Are the women stronger than the men on the pitch? by Shenel
The more I watch both the Arsenal men and the Arsenal women play football in their respective leagues, the more I realise the difference in their games.
It can and always will be argued that of course there are many differences between the men and the women’s teams and not just the obvious ones of their gender and their pay.
But one main difference that I have noticed over the years when watching both, is the way that when the men get tackled (if not a serious one of course) they roll and roll and roll until they tire, or the referee has blown the whistle or the ball has been kicked out. But in many of the women’s games I have seen, when the women get tackled, more often than not and more often than the men, they get straight back up and continue like nothing has happened..
So, what I begin to ask is why? Why do most of the Arsenal women not roll like the men and why do the men roll the way they do?
Are the women not as good actors as the men are or are the women built stronger, have no time for rubbish and just want to get on with the game?
I know this article will get some raised eyebrows and there will be many different, some clean and some not so clean comments on this, but I am intrigued as to this main difference in their games. Although I am not tarring all players with the same brush as you do get some women who roll and some men who do not.
And I know that nobody really knows the answer to the questions as to why but it is interesting to see the way the men and women although equally talented and passionate, some of their characteristics and actions during game time is clearly different.
Some people argue the women are not “as good” or “cannot handle it as much as the men” and that they will “never be equal” (which I disagree with) but if you love football like we all pretty much do then you should take the time to sit down and watch the women as religiously as you do the men.
Because if you observe in detail, people will be surprised to see that the men and women, in football especially are more equal than people think or believe them to be! Barring some of the acting from some players on the pitch of course! Gooners?
Shenel Osman
If you want now to equate a man’s kick to a woman’s, perhaps you should go to their different treatment rooms and start there.
Good article addressing some of the stereotypes of the women’s game and also noticing the lack of diving and timewasting!
The women are clearly more passionate than the men
The men’s game is more cynical. There is more money at stake and the dirty games are more pronounced. Several teams are using a lot of fouling tactics. For example man city stop counter attacks by commiting a foul before it gets far. Some clubs like Burnley
* Burnley rotate tackling so they reduce the number of yellow cards and frustrate better teams. These are tactical. And some players act so as to make the referees punish these. Others because they waste time. Some others because they are genuinely hurt and very rarely because they like screaming and rolling.