facts outlined above and including the most significant point that Ozil was voted Player of the Year just four/five months previously by our fanbase.

“Before his fanbase lays into me, this is not an Ozil bashing article, I am just using him as an example”…later in a reply “Ozil had also done nothing to earn a new contract and whopping pay raise – no hindsight was needed.”

I suggest that what was needed, was a check back to see the facts above. I absolutely agree on the £350,000 reported increase of course.

So, both seem most incredible statements to make, when firstly, everything that Ozil achieved before his negotiations started are set out for all to see – yet it is alleged he did nothing to earn a new contract???
I would love to know another player with those credentials and stats who wasn’t offered a new contract, can anyone give a name or two??

Secondly, the “this is not an Ozil bashing article” quote – well I can say, without any fear whatsoever, this is an Ozil defending article, dealing only with his time from the 13/14 season, to his new contract on the 1st February 2018 and the utterly misleading representation of his time at the club up until then.

Now I will also add a footnote, this is all about whether Ozil had done enough to be offered a new contract – nothing to do with his obscene and grotesques salary – and it is all about the period from the 13/14 season up and until he was awarded the new contract in 2018. nothing more and nothing less.

We all have our opinions on different players, coaches, owners and even other fans, but when the facts are ignored in order to vilify a current or ex player of our club, we should at least be aware of those facts when making a judgement.

There are other points within the said article that I certainly agreed with and said so, also stating that I enjoyed the read itself, so it is not having a shot at the article, or the author, as a whole.

It is ensuring that the facts, up and until the new contract was signed, gives a real perspective of what Mesut Ozil had achieved for the club and why he most certainly deserved a new contract at that time.

I am of the opinion now that Mesut will depart the club when his contract runs out and that, for whatever reason, Mikel Arteta does not see him in his long-term plans, so be it.

In hindsight and whatever comes to pass, the reported £350,000 a week award was the most ridiculous thing our football club have ever done financially, but at the time, the “vast majority” of fans wanted Ozil to sign, whatever the cost…it doesn’t need hindsight to remember what was being said, just go back and check the facts!!!!



  1. I can see you have put quite some time researching this information Ken ,but I’m afraid that most fans won’t even read this before commenting or post Ben if they do that will be to stick in their ways to acknowledge the info .
    Good read all the same though 👍

    1. Everybody has is own opinion
      I’m a great supporter of Ozil both on the field and off it until I think deep and see something clearer.
      Now I’m a supporter of Ozil off the field and only a supporter on the field cos we have no player than him in our midfield now.
      I hope you understand

      That said, have you ever think why Nasri, Fabregas, Van Persie etc left Arsenal just because they know they are big player who deserves to win trophy? (they all went to win trophy)

      Don’t you think Ozil has lost all ambition of winning trophy and he only has affection for money?

      Ozil has never win a CL medal, only 1 league win in his career, so is Welbeck, Giroud, Xhaka etc before they came to Arsenal.

      Ozil left Madrid and Madrid went on to win CL that same season.

      Many coaches were talking about how good Ozil was but none deem it fit to bid for him(Do you know why?)

      If Ozil has passion for football and even think he his so good, don’t you think he would have request for transfer or even made his loan to PSG possible even for a pay cut?
      People say he his world class when a coach believes in him, but why don’t he make a move when Emery don’t believe in him?
      What I see his Ozil has no passion for football but for the money.

      But I only support him because of who he his outside football(a very great human who has passion for poor people)

      And only cos he’s better than what we currently have.

      1. Just to mention that when Emery came Özil had just signed his contract and we are not going to another club 6 months after signing a new contract. THE breach of contract obeys rules. Things don’t happen like that. For your comment on Madrid, Real have won the CL after the departure of Özil but not thanks to the departure of Özil. With him they reached the semi-finals 3 times and they were bad luck, but it’s football. It is not always the best team that wins the CL. It’s all about a set of things including a little luck. Özil’s contract is incredibly high and it is indescent as a salary but the cost to our club is not so extraordinarily high. Özil has only recovered the 60 million purchase price of a player to replace him, no more no less. Do the calculations and you will see that Pepe, Laca and Auba have an annual cost higher than that of Özil

        1. I’m not blaming Ozil for Real Madrid not winning the CL or several leagues when at Madrid, but I remember Ancelotti choosing Benzema over Ozil and you know why? (cos he knew Ozil is a player who can’t fit into any pattern except the Ozil pattern.
          If you don’t build your team on Ozil way of playing, you can’t get anything from him.

          You said, Ozil can’t leave 6months after his new contract.
          Where did I mention Ozil leaving during Wenger years or immediately Emery came in.
          I said, Ozil should have leave Arsenal when he noticed Emery has no faith in him. With that, it means he’s 1 year(summer) or 1 and half year(winter) into his new contract, which means he can leave.

