Video – Aston Villa 2-4 Arsenal Highlights – What a game! What a finish…

Well, we are used to Arsenal giving us heart attacks, and they certainly made us suffer yesterday. Twice we allowed lowly Aston Villa to take the lead, and twice we managed to peg it back to even stevens, but once the 90 minutes were past most Arsenal fans had resigned ourselves to our fourth game without a win.

But then, in the 93rd minute, the “Chelsea reject” Jorginho popped up with a rocket shot which bounced of the bar and incredibly bounced of Martinez’s head and into the goal. Cue the mad celebrations!!!

Adding a fourth was just the icing on the cake, but i can say this will be a game we’ll remember for a long, long time…


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  1. In your case no.won’t be remembered once you get into your usual doom n gloom forecast the next time something/ anything goes wrong.Bit of a hypocrite if you ask me.

  2. EMI gifted us with the 4th goal, since Emery claimed he didn’t instruct EMI to leave his goal. Once a Gunner…Jus sayin 😁

    1. NY_G Seriously, would you even want MARTINEZ, that deeply unpleasant character back in our present dressing room full of decent and courageous types?

      I definitely would NOT!
      We are well rid of him and his sort IMO!

      1. @jon fox
        I never claimed to have wanted Emi to return to us. I attempted to make a joke out of his stupid decision to leave his goal…🤨

        1. Yes NY_G, I did of course realise that . But I am, in genera,l serious about our club and though you were plainly jesting – which I also do at times when in that mood- I am generally serious -and still would really like to know if others onJA would want him back.
          I now realise you do not and think thats sensible.

          I get irritated when a number of our fans do not realise what a top keeper we now have, as some posts today (not this thread, are saying), incredibly!!

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