Video – Young Youtuber previews Arsenal v Southampton

Young Arsenal fan gives his view on the upcoming Arsenal v Southampton clash.

Arsenal fans come in all shapes and sizes, they come from all four corners of the world and their views are always welcomed on Just Arsenal.

This particular Youtuber Josh Playz has only just started on Youtube from what I can see. He has less than 100 subscribers, has put out just 11 videos and never got beyond 100 views.

I am happy to put up videos from any Arsenal fan, from the huge guys to the absolute unknowns.

I have of course watched the video, it is not an AFTV production but who cares, the young lad has some good points and I for one have subscribed and will give him a platform when appropriate.

All young Arsenal fans should be promoted by fellow Gooners whenever possible.

Anyway, young Josh gives a predicted score and the line up he would like to see. Give the youngster’s video a watch, maybe follow his channel, you cannot leave comments, I suspect that is because of his age.

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