          Without 60M, I believe you can replace Ozil with small amount.
          How much did Ziyech cost before his new contract at Ajax?
          How much is the cost of Bruno Fernandez in 2018?
          How much is the cost of Fekir in 2019

          Many player who can replace him with little salary and not up to 60M

          So rethink.

      2. Truly 🤝,the only thing we forget about Mesut Ozil , first is the winer for me since he came to Arsenal he won 6 trophy ,3 FA and 3 community shield 🤝 plus FIFA world cup (for his country,as addition to his career) , business matter take Arsenal one step (selling t_shirt and venue collection of course raised because of this man !Ozil, Wenger even to day if you ask about Ozil he will say the same thing about Ozil as a World pray Maker and classic,why? Because he know what Ozil need in order to be on his top form , remember the season 15/16 at the middfilider we’ve Cazorla and Coquline!! Ozil performance was fantastic and everyone was talking about his class, suddenly Cazorla get injuries everything goes hardly to us and everyone, pundit start to blem Ozil and forget where the problem of Arsenal is,( No combat DM and world Central middfilider but luckily to Have a pray Maker Ozil , all blems should go to board failed to cash in order to strength the Center back s with good prayers and two wingers Like Sanchez and now PEPE or ZAHA , Hakim zyech and Aubameryang now as the Center Forward ,and at ze middle prayers like Thomas partey,and Torreira and Xaka now, and Aaron Ramsey and some one like Cazorla and Ozil and like of James Rodriguez,Pulsic ,as number Ten and come and Say Ozil is not performing and does not deserve to wear Arsenal jers!! Came on Gunners the owner of the club is the Cancer for Arsenal and another thing this to Coach UE and MA they used Ozil to get Arsenal Job by Saying their first job is to get back the top form of Ozil and after that they start saying,🤔TACTICAL 🤔 They defend the weakness of the Owner of the club and board by not saying truth to them that Arsenal needs more classic prayers in order to compete to Other giant teams Like Barcelona, Madrid , Juventus,Man City ,Man United and now Chelsea, Liverpool instead now Arsenal is compiting with like of Wolves, Leicester,Everton it’s a sheamful and what remain now to Us Is Our famous Name ARSENAL ZE GUNNERS AND ZE INVISIBLE; if Ozil is the case it’s better to say we’re starting one by selling all the 🌟 we have in our team and build new arsenal that will take as more than Five years to get a competitive team, Ozil he deserve RESPECT and Support that is, very simple 👏👏🇹🇿 TANZANIA, I Support Ozil because is our big Name to our club and makes everyone to talk about Arsenal

  2. Ozil with his attitude needs to play in a Sunday not mention his obvious greed and sense of self importance.Arteta is a rookie coach who can’t handle the teething problems at Arsenal,he’s not learning.Kreonke left his multi-million empire to zombies how sad

  3. Ken Surely if he is not training to the manager’s way and will not train to the manager’s way is he in breach of contract for not complying with the club’s wishes and can the club cancel his contract?

    1. towny254, that question is not part of my article, but…as Arteta is reporsting that Ozil is carrying a injury, he wouldn’t be training to the intensity of a first team place.

      Whether you believe that or not, depends on if you think Mikel Arteta would lie to the public and knowing that the rest of the squad know what is the truth.

      I also ask you this question, as Guendouzi has not adhered to his contract, would he be in breach of his contract as well?

  4. Sadly,facts don’t seem to matter much if not at all these days,I am not a betting man but I am pretty sure that even after reading your article,some fans will still come up with comments not backed up by facts,statistics..or will mention (even though you explained the period covered)his form since signing his contract!

      1. Sadly we were Ken and I mean it when I say sadly, how disheartening!what does that say about us as fans??

  5. Major typo Ken – 15/16 season wasn’t one before Ozil signed his new contract, it was two seasons before he signed the extension, which was announced Feb 1st 2018 (17/18 season). If you’re going to bring “facts” to the table, then you should get them right. So the major decline set in, not 7 months before his latest contract, but rather 19 months beforehand.

    Pre to Ozil’s player of the season (15/16), he massively divided opinion. Even back then, many fans, pundits, and journalists were picking up on his poor away performances, poor work ethic, and his poor big game performances. The only reason he started all the time under Wenger, is because Wenger had his favourites, and that didn’t consist selecting his teams on form or/and ability. A top manager would have ditched Ozil long before, and sold him.

    The reason Arsenal offered Ozil such an insane pay raise, was because of the sheer incompetence of Wenger and Gazidis allowing Ozil, AND Alexis, to both run their contracts down to the final 6 months, AND AT THE SAME TIME! You honestly couldn’t make it up! Ozil, and his agent had all the power. They knew the club couldn’t allow he and Alexis to leave at the same time, so they just waited until Gazidis buckled…which he did!

