Video: Does Arteta have the answers to goalscoring issues?

Mikel Arteta was quizzed on the Arsenals strikers’ confidence after their 3-0 defeat at the hands of Aston Villa last night.

The Gunners have just the one Premier League goal from their last four appearances, which came from the penalty spot against Manchester United, and there is a growing worry about our lack of goals.

The manager was asked whether he would be forced to consider changing his system up top, with Willian having failed to show enough in the front-three, while neither Lacazette or Aubameyang are appearing overly confident at present.

Is the manager’s system what is failing or are the personnel simply failing to live up to expectation?


Tags Mikel Arteta


  1. He was never a finisher in terms of goals for the club but very calm in penalty situations with the odd great strike from outside the box.

    We need specialist finishing coach who’s been there and done it! What’s the harm… we cant finish at all, well Laca cant and Willian is no better than having Ozil on the field.

    A few decisions Mikel has made hasnt worked but we will learn as we go along. Dont forget we always said we would BATTLE for top4 but not guaranteed.

    Move on, learn from it and rectify it the next game! Wasnt going to be plain sailing though these are the games we need to be winning esp at home.

  2. DOesnt look like it. And the fact a lot of people are banking on one Jan. transfer window player to solve all our problems means Arteta did not go into the season with a successful plan. This Arsenal team is awful to watch. It’s as boring as Emeryball. We have a break now, and Arteta needs to think deeply about what is going wrong.

  3. Its not about buying players because Arteta has a balanced team. Its all about his knowledge of the game. He cannot assess the problems very well. He doesn’t have Plan B of the situation. Besides that, Arsenal is playing boring football

    1. Top Gunner, what “knowledge of the game” are you referring to?
      His playing career?
      Barcelona, PSG, Rangers, Real Sociadad, Everton, Arsenal.
      Spain U16, U17, U18, U21
      Managers played under?
      Arsene wenger, David Moyes, Luis Fernandez, Alex McLeish
      Managerial Influences?
      Arsene Wenger, Pep Guardiola, Mauricio Pochettino, David Moyes.
      Managerial Experience?
      Pep’s Assistant Manager 2016 to 2019 during which time he has coached/trained/man managed some of the most high profiled players in the world.
      City won seven trophies while he was there.
      At The Arsenal since December 2019, the club have won two trophies, despite inheriting the worst situation at our club for many years.

      There’s no point in keep saying he’s inexperienced, he has experienced every level that the game can offer him – he needs to put that experience to good use now and ensure he has a plan B if he needs one – what plan B would you suggest?

  4. We should let the rivals and the media question him and put him under pressure. We Arsenal fans, in my opinion, should let him know and feel that we are 100% behind him, we trust in him, we know it’s hard and challenging but we know he is capable of turning things around.

    We have waited for many years and we can wait a little bit more.

    1. Nowadays people don’t like to tell the truth. We know that the truth hurts, but this dismal performance is unacceptable. We are behind him, but he has to know our concerns

  5. I would agree with some that those players were our best 11 based on performances (Willian / Pepe both scuffling) and Laca / Nketiah both scuffling. However, I think this disasterous 3-4-3 setup is what is holding the squad and especially the attack in lockdown. If Arteta wants 3 CB’s, then why not play Saliba, a natural CB? Instead Tierney is trying to adjust between LCB and LB depending when we have the ball or not; how many players can do that successfully and consistently?
    I would like to see Arteta set up the team to attack, and coach the back 4 to be better defenders. The players are static without the ball, and player movement is at a bare minimum. Not to mention Auba static on LW to provide width because Tierney is trying to switch from playing LCB to LB.
    All I’m saying is that this negative football has to stop; it’s failing just as it did under Emery. We have to play to our strengths; attacking football, it’s how the roster of players is currently built IMHO.

  6. He makes no sense nor has no clue, what world sees is a lost man with one the best overall squad in EPL and certainly the best attacking line up_ easy Top 3..

    Auba as a striker and Saka is the best LW in EPL. Pepe potentially on his wing as well in top 3.

    Laca is a player with great work ethic and winning mentality….

    Can’t play them all and in no way play Willian before any of them at RW or CF as he did…

    Must put the best team on pitch at their position.

    Auba is a total waist as a Winger and Saka even more so as a midfield he is not, but a bloody LW.

    Pepe Auba Saka

    Auba Laca Saka

    Pepe Laca Saka.

    No he plays

    Willian Laca Auba


    Pepe Willian Auba

    And no one to pass ball from midfield!

    I have no words anymore,, oeople ran on me for pointing that we have no coach but am assistant who needs to go learn. experiment and prove at lower league or club..

    Zidane was humble enough to coach Real second team_ Lampard went & learned , can react, experimented things. Gerrard doing just that as we speak but Arteta knew it all cuz assisting Pep?

    Thats how he acts, but he is not at all, we are 11th 2 points 15th, as all time under Arteta, 9th to 12th, close to 15th we will slip into with a lost next game!

    How long should this go on? Cup got people to forget that we ended lower than ever in EPL! Even losing cup, this non sense be on……

    To be forced to see this non sense is not entertaining, rather boring and depressing.

  7. I think he needs help, he has organised us but he is lost as far as attacking balance and use of players is concerned. We are very very one dimensional going forwards and lack dynamism. Our attacks are very easily snuffed out and our players are easily isolated by our team and the opposition. Someone said he needs an assistant to help with attacking, he probably does.

  8. First of all I agree that Arteta is an experienced manager granted this is his first Managing Role but he is very capable. Secondly we don’t do ourselves any favours under mining Arteta and the players. That negativity is partly what got in to the situation we are in. We lost one match is was a bad loss but it should have been 3-3 or 3-2 if we’d put away some of those chances. And the defence had an off night, personally I think the squad is tired like some of the other teams and every top team seems to have had one bad loss. I do think this is a result of the Lockdown with very little rest over the summer and straight back to it. No competitions have been dropped we stupidly voted not to have 5 subs which is compounding the injuries.

    All that said I agree we’ve got boring in attack and I do think Auba deserves a couple of mataches in the middle and I would play Pepe on the right and Saka left. I also think we are really missing Martinelli has makes a big impact when he comes on and takes some of the pressure of the senior players. I also think Arteta needs to rotate his squad more use some of the younger players and sub people earlier in games give players mire time to recover.

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