Arsenal Fan TV have let themselves down once again, for the example shownto Arsenal fans this evening. They were filmed CHEERING at the possible devastating injury picked up by XChelsea’s Christian Pulisic today, after he had put Chelsea ahead.
While our fans can be forgiven for being happy with seeing one of our rival’s best players taken off the pitch, actually celebrating what could possibly be a long-term injury to a professional player is quite disheartening.
AFTV quickly became a face of our club, and is regularly viewed by Arsenal fans and rivals alike, and after recently removing a mainstay of the platform after his ‘DVD’ vibe at Tottenham’s Son, you would think they would try and tread a little more carefully.
While today was a very emotional day with huge highs and lows, celebrating a potential injury is shameful on any level, and I really wish I could have stuck to more positive notes on such a day.
Imagine celebrating an opposition player's injury.
Arsenal Fan TV: Hold my
— FutbolChelsea (@FutbolCheIsea) August 1, 2020
Could AFTV be any further from Arsenal fans’ thinking than it is? Would a proper Arsenal or football fan actually celebrate such a thing?
I am sorry but AFTV do not represent in anyway my opinion, or anyone of our supporters with half a brain, of our beautiful club! Bunch of wannabe’s in my mind!
I cheered when pulisic went off he was their best player, does this make me a bad person?? Get a life, it is a hamstring injury not a broken leg or career threatening injury
Don’t see what the fuss is about. They reacted on impulse to an injury situation to a feared opposition player; they are just a group of friends watching the game together, not necessarily representative of all Arsenal fans.
Only thing I notice more and more is where some are generally watching a game some now act up to camera
Like one celebrates likes he’s a player
It was Wolves game
We scored and he doesn’t smile , walks to the camera frowning and nodding his head like he’s proven some point ?
Then he turn round points to ( I kid you not ) the number 9 and…his nickname?
Now something tells me he don’t do that in stadium ?
I hate to say how ridiculous this comment sounds tbh Dan
Wow . Why everybody gotta act politically correct? This is competitive sport . You celebrate an advantage. Sorry to Pulisic, but if you didn’t celebrate when he went down, you clearly weren’t watching the game
I celebrated so much because he could have been the difference between Arsenal winning the Cup or not. He was perfectly set for a goal before that hamstring, it was like lady luck shined on us. If he didn’t have that hamstring, he would have scored and that would have been game over for arsenal. We didn’t really get a grip of the game till he was out. I would be stupid not to celebrate that as an Arsenal fan. He was Chelsea’s best player for Christ’s sake. You think Chelsea fans wouldn’t have celebrated if Aubameyang got injured? You talk like a Chelsea fan Dan. Get over AFTV already dude.
Bunch of morons.
frankly i couldnt give monkeys what AFTV do.
We won, thats all that matters
Man I had wild time celebrating chaps.It was pure joy in Jamaica we were hungry for this.Gunners for life no matter what happens.Aubameyang is a keep sake.
If you think City fans were sorry when we lost Mari and Xhaka when we played them you are delusional. When the adrenaline is flowing you say and do things “In the moment”. It’s not like you are walk around hoping someone gets hurt. In his case i can’t agree with your take on this incident, Pulisic was the only threat on the day, Tell me our players were not happy to see the back of him.
To be fair someone sent me clips and I will say Robbie and DT actually watch the game how majority of us do, they dont play to the camera
Jealously is worst than witchcraft so just let those guys continue to do their wrk in peace and watch mufctv or something else FYI stoke city cheered wen Ramsey broke his leg and every time we faced them after that so stop reaching
So you believe in Witchcraft. I have some magic beans for sale. They will make you rich. The last person that had them ended up with a goose that laid golden eggs.
How many do you want to buy??
FYI 2 wrongs don’t make a right.
NWL Dan, While agreeing with the thrust of your comments, the panto expert in me must take you to task for mixing up Jack and the Beanstalk and Mother Goose.
I have been in both, directed both and reviewed both. I usually review at least half a dozen pantos each year and often direct one. I also give talks on History of Panto.
Sorry to have to correct you but it jarred! It wouldn’t matter to someone less pernickety than I am! Such is the cross I have to bear!
Haha. No worries, I’m happy to be corrected but I was sure there was a large bird that lays golden eggs in jack and the beanstalk. I looked on wikipedia and that also says it was a enchanted goose that lays golden eggs.
