The Lineker v BBC saga ends in a victory for free speech

In a victory for free speech Gary Lineker will be back to work this week.

It’s an embarrassment to the UK that someone faced losing his job based on an opinion he posted on his own social media account on his day off.

That’s what happens in Russia, Iran, North Korea, etc.

It’s been a disaster for the BBC who wouldn’t be ‘reflecting’ had Lineker’s co-workers not boycotted Match Of the Day, Football Focus and Five Live programming.

The broadcaster completely misread the room, not thinking other employees or the public (thousands signed a Mirror petition for Lineker to be reinstated) would take such a stance.

To stress, not every one of his peers will believe what the 62 tweeted was accurate. The last few days were never about agreeing or not agreeing with what was being posted, it was him having the freedom to do so.

In the end the juice wasn’t worth the squeeze.

The irony being the same public who fund the company couldn’t be more out of touch with each other .

Most could see this for what it was, BBC hiding behind impartiality rules .

It’s insulting to viewers to claim they have zero tolerance towards the subject.

This was the same channel who got the same Lineker to kick off their World Cup coverage with a monologue of why Qatar were not suitable hosts.

It’s okay for pundits to talk about a country’s human rights record, how they treat women, laws regarding same sex couples and how many deaths were caused by unlawful labour, but the moment they question their own nations government ….. suddenly BBC care about presenters being impartial.

Why didn’t they tell Alex Scott to remove her One Love Armband, something FIFA viewed as a political statement?

Why wasn’t Ian Wright sent home for his countless opinions on racism and players taking the knee?

You could argue these were in the confines of Sport but I can equally find you BBC personalities (including those in their Sports department) who used their online platforms to condemn the War in Ukraine, demand England be allowed to wear a Poppy, talk about Black Lives Matter, support Rashford on his critique of children going through food poverty, etc.

So what made this subject sensitive to the BBC?

This will never be publicly admitted to of course, but Lineker’s point of view is one that is not helpful to our Prime Minister and certain MP’s.

With followers in the seven figures, within seconds the ex-strikers opinion can be shared around the world within seconds.

A respected former player and face of one of the nation’s flagship shows, 10 Downing Street didn’t want him influencing that many subscribers.

Put it another way, if he had typed he agreed with the latest immigration policy he would have been working last weekend.

Because… say it out loud ….

How many personalities with a 7 figure social media platform would have the conviction to post and stick by their convictions on this subject?

A writer could submit an article with the same outlook but he or she are not getting the views that Mr Lineker is.

Someone could be on a podcast stressing the same principals but don’t have the audience.

A young reporter can have their career shut down. Lineker, a millionaire who is employed elsewhere, doesn’t need to compromise because he needs the money.

He’s a grown adult entitled to use social media what it was intended for.

Some can agree with his opinion, others can shrug their shoulders, disregard his words for what they are (one person’s view) and get on with the lives.

That’s how a society with freedom should be able to function.

That’s why the last few days is such a mini victory for free speech in the UK.

Make zero mistake, parliament were putting pressure on the BBC to suppress someone’s voice so they could dictate the narrative their way.

They quickly realised they scored an own goal with Lineker’s suspension becoming such news that suddenly more people were learning of his tweet, and therefore this policy, than would have if BBC had just ignored the post for what it was, one of many celebrity’s expressing an opinion.

He got to keep his job without having to apologise for his tweet which was BBC’s original target.

Lineker’s statement: ‘However difficult the last few days have been, it simply doesn’t compare to having to flee your home from persecution or war to seek refuge in a land far away.

“It’s heart-warming to have seen the empathy towards their plight from so many of you.

“We remain a country of predominantly tolerant, welcoming and generous people.”

Not a coincidence that he chose to express this on ….. Twitter!

He’s smart enough to know what he’s doing and that this was twisting the knife.

The original message that the BBC was trying to shut him down proved to be his final word.

1-0 to free speech


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