    It was a huge risk because it was a massive financial package, that would naturally have a knock on affect to the rest of the squad, and potential signings, and Ozil had been on the decline for quite a while.

    All of those that had been criticizing Ozil for years, and his extension, have been 100% proven right. So Ken, you can try your best to make a case for Ozil, but his critics got it spot on. Ozil has been in full retirement for 2 and half years now. Absolutely embarrassing performances, and attitude from our “superstar”! Massive waste of money as well!

    1. i do remember Ozils form 6 weeks before his final contract being some of the best i have seen from him but inexplicably straight after his juicy contract, he tailed off dramatically.

    2. Actually TMJW, it wasn’t a massive typo, I got my dates wrong and I apologise to all for this error.
      Funnily enough though, he played one game less, but scored four more goals, thus ensuring an even more compelling cv for consideration.
      Of course every other example is factual and can be checked.

      However, the thrust is still there and I would ask you to look at Reggie’s comments at 4.56 pm – Reggie being of the same views about Ozil as you, but at least being objective in his reasoning.

      As I have admitted above, I am always willing to accept I was wrong if the facts are presented, so please give me the sources that you keep insisting are relevant to the discussion.
      After all, I could say how the fan base were united in ensuring the club gave Ozil a new contract and how the media were demanding The Arsenal proved they were a “big club” by doing just that without any proof…hang on though I can do just that if you want me to name the papers, the dates and the headlines, along with the mass hysteria when Ozil finally put pen to paper – can you supply your claims?
      After all, it is only the seasons 13/14 and 14/15 during which we finished 4th, 3rd and then in 15/16 2nd, along with and two consecutive fa cup wins, followed by another fa cup win two years later…shouldn’t be difficult.

      I am pleased you accepted all the other examples I gave, regarding what had to be considered when the negotiations started, but it doesn’t seem to have impressed you as it did the club and the fan base.

      Did you not see the improvement yourself that made our fanbase vote him Player of the Year?
      If you didn’t, that obviously places you in the minority you claim I am in today.

      As for the massive gamble, that wasn’t down to Ozil was it?
      So why are you using this as part of your personal attack on the player? Why couldn’t they let both Sanchez and Ozil go at the same time, if Ozil was the poor player identified by the media etc etc?
      What was stopping them?

      As for his critics being 100% right, here’s a current stat for you:
      When Arteta selected him before the virus, we were undefeated – since the virus, we have lost three games, including the defeat to Brighton and the massive local derby against Tottenham…let’s hope he gets over his injury and is available for selection, if Mikel wants him of course.

      1. Is Ozil not part of the defeat at Chelsea? Or 2019 is not counted?

        Is Ozil not part of Olympiakos game? Or Europa league is not included in the stat you’re making.

        I remember Ozil wasn’t in the squad that beat Olympiakos in Greece but I’m sure he played the return leg at the emirates.

        Anyway, maybe that doesn’t count also.

        1. Bobs, I was referring to the premier league and fa cup games, with regards to the undefeated run (as we had been knocked out of europe of course) before the virus versus the games lost after the restart, that is why I mentioned the three losses since the restart.

          He did play in the second leg against Olympiakos and was in the team that lost to Chelsea in 2019 – the undefeated run, with Ozil selected for every game, was based on 2020 results, hence the “undefeated this year” that lasted until the city loss in the first game back after the virus.

          1. I don’t think Ozil can stop us losing against Man City anyway.
            But Maybe against Brighton and Spurs by creating multiple space between there player

          2. Ken, you examples are so flawed because you basing a lot of your argument on, if the team does something good, then every individual player must have done something good as well…which as we know, is factually wrong!

            You can be a poor player, in a successful team. I have stressed this point a lot. Mustafi won the world cup, so I guess he must be a great CB. Baros won the CL with Liverpool, was he a great striker? Gibbs helped us win FA Cups, great LB? And so on…. You need to look at individual performances.

            I’ve always gone on the basis that you haven’t a got a clue what a good individual performance looks like, so I’ll ask this – What do think of Ozil’s performances since he signed his contract extension?

            Then you talk about our unbeaten run with Ozil in the team, are you kidding me! Did you even watch these games? Ozil did barely anything! Almost no assists, one goal I think (which was a terrible GK error), and barely created anything. I will admit that he was working a little harder than before, but even that is hardly a complement, as his levels were so low anyway.

          3. I would also add Ken, that my argument of Ozil only starting all the time under Wenger was due to him being one of his favourites, and nothing to do with his on field performances, is backed up with the fact that, ALL 3 Arsenal managers since Wenger’s departure have all had problems with him. Bit of a coincidence isn’t it?

          4. TMJW, I am basing my arguments on facts, not personal opinions – facts that you haven’t disputed (apart from my error) up to now.

            As far as watching matches, I was lucky enough to attend every league and fa cup game at home, what about you?
            I was only able to watch those away games that appeared on TV, although I was again lucky enough to attend the three fa cup finals, the three Community shield games and two Newcastle away fixtures, what about you?