I’m not sure but I think you can edit pages on Wikipedia if they are incorrect.
Let them work in peace ?
Are you suggesting it’s wrong to have an opinion of their product ?
OK… question
Do they let Arsenal work in peace ?
Or do they give an opinion on the product?
can’t have it both ways
Are you a fan of Aftv or an Arsenal fan… How would you like if someone wrote an article on every article you write and all the person does is criticises you for what you write. I’m sure you would like that won’t you?
I used to watch their videos but stopped because I found most of their contributors embarrassing and not representative of myself or any fellow Gooners I know.
I was watching the game and although I was relieved that one of the main scoring threats would take no further part in the game I didn’t celebrate or gloat.
I see other are saying rival teams celebrate when one of our players get injured. I find that a childish response. It’s the “he/she was doing it” you get from a child when they do something wrong. The usual response from a parent is “would you jump off a cliff if they did.
If opposing fans show a lack of class that’s their problem.
If he had been taken off on a stretcher with oxygen he would of been applauded by both set of fans. It’s about showing respect for a professional who gets injured while doing their job.
I agree with NWL Dan. I find their condoning and use of certain despicable swear words to be rude, repulsive and extremely embarrassing in the least. We fail to realize that they are not true fans and do not reflect the views of the fan-base. In fact they are paid performers working to earn subscription fees and notoriety from unwitting fans. After being chased from the Emirates, before the pandemic, they have how now resorted to an online format to generate and spread their boorish filth. Believe me, we have the power, as real fans, to get them out of our Club.
You are entitled to your opinion as am I just like you guys agree that they are bad fans for having their opinion on the platform that they created and u criticize them, I can have my opinion and tell u that if u don’t like their channel which u obviously don’t just as nwl Dan did and stop watching it’s that simple.
It seems jealous and a lil hypocritical when u watch their channel criticize their opinion and then get me for having an opinion on the opinion you had. You can’t have it both ways.
I much agree with not openly cheering – esp while at the game(under non Covid days) – injuries to opponents. It is not decent and shows lack of character. BUT, as a man of thr wotld who has lives through far less enlightened days when folk were tougher and less openly sensitive than the “woke” generation” I can see both sides of the debate.
It would be dishonest of me to say that – when watching on TV – I did nor shout our in glee when Chelsea had all their key injuries and when Kovisic was unjustly sent off. I would never do this when at a game and indeed never have. Not have most fans and not ALL decent fans, to be sure. But privately, we are all human with all the faults that most humans have and as I am always ruthlessly self honest – even when it much disadvantages me, which it sometimes does – I will be honest and write as I have just done. It would be gross hypocrisy to not admit to baser feelings sometimes, even though it is not done to to display them publicly. Who can HONESTLY say different rules apply to them personally? Not many, if any at all, IMO!
One day, way into the distant future , our race MAY( IT PROBABLY WON’T DO BUT IT MAY) evolve, so that these baser thoughts do not even occur to us.
But when that almost impossibly unlikely event occurs, all competitive sport will be long dead. If you cannot fell glee in your opponents sporting defeats, even in private, the whole true passion in sporting competion will be lost. I am certain it will never apply in my lifetime and almost as certain even in thr lifetime of todays children. Our human race is not meant nor expected to be perfect. If we ever were, it would be such a bore and make life plain and dull. And not worth living! Agree or disagree?
Wtf lol ^^
AFTV is an embarrassment to all Arsenal fans. They don’t represent us, they don’t know anything about football, they don’t act like decent human beings.
This article is spot on, why are we celebrating Pulisic getting injured? That isn’t what Arsenal are all about, we are more classy than that. To do it on a global platform is even worse and sends out the wrong message about the fanbase. AFTV are nothing but a bunch of wannabe’s exploiting social media for their own financial benefit.
this article is BS you can clearly see you have an agenda against aftv because Robbie clearing said he never cheers when opposition players get injured.
No mate they think what the average Arsenal fan thinks about the platform. Nothing to do with an agenda, it’s about tarnishing our fans reputation. They make our club a banter club, haven’t got any people skills and in my view don’t offer opinions that any other gooner couldn’t form in 5 minutes. Why do you think the average season ticket holder at the emirates isn’t bothered about appearing on banter tv, and the same characters are put on week in week out. It’s because it’s not a fans forum its a money making machine. They wouldn’t have the notoriety if we were as successful as in the period 98-2004.