Postecoglu furious as Tottenham show their hatred of Arsenal by doing the Poznan when Man City score

So, it now looks certain that Arsenal can only hope that West Ham come up with a miracle on the last day of the season for Arsenal to win the League, and I am sure there are many thousands of Tottenham fans that went home with smiles on their faces after having watched their team lose at home to Man City.

There was much talk about whether Tottenham would even try to get something from Man City before the game, but very few Arsenal fans believed they would help us, and we were proved right when the Spurs fans erupted and started doing the Poznan as soon as Haaland scored the opening goal.

What class…..

Their manager Ange Postecoglu was adamant before the game that his team and fans would be only concentrating on winning the game and trying to seure Champions League football, but he was severely disillusioned of that fact and was even seen arguing with his own fans during the game for cheering Man City.

Even his comments after the game showed how angry he was and it would be a great surprise if he stays at Spurs for next season. Listen to this…..

His anger is obvious, and it seems he has now been made very aware of Tottenham’s small-club mentality, and I can’t see any other outcome, and the similarity to Conte’s departure a few years ago is eerily remembered.

So to finish this, I am going to add a comment from JustArsenal last night after Tottenham’s defeat, which is a very interesting observation on Tottenham fans through the ages……

The proud attitude among the workers at The Royal Arsenal Armament and Ammuniton factory in Woolwich that founded Arsenal FC in 1886 – Arsenal, a name that only be said when standing up – may to some sounds ridiculous, or laughable even. But I think it’s from this proud attitude the AFC Hate originate (latest seen last night at Spurs stadium).

Especially since the 1930s, when the Gunners start to win, and win, and win… Only the WW2 could put an end to that bl**dy winning. It took an Adolf Hitler to stop Arsenal from winning the league. The Royal Arsenal Factory took their part in fighting back though. Hitler lost.

For those who lack the elementary qualities of social behavior and respect for other people, the Royal Arsenal attitude must be hard to understand and to deal with, and you have to feel sorry for all those who don’t and can’t. I mean, if the alternative to decency and respect, is to only find joy and a reason to be happy – to laugh! – at others mistakes and misfortunes, then it’s sad.

What an awful life! If life at all. It sounds like “living” in a place deep down in the inferno of Dante Alighieri. Or in some kind of eternal kindergarten for children who never got the chance to grow up.

But try to understand the Tottenham fans! When this season started they thought it was their time to shine, after that disgustingly brilliant 22/23 season for Arsenal, now it was their turn to be proud and go shouting in the streets. If I remember right Spurs won eight of the first ten matches and tied two – 26 points and the top of the table! Wow! Here we come!

Still everyone knew that it was just an illusion. As the season goes on and injuries comes, the Tottenham squade won’t be strong enough, they will fall – and they did. And how. Now at the end of the season the club is a ruin, on and off the pitch. And The Arsenal came, passed them, and sailed away. It’s almost 30 points between the two so called rivals from north London. But there will never be any true rivalry as long as Spurs fans behave self-destructively. And they don’t “hurt Arsenal” with their silly cheering and laughter at lost games, they only hurt themselves.

Jimmy Greaves is the best Tottenham player ever, far better than for example Harry Kane who never won anything with the club, Greaves once wrote: “Arsenal have class. I remember when I was at Spurs, the Arsenal players would arrive for matches in their navy blazers with the gold gun emblem sown into their pockets and grey slacks. We couldn’t match their ground with that beautiful main entrance, marble halls and spiral staircase. Even in 1961 when we won the double, we were never as big as a club as Arsenal.” An honest confession from a great man.

Jack Foolish

Well, there’s only one question let to ask – WHAT DO WE THINK OF TOTTENHAM?


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Tags Man City Postecoglu Tottenham fans


  1. I think we’re all being a little harsh on Tottenham. If we had gone without winning anything for as long as they have perhaps we would have the same inferiority complex. . . . . but then again, let’s hope not eh? As for Greavsie; the best out-and-out striker I ever saw; absolutely brilliant footballer and man.

  2. Oh dear! Spurs won’t be in the Champions League next season.
    I’d be surprised if Ange, a thoroughly decent bloke who deserves better, will be there to see the Thursday night specials, as he’s one of the names being touted for the Man Utd job.