            As for any fan to say that a manager has “favourites” is an absolute joke – not only are you slating the intelligence of the club, but also the other players involved.
            You want everyone to believe that we won three fa cups, finished in the top four and progressed to the knock out stages of the CL, while insisting that all the other players were complicit in achieving those results because Wenger liked Ozil?!?!
            Imagine putting that scenario to Cazorla – he would laugh you out of town.

  6. Well done Ken, impressive article👏👏
    Even I had no idea about the details you revealed. Solid one as usual.
    I see reasons with you and I see valid reasons.
    All in all, nobody expected Ozil to decline very quickly, I’ve never questioned why he was offered the contract. The only mistake I do point out is the fact that the club chose the sum of 350k…I have nothing against Ozil in the midst of all this, to me he’s just on the list of players I want out of the club because they’re less effective, trust me it’s a long list.
    I get tired of reading people bashing the man because of his salary, meanwhile a lot of players in club are busy collecting their salaries without earning it

    1. With you 100% regarding the salary Eddie, I can’t recall anyone ever saying that that obscene salary was justified in any shape or form.
      As you say, Ozil is just one of our players,but because of that salary is targetted by some of the fans, just as Aubamayang will be, if he is granted his demands of a reported £280,000 a week for three years when he misses chances like we have seen in the last couple of games.

      1. I believe no fans will talk about his salary if Ozil still play and produce goals like 2014-2017 seasons.

        Every team will talk about money when a player is not performing. (Coutinho, Torres etc)

        And people will let it go when you the player performs better (Van Dirk, Alisson etc)

        That’s how it works.

        1. Exactly Bobs and that is why this article is about him being offered a new contract from his performances from 2014-17, when, as you so nicely put it, he was playing well and producing goals – that was why he was offered the contract and that’s how it works….brilliantly put sir.

  7. If ozil is not a theif as per definition then the dictionary should be reviewed, stealing wages in the name of working.

  8. It is good to see someone has put some time and effort in the article, but that is one thing Ozil does not put into his game EFFORT.
    The fact of the matter is that during this apparent great period of Ozil performances, we had decent enough players to carry the slack especially in midfield with the likes of Wilshere and Ramsey who no matter how good or bad their game was would run their socks off.
    Dani Ceballos getting pissed with his teammates lack of effort yesterday says it all. We need a manager that will frighten the life out of this bunch of lazy primadonas.

    1. redb10, but if one agrees with all you say, at the time of his contract…the question is “should he have been offered one” during that period?

  9. Great article
    Ozil deserved every bit of contract then(except the high salary).
    But I remember telling people then that, if I’m to choose between Alexis and Ozil to stay, I will choose Alexis.
    But when Alexis left and Ozil was giving a contract, I was happy(just not happy for the huge rise) that we finally tie one of them down.
    And saying we won trophy cos of Ozil is taking something out of Cazorla(he only spent a year before we win a trophy and started our comeback to win a trophy in 10years)
    I’m sure without Cazorla in that team, Arsenal won’t win that trophy and without Alexis or Ramsey, we won’t win shit.
    Saying we win it cos Ozil came in the same season we won it can also be attributed to Monreal and Sanogo too

    So is better we don’t say we win trophies cos we sign Ozil.

    And off topic
    People trying to defend Ozil by bringing up the case of Arteta supporting the board cos of Ozil salary needs to think that, the board are not crazy.
    Why will the board told Arteta to bench him when they know he his the best creative player in the squad and benching him or not, His salary will be paid in full.

    Why don’t you think Ozil having a baby during lock down might cost him is lack of fitness(Xhaka having days off and Pepe having days off) and then after, having a back pain.

    Using the board as an excuse for benching him make no sense.

    And this said, I still believe when Ozil is back to full fitness(if we don’t sign any creative player) he will surely be back to the first team.

    1. Bobs, I really didn’t say we won the trophies BECAUSE of Ozil, I said that when Ozil arrived, we then ended our trophyless period and don’t forget Cazorla also had arrived (I believe) just six months before, so it would be silly to say that it was all down to Ozil, on that we both agree.

      1. Yeah you’re right.

        And to answer your question on the article…
        My answer is “Yes, he 100% deserve to sign a contract then”.

        But my addition to the answer is that, our board made a giving him such a huge amount just to make a statement that we can keep our star players.

