The new JustArsenalForums is live now for registration – Join up now!

We have finally taken the leap into creating a forum for our JustArsenal readers.

This will be the place where you will be able to discuss in depth all things Arsenal related; Transfer section, current players, wishlists, etc. We will also have a general football talk section for non-Arsenal chats, and a Members-Only forum as well.

The forum is far better than the run of the mill comments section on here, of course, please continue to use the comments option below each article but in the forum, you will have far more control over what you say, how you say it, how you integrate with other users and so forth.

The forum is brand new, it is still in Beta testing, there will be issues and mistakes we have to resolve as well as adding or removing different options available to the member so of course we will be looking for feedback and suggestions as we are in testing stages.

We believe the best way to approach this is to go live and work it out as we go along rather than keeping the forum under wraps until we feel we have it perfect, because you just know that if we did that we would still get teething issues.

So, please join the forum right now by registering, stick up some topics, respond to posts and help us grow the JustArsenal Forum into a vibrant community for Arsenal fans to congregate and talk, argue and debate about the greatest football club on earth.

You are quite welcome just to go along and register now, maybe add your profile and choose an avatar. Then return later for the after-game discussion. We will be testing a live blog on tonight’s game on the website, and if the feedback is good we can do this for every game on the forum going forward…

By the way, there are many readers that have been on the site for years that I have come to trust and understand my rules about which comments should be allowed or not. So all people interested in becoming a moderator please apply now to admin(at)justarsenalforums(dot)com

And in the next few days we will introduce the new website design. Exciting times!!!



  1. I haven’t seen any link sent to me via Email for password reset… I registered already…

      1. If ANYONE has problems logging in, send an email to admin and he will fix your password so you can sign in…

  2. Can’t access the forum from my mobile phone. Something about the site certificate being unregistered.

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