    1. Jax, I can’t wait to read/hear their fans moaning about the lack of big name signings this summer due to their lack of CL football next season 😂

  3. Ange himself is bigger than the Tottenham club. He should find a more ambitious club next season. Imagine a manager seeing the fans cheer and dance when his team concedes a goal! Worst nightmare ever. No doubt he was seething.

  4. lets be honest here.
    as previously said, if the boot for on the other foot and we were in the there position then we would not want the spuds to go on and and win the league.
    as much as i would like to think i am a better person then them i would hate to see the Spuds win it.
    how we show it is another matter. i believe a majority of us have more class then how they acted last night. celebrating like they had actually won the league themselves … that is pitiful and just shows how low they have sunk in wanting others to fail rather then concentrating on there own team.
    They still had everything to play for last night and still of a chance of getting into the CL.
    with regards to there manager Ange. i liked him at the start of the season even though he was there manager and i like him even more now. he showed integrity and a willing to win at all cost no matter of the outcome.
    last night result is not a surprise to any of us as we all knew deep down it would end as it did. to beat City you need the team to be at it, which most were but the most important thing was you needed the fans to be at it for the team to give them that extra push which they were not.
    sad bunch of supporters down the road.
    we live for Sunday and hope WHU can do us a favour, which i have more hope in them doing that then that mob of fans doing it last night.
    1 to go and we are still in it even though it is stacked against us
    keep the faith
    onwards and upwards you beautiful people

    1. Would we though?
      Lets paint a picture …. Arsenal lose a game to confirm they have finished 5 th !!
      You think fans would say ‘ no that’s okay but Spurs didn’t win title ‘

      1. That not what I am saying Dan
        I am saying we would hate to lose but deep down we we would find some joy in losing due to the out come
        We wouldn’t though go celebrating like we had won the league when the opposition scores
        I wouldn’t for sure… would u. I doubt it
        On the final whistle some were going on like they had won the lottery
        That is what I am saying

    2. Personally, I don’t think of it in this way. I’m simply disappointed that we haven’t won more. Some of us are far more invested in Arsenal winning rather than Spurs losing. However, Arsenal have won much more than Spurs so I can’t really put myself in the shoes of a Spurs fan.
      Looking at their team yesterday, they are some way off being real challengers for the PL any time soon unless they have major investment or Ange is able to come up with some miracles.

    3. The boot was on the other foot when we lost at home to Aston Villa and helped deny Spurs Champions League football for next season. I don’t remember hearing of any celebrations at The Emirates or elsewhere.

  5. As expected, Ange and his boys played to win but then it should’ve been obvious to everyone that it’s to big a task to request from them. It was only a few spurs fans i saw doing the Poznan celebration, very harsh to put them in one bus. As for City fans doing the annoying trademark celebration, i look forward to them NOT having a reason to do that anymore.

  6. The spurs team actually tried hard to win it and but for a couple of lapses could have succeeded, it’s their stupid fans who are the disgrace, calling themselves supporters.

  7. i am just wondering, after reading this article, if the boot were on the other foot, would some of our fans not behave in the exact manner as some of the spurs fans did last night ?.this hatred thing in football has just gone too far the way, while i have a chance, i would like to say well done to the arsenal this season, to everybody involved with the club and the supporters, it was one hell of a ride. we did not win it, but we were mighty close. lets hope the powers that be reckonise the fact that we need new blood in certain positions. heres to next season and watching our neighbours play thursday nights on tv.

  8. This is a great opportunity for the Chairman of Spurs to support the best Manager his Club has had for many years by identifying and banning the brainless idiots who do not recognise the efforts made by their players to defeat Man City but chose the way of the moron.I do not believe any Arsenal supporters would have resorted to such action which will never be forgotten by fans of all other Clubs in the Eng!ish Leagues.Whatever credibility Spurs had with football fans throughout England has gone for sure.I would not be surprised at all if Postecoglu packs his bags and moved to a another Club where ambition comes before tribal lunacy.

    1. Sadly Grandad, I suggest yoiur second sentence is profoundly wrong ALL clubs, Spurs, our own, and ALL clubs are made up of fans, who are of course first and foremost , ALSO PEOPLE . And people vary massively inhow we all behave and how we think.
      ALL we ALL havein common is that we support our club But other than that we come from all walks of life, are of differing degrees of intellect and we have, just as Spurs also have,our fair share of reactionary unthinking f…s!