  10. What I take from Kens well researched article is WHY he has found it necessary – after all that has gone on and countless Ozil articles on here and other fans sites AND since even Ken now agrees Ozil will be on his way next June – to resurrect what is effectively a dead player by discussing him further right now.
    I will answer my own question though if I may, by saying this: Ken has been all along Ozils most staunch fan, defending him to the hilt in the face of increasing and even more widespread Gooner hostility to Ozil. Now that Ken has eventually realised what many of us knew years ago, that OZIL has finally been seen by our manager for the fraud he is and has been for years past, and is effectively a banished man from future teams, Ken wants to try defending himself by giving a host of so called facts and figures. I would just ask Ken this question then: why do you think so very many Gooners are desperate for him to be got rid of and why have so many , like me personally, wanted him out for years already.? Is it because we do not recognise a bone idle,half hearted player when we see one and have been falsely accusing Ozil of being lazy, idle, a coaster and of faking constant minor aches when he did not fancy even bench sitting that day? Or is is because in our tens of thousands we can see and have seen for years what Ken has stubbornly refused to accept til now.

    Even his wage of £350k was argued as not provable by Ken but he himself now refers to it as such though adding the word”reported,” as if that makes it uncertain! No it doesn’t Ken. IT WAS THE TRUTH ALL ALONG, AS IS THE FACT HE IS A LAZY COASTING FRAUD, WHO AT LONG LAST EVEN KEN ACCEPTS WILL BE LEAVING NEXT SUMMER.

    What you have chosen to neglect in saying Ken, was that GAZIDIS THE CALAMITOUS was responsible for this outrage and I know from many past posts that you have as low an opinion of him as any of us on here and correctly so. So why did you fail to blame the man responsible, rather than try to defend your own poor judgement, which poor though it is, has not harmed Arsenal?

    But GAZIDIS and his calamities have cost us countless millions and this article, were it to have any point at all, SHOULD have been pointing out who was responsible. Answer: GAZIDIS! A black day for our club when he came on board and a blessed one when he left. The REAL villain then. GAZIDIS! Ugh”

    1. Oh dear Jon, in your eagerness to question my article, it seems you didn’t take the time to read it properly – something you always seem to delight in telling others they should do before commenting.

      Point 1. I said three times in the article that this was not about anything, other than a discussion regarding the award of a new contract…period…nothing more nothing less.
      I can only assume it was you that was too bone idle to read and digest before treating me to the same views and, of course, with the obligatory CAPITAL LETTERS, as it seems the dullards amongst us can’t work out your emphasis – perhaps I should have done the same, as you have obvioulsy need a little help in following the articles contents.

      Point 2. I believe I replied to an article that was allabout Mesut Ozil, in which you gladly pointed outto all and sundry, the exact same tirade you have given to me.
      So, first of all, why did you not questionthis article flogging a dead horse – simple really Jon, you agreed with it.
      But when an alternative point is put forward, you denounce the subject and TRY to beliitle the author.
      Finally on this point Jon, I think it was about two to three weeks ago, you beseeched admin for more and more articles on Ozil – again, obviously because the articles in question agreed with you….so what is it Jon, a dead horse or a great subject if it agrees with you?

      Point 3. You go to great lengths Jon, to try and show how I have changed my views regarding Ozil and have “finally” seen the errors of my ways – yet again, please read through the article and show me where I have said anything of the sort?
      It isn’t there Jon, it’s a figment of your iimagination, that you will keep repeating until it becomes a fact for some.
      What I did say was that it seems apparent that Ozil will leave the club at the end of his current contract, as MA seems to have, for whatever reason, no plans for him in the future.
      I would have thought that you would have seen the difference in what was being put forward, to what you ended up concluding as a completely different scenario.

      Point 4. With all these misinterpretations of a post that, as Dan kit pointed out on the very first post, you then accuse me of not mentioning gazidis!?!?
      This, while reinforcing my view that you didn’t read or digest what I was saying, had nothing to do with whether Mesut Ozil should in fact had been offered a new contract or not.

      I did cover,in my conclusion that the salary within thecontract was, probably, the worst decision the club has made to date – but that has always been my view as you well know.

      Finally Jon, I most certainly do feel there is still a place for Ozil at our club, but as Mikel Arteta is in charge and he has my full support, if he decides that Mesut is not required ( for whatever reason) he will have my backing – and I do not agree in any way with how you describe and loathe (hate) a player of our club…whoever that player might be…Sigh!!!!

      Now, how about giving you views on the article itself and its aims?

      1. iN TRUTH Ken old chum it was you who totally miscontrued my post and I was well aware , since I did read ALLyour post carefully of what you said. I chose to say what I wished to say , rather than answer all your explicit points, as is my right and anyones elses right too. My point about why you felt that need to bring up,unbidden, yet another of the long OZIL RUNNING SAGA STILL STANDS, UNANSWERED I SEE.
        On thatpoint of “my beseeching for more Ozil articles” that was said in clear irony as a way of complaining at all the constant JA Ozil nonsense to the exclusion sometimes of almost all else. You are well aware that I said that only in sarcasm or irony, so it is dishonest to use that to make a point contrary to the actual truth. The truth is I have had more than enough of Ozil I loathe the very sight of him , for the simple reason that he is harming the club I love ,daily, weekly and yearly. I WANT HIM GONE AND THAT IS OVERWHELMING Gooner opinion, except by those who remain wilfully blind. If THAT caps fits then please wear it! You decide, as I am not interested, except to get this fraud gone from our club and off our payroll where he can do NO FURTHER DAMAGE!

