Video: Five of Arsenal’s best comebacks

Nobody likes to be on the losing side at any point in a match, but the feeling when you come from behind is like no other.

Arsenal have completed some great comebacks over the years, and certainly do seem to enjoy doing things the hard way at times, and while we should never have been trailing in some of these matches, the end result felt so much more enjoyable.

You will remember some of these like they were yesterday (just as I do), and it will also highlight just how much we miss seeing our team play.

Was the Spurs overturning rate as the best because it was them? The Leicester one also has to be up there as one of the best opening matches to a season, as I can’t remember anything quite like that for the opening weekend of a campaign.

With talk that football could return in around a months time, we could well be in for some more crazy encounters.

Which was your favourite? Which other comebacks deserved to be included?