      To my mind Grandad , that is OBVIOUS!

    2. Grandad
      A majority of us wouldn’t but there is always a minority
      Unfortunately it looked like the majority did and the minority
      I like ange as he has shown integrity and a will to win matter
      Shame his fans haven’t shown the same desire

  9. Would you celebrate an Arsenal win if it means it’ll make Spurs win their first Premier League? Curious to hear your responses 🙂

    1. Fortunately we won’t be in their position,,I can’t see them anywhere near winning silverware soon,they actually will finish lower on the table next season. This makes your question far fetched.
      A club with such a mentality is a disgrace to football.
      Infact the behaviour by some spurs fans has painted the Epl in very bad light, the owners of this small club should be issuing an apology already to the football World.

    2. Honestly …there is a way to do it
      I wouldn’t celebrate a defeat and explain a terrible end of season as okay

    3. Spurs supporters would have been celebrating more than just a win. They’d have qualified for the Champions League, which is what I’d have been cheering for if our positions were reversed.

      1. But it’s not is it
        Like I don’t think it will happen but West Ham drawing at the Ethiad ( having won at the Emirates) is not a miracle

    1. I fully expect City to smash West Ham on the final day. The only thing I am barely clinging my fingernails onto is the fact that it’s Moyes’s final game in charge.

      Irrespective of the stye of play under him, Moyes will go down as one of West Ham’s greatest ever managers, and I am sure the players will give everything for him.

      That said, my head says City 5-0 West Ham, my heart says 1-1. Come on you Hammers!!!!!

  10. I don’t have any hatred towards Spurs. I only believe in a healthy rivalry. I try to live without hatred in my life.
    If our roles were reversed, then I would want to win. I would never ever be happy with a loss

    Anyway, I’m proud of our boys this season. Let’s finish the season with a big win regardless of what happens with City/West ham

  11. The truth must be told. The referee of the Tottenham vs Man City game Chris Kavanagh, was born very close to the Ethiad Stadium in Manchester. To have him as a referee is totally CORRUPT. Where is the noise about this. It’s like having Charles Watts refereeing a Tottenham Arsenal game. Shameful, corrupt and disgusting. Needs a full investigation.

    1. Unfortunately, when you’re up against a club with unlimited funds, the best manager, the best squad, the best striker, and over a decade’s worth of cheating their way to the top, it’s almost an impossible job.

      It’s depressing, because I honestly cannot see what else we could have done this season. Arteta is breaking all records, yet it still isn’t enough.

      1. @Lucy78, there’s a lot to be done if we must overthrow City up there.
        Just look back at the way and manner we’ve dropped points this season, then you’ll have a clue.
        Pep has raised the standard far beyond the way it was.
        To win the league you have to be near perfect as long as Pep is still around.

  12. Spurs have not won the title for 63 years and for the past 50 years, give or take the odd year, we have been rubbing their noses in it. Generations of Spurs supporters have grown up with a built-in hatred for our club and yesterday it came to the fore. It was weird, they relatively quiet in the first half but after Haaland scored they started to cheer their side on and after the penalty against them the cheering got louder, weird!! To understand that one needs to put oneself in their shoes, reverse the situation. I have known ‘tribal’ Arsenal supporters who would have been ecstatic in a similar situation.

    The rivalry goes way back to 1919, even before we parked ourselves in their backyard, they finished 20th in the 1st Division, we finished 5th in the 2nd Div. The FA decided to increase the number of teams to 22, we were promoted and they were relegated by a probably rigged voting system. We were definitely not a ‘classy’ club in those days because a few years later our owner Henry Norris was banned from being involved in football by the FA. Herbert Chapman was the man who gave our club the ‘classy’ image by example both on and off the pitch. So I won’t judge the behaviour of the Spurs fans except to say the team played as well as they have played all season and deserved at least a draw.

    1. Actually AE, the rivalry goes back to when we moved to North London in 1913, as both Leyton Orient and the then Middlesex club, Tottenham Hotspurs, both tried to stop us moving to Islington.

      Tottenham Hotspurs finally became a London club ironically on the 1st April 1965.