        1. Jon, once again I did answer your question regarding why I put forward an article concerning Ozil – it was in response to a previous article, which of course you replied to with real gusto and fervour…as is my right to do, even if it was unbidden as you think.
          The point of any article is to reply and discuss, as you always do when a Ozil article appears…strangely I certainly do not,

          No Jon, you are wriggling but it is not working – your request for more articles, was accompanied (I can’t remember the EXACT words) by your usual tirade towards the player.

          So if you are sick and tired of the subject, why on earth do you keep commenting in every article?
          I actually have a reason as I see it, that being I will defend ANY PLAYER who is attacked by fans no matter what the situation.

          Jon, you can throw your stetson, your bowler, you flatcap, your bobble hat, your panama, your beret or your top hat me and I can assure you, likewise I’m not interested i in the least – the hatred of an Arsenal player has no place in my version of supporting our club and you demean yourself by admitting you do.

          Interestingly, I note you haven’t attempted to answer the original question posed by this article, just more of the same old same old….sorry…SAME OLD SAME OLD!!!

          1. KEN you seem, incredibly to me, to actually believe I was asking for more OZIL articles on this site, when the polar opposite is true. Leaving that lie of yours aside for now though, I stand by my comment on your own freely chosen article as to its complete pointlessness, OTHER THAN to try to defend your own rather silly defence of this longtime fraud, which was as most will realise, the REAL reason for your article. As usual you researched it well despite the criticism of you making a typo which was an odd remark by TMJW. Whatever your comment was it was NOT a typo but just an error, but mistakes are common to all humans. It is only some humans though who continue to make that same mistake for years, despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary. You know precisely to what I refer, of course. Though OZIL is technically an”Arsenal playwe” your phrase, not mine”,he is actually an enemy of our club making progress and by his disgracefuil attitude nad huge wage id holding us back from a faster improvement, unde the splendid Arteta. MA has given him every chance and has realised that Ozil is unwilling to work but will not leave until his contract, disastrously awarded by GAZIDIS, HAS RUN TO ITS FINAL MOMENT.
            That Arteta has totally ignored Ozil from his 20 man squad for several game in a row says it all, in that MA has finally seen what most of us on here saw several years ago. You make many points in your long posts but I intend to ignore all of those comments that try, even now, to defend OZIL.

          2. Jon, if you don’t want to answer questions that an article is about, why bother?

            Everyone and his aunt knows what you think about Ozil, so what value do you think you brought to the debate that wasn’t already known?.

            Even eryone knows I was defending Ozil, because I said so, why you think I was trying to slyly cover it up, amazes me!
            What you fail to understand though, whether wilfully or not, is that I was defending his right to a new contract and presented facts to prove it.
            Not the same old same old personal hatred (I’m glad you finally admit that) you present in every Ozil article that appears… although you are sick and tired of the subject.
            Whether he is not willing to work or is injured, as the splendid Arteta has stated, has no relevance to my article, unless you dispute the facts I produced – or you believe the splendid Arteta is lying?
            I see that I will have to take more than three instances to try and get the meaning of my article across to you and certain others next time… meanwhile I would still like to know if you think Ozil was correctly offered a new contract, judged on his previous seasons – not too hard a question really Jon is it?

  11. The problem is the size of the contract, not so much the fact he got one. To be so highly paid, you’d expect him to be a clear standout leader on the pitch, regularly winning games and at least turning up in the big ones, while also raising the level of his teammates but that was never really the case with Ozil, he’s always been the archetypal luxury player. Give him time and space and he’s pretty deadly but stay close to him and he doesn’t have an answer.
    It also messed up the situation with other players’ contracts, like Ramsey – who would be happy to get a third (still ridiculous money) of a player who is only marginally better than you (being very generous because if have Ramsey over Ozil any day).

    1. Now that Davi, is a completely different argument and you make some good points to back up your views.

      We have signed over a dozen players since Ozil got that ridiculous salary, including Aubamayang and that didn’t stop them from signing.
      I do agree with oyu that Auba’s current demands will have been influenced by Ozil’s award, but that isn’t the players fault, it was gazdis who offered it.

      But, as you say, the new contract isn’t/wasn’t the issue, because he had earnt it.

  12. I am fed up talking about the leech that is Ozil, we have done him to death, as far as im concerned he is done with Arsenal and us with him. But in the meantime we have to drop 360k into his bank for nothing for the next year and thats just another problem Arsenal and Ozil have created and is a nail in the coffin of AFC. But a lovely well researched article ken, even if it it only part of the Ozil travesty.

    1. Reggie, thank you for the last sentence and it was only intended to be part of the ongoing Ozil saga of course.

      Like you, I am sick to death of it, but when something is put forward that I feel is wrong, i have to respond, as you have just done of course.

      1. Quite right ken, i am a little tired of the Ozil saga and i do now find it hard to summon the enthusiasm to discuss him anymore but i get what you put.

  13. Hahaha.
    The “Shirt Seller Apologists” live in this cultish Ozil bubble.
    Ozil was the worst player on that field in 2013/14 FA CUP FINAL when we won it.
    The guy like mostly was anonymous, hiding and just walking around doinf nothing in that final. We were shouting to wenger to sub him before half time. The guy looked like he had run 2 marathons after only 30 minutes in that 2013/14 final. He did not help us win the cup. His teammates carried him until when he was subbed. Ozil and Podolski were the worst player on that field even if the the rest of our players were poor themselves. The other players were poor while Ozil and Podolski were even worse.

    So this revisionism about how Ozil helped us win the. FA CUP is funny. I don’t know why Ozil apologists love to be sneaky about it. He was carried the whole time he was on that pitch and did absolutely nothing apart from walking around all game.

    Just check the average player rating during that 2013/14 FA CUP final and tell me how Ozil helped in any way. We were struggling all game and with Ozil on the pitch it felt like we were playing with only 10 men.

    1. Goonster, the ten men red herring again – no longer an excuse as we lose to BHA and the spuds though is it?

  14. At ken
    Fans will be outraged if come August he (ozil) or Arsenal decided to send him to a direct rival. Just imagine that spurs team with a #10 like ozil 😔😔😔😔. The situation is……..

    1. Hahahaha. Have you ever been on rival fans forums and read what they think about Ozil?
      If you think we Gooners that criticise him are tough on him, then just go and read what the the majority rival fans have been saying about him for years.
      We criticise him while they just mock him and think we are the most deluded fans that think he is world class.
      Spurs fans have always said they would never swap the likes of Erikson for Ozil.

      1. Spurs fans have always said they are a bigger club than us and we have always mocked Kane, so what is your point and what they have to do with his contract signed in February 2018, only you know?!

        1. We’ve always mocked kane but not one single Arsenal fan would say kane is not a prolific striker and if there was a chance he could come to us, we would take him. Spurs fans don’t say the same about ozil. No fan of any big club (maybe Turkish clubs) want ozil

          1. Well Jstix, glad you are acquainted with every spud fan – as a Gooner, I wouldn’t want Kane anywhere near our club after what he has said.
            By the way, what do you think about them being a bigger club than us, one little lie is normally followed by another.

  15. Stats, Stats, and more stats. Stats can give almost any answer you want.
    Why does the writer keep defending him? Tell us what he does on the pitch now that makes you defend him so much?

      1. Well Sue
        You clearly have a problem with me
        I’d rather use my own name but found that when I did over the weekend you found it impossible to respond to me
        I made a perfectly valid point which you did your level best to do a damage limitation on
        I often write things which get opposing remarks. You have put your points of view about comments I have made.
        What is amazing is that you can be bothered to look up my gravatar after this post
        Ted will disappear
        I probably will as well so you can have the forum to yourself

        1. Well, seeing comments on here you get to know what one’s gravatar is like! So Ted wasn’t you then?! You said not so long ago you had an issue with Ken… bingo!! As well as me, when I replied to you a while back and you blanked me…
          As for having a problem with you, well that’s up to you if you think that .. and your ‘comment’ wasn’t a reply to me the other day, not that it mattered anyway as we lost, so Sheffield and their win is irrelevant now don’t you think?
          You’ll disappear?! Nah don’t do that, there won’t be anyone to answer my replies for me!

          1. Sue
            I have slept on this. It was wrong of me to use a different name and I accept this. I shall say the same to Ken.

            It doesn’t alter the fact that my comment on the Sheff and Chelsea scoreline was addressed to you, which you can re-read for yourself. I certainly don’t recall blanking you. Why would I do that? There are few enough female contributors as it is. As for the clear and obvious mistake I made for adding a comment that Ken had written to you, I have always thought that JA was an open forum for discussion.

          2. Sue.. I can’t stand arguments!! I didn’t mean to upset you, I apologise for that. I should’ve stated at the time that I only mentioned your gravatar because I didn’t see why you felt the need to change your name to comment on Ken’s article. Nobody should have to do that….
            When news broke of Martinelli’s injury I replied to a comment of yours and another one a bit later… which you ignored and spoke to practically everyone else on the thread.. so it was a case of oh I see how it is!
            You should know by now my feelings towards Liverpool and Chelsea.. so if they drop points I’m the happiest girl around! You didn’t reply to me, but a guy said the exact same thing the next.day… you found the reply buttons that time!!
            Yes, of course it’s an open forum…

    1. Well “Ted”, as I wasn’t defending him in the present tense, but rather in the past tense, your request seems rather puzzling.