  13. Why is nobody here talking about the most glaring question about the referring, the VAR referries to be exact?
    I thought KDB was off-side the first time I saw it and then also in freezed frame.
    It odd to be looked at by VAR, show viewers, draw the line to vindicate the referee’s judgment, even if it was actually onside as the call was so close.

  14. I thought exactly the same, maybe I am missing something but I thought he was offside

  15. I honestly believe Son missed that chance on purpose it was pathetic clean through and half hit straight at the keeper if you would want any current spud player in that position I guarantee Son would be high on the list if not top and all the hands on the face buisness after he missed was probably to cover himself not laughing did not expect any favours from spuds so was no surprise bring in 4 top quality signings in the summer and we will win the league next season!

  16. This will be remembered for a VERY long time – the actions of so called “supporters” celebrating their own club losing a game.
    I can remember Bolton fans chanting “let them score” when we were playing them and battling it out with united for the title – but they weren’t needing a win in order to keep in the running for a CL spot… and that’s the REAL difference for me.
    They would sacrifice a chance of CL football, lose a game, relegate their club to Thursday and Sunday football and copy the celebrations of another PL club.
    I can only speak for myself and those fellow Gooners I know and none of us would EVER want to see our club lose ANY game, no matter what the context.

    The greatest thing to happen now, of course, is for West Ham to take points off city and for us to beat Everton!!
    Can you just IMAGINE the backlash these so called “supporters” would get from around the country?

    Maybe, just maybe, the footballing Gods are playing this out to an almighty crescendo, we’ll find out on Sunday.

    1. Sure, Ken, as I said sometime back, anything is possible not only in football but life as a whole. What if, by a miracle, West Ham holds or even beats Man city! Would Spurs fans hide their heads in shame? Such a thing would put paid to stupid conspiracies and irrational behaviour in sports! It is never over until it is over.

    2. I concur Ken. No way on this earth I would want The Arsenal to ever lose a game.

      Have you ever seen the video by the Laughing Gooner called Forever In Our Shadow You Will Be ? The second line in that song sums up them lot to a T.

        1. You are so full of pain and jealousy?
          Is that the line HD?
          Perhaps Pat could put it up for all to hear?

            1. 👍👍👍👍 How about it Pat?
              Let’s have a REAL laugh at this club and it’s fans 😂😂😂

  17. So Mr Jax, while you are willing to accept what VAR does or not do as fait acompli, most football fans are not, I for one want my doubt quelled as a customer.
    So draw the line, and show it! Isn’t that regular VAR protocol?

  18. The good thing is that the world is not ending tomorrow. There will be football after Sunday, 19th May. I hope we shall continue with our team rebuilding process with a new striker and a defensive midfielder of high quality to replace Thomas Partey, a backup for Saka and a utility player. This will put us on a par with Man city. Last season people were saying Arsenal would never get another chance to have a shot at the title but here we are and my confident prediction is that next year we shall still be in the mix. We have given City a run for their money! Let us, therefore, not be despondent. We shall be back and even stronger than now.

  19. I’ve seen Arsenal fan’s say they want us to lose so our manager gets the boot , same difference to me.
    What i fear for Spuds is that the players feel they’ve lost support of the fan’s and might want to jump ship.
    But you reap what you sow.

    1. Icebox, your correct if your referring to AW and a very self opiniated fan here on JA.
      However, he was not celebrating losing any particular game, sing and dance on the terraces and wanting to lose so that another club would beat The Arsenal to the title.

      I agree, a ridiculous way of, supposedly, supporting one’s club, but nothing like the scenes we saw last night.

      1. Yes A.W.
        But yes they weren’t celebrating and dancing.
        Just it happens now and then and it’s just we human’s get like that sometimes when we’ve come to the end of our tether.
        When Spud’s do well it make’s it so much better when we beat them otherwise it’s like taking candy from a baby lol.
        We’ll see some fallout for sure.
        Couldn’t happen to a better club , even tho i’d rather not see it.

  20. Who cares aboult the ridiculous spurs? They will never come close to the EPL title. But Arsenal are there, but will be robbed the throphy by “oranized breachers”. When Arsenal fighting City, they are not only fighting the best club in football, they are fighting FFP 115, and that’s to much even for The Arsenal.
    City shouldn’t be there at all. The EPL title belongs to Arsenal Football Club. Both ethically and aesthectically, because they are playing the best football.

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