      Why do people keep changing their names, it makes it harder to to remember and follow their views and comments?

      1. Ken,
        I realise that using a different name was uncalled for. You and I will be unlikely to agree on much on the subject of Ozil, but you wrote compelling evidence about the years your article covered. Your support of him is admirable. The response that Davi posted earlier, to which you responded, covers mine and most people’s feelings. I had decided not to respond to you again as I found it like fighting a war. Stupidly, I had enjoyed a couple of gins and that got the better of me.

        1. SueP, I really hope you stay with JA, as your contributions are always well thought out and I read each one.
          I can’t even remember what our disagreement was about to be honest and does it really matter?
          My good friend Jon Fox and I go hammer and tonges over a subject and then are in total agreement in the next article.
          You’ve even made me laugh over your drinking habit, Jon and I prefer a glass of red!!!
          I think we have a Miss Marples in Sue – what about you two teaming up as the Cagney and Lacey of JA?

          Looking forward to your next comment and I’m certain you and I will disagree in the future!!!

  16. Well intended and researched article Ken. I would just like to refer to this ‘losers’ EPL stats:

    Played 184 Wins 100 Losses 39. Goals 33 Assists 54.

    Finally an article by Steve Luckings for N-Sport in Jan ’20 listing the top EPL earners:

    de Gea – £375K. Source: Reuters
    De Bruyne – £320,833. ” AFP
    Sterling – £300k. ” EPA
    Pogba – £290k. ” Reuters
    Ozil £268,750. ” Reuters

    I wonder where Reuters got their figures from, maybe one day we will finally get to the truth. ‘Arsene knows’ so perhaps someone should ask him. Still even the above figure, if true, is an awful lot of money and so is the reported £280k pw to keep Auba. Apart from perhaps, De Bruyne no EPL player is worth that. Food for thought eh!

    1. Andrew, I have once said that most of us don’t really know much about our club on the basis of Ozil salary. Arsenal as at the time of renewing his wages didn’t have that kind of financial power to offer any player such wages. So I believe he is on the figure you quoted because when Fanabach was linked with him there was a news from Turkey that he was on 13m a year which is about 260k. And for those that don’t want Ken to keep defending him they should stop criticizing him and abuse him because as of this moment he or the ‘350k’ inconsequential to us and not responsible for where we are now in the table. It is strange that the admins don’t delete any comments of personal attacks on Ozil. He has been called fraud, thief etc and I wonder why our players are not shielded from personal attacks like we do. This constant complaint about some who doesn’t know we exist individual is absurd and crazy. Life doesn’t revolve around football, Arsenal or Ozil. I’m not saying people should not criticize or complain but so many here don’t know they have crossed that line between dislike and hate when it comes to this fine human being as Jon once put it. Everything I have read here about him were born out hatred. This guy is not even playing and there is so much talk about him everywhere than our problems

  17. Sorry, I meant to end by saying we should look on the bright side even on the above figures he will be donating around £5.5m a year to the national coffers!!

    1. Andrew, thanks again my friend.
      As you suggest, where these figures come from is a complete mystery.
      How WikipediA found out about the five year clause I have not a clue and that is why I always try to remember to insert. “reported” when discussing anything to do with contracts and salaries.
      Take care.

      1. And you my friend and sincerely hope you can continue your long trips to the Emirates in the near future. The game needs ‘live’ supporters!!

  18. Really great article Ken. Took the time to look up facts to back your arguments and did a great job explaining. Have to admit. I just want to add that you could better put his assists there to back your article, as his assists were more important than his goals.

    We are in exactly the same situation with Auba now. Everyone saying that he needs to sign extension with big money. In my eyes when Ozil signed the extension, he proved that he wasnt ambitious. That he cares more about money. Auba is the same. Lets face it, he wont win trophies at Arsenal for the next 2-3 years.

    Your article rightly points out that after signing the contract, he started missing out on games more and more due to bs injuries. Its like he didnt care about us at all anymore.

    In my eyes he is still someone we need atm. I know this is probably not a popular opinion on this site. But he links midfield with attack really well. He always finds the solution forward. Thats something we are lacking at the moment. We dont create anything and we have a hard time going forward, especially since switching to a back 5. But I’m going a bit off topic now..

    1. Mr Lucky thank you first of all, for understanding what the article was about
      Secondly, having been a part of JA for a long time, I have always defended what I think are basic rights and one of those is to question what I suspect are unfounded statements – simply by checking them out.
      I have been amazed by the results, one that stood out was that AW had a better Goals against record than GG!!
      Like you have, I say what I believe and no amount of bullying, sarcasm or downright hostility will stop me… that is why JA and Pat are such a terrific site to be involved with.. now I’m digressing also.

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