Vorskla boss says the venue change gave Arsenal the game

Arsenal made short work of Vorskla in last night’s match in Kiev, despite the freezing temperatures and the last minute change of venue, but if anything it caused more disruption the Ukranian side, who had been preparing for their biggest ever games and were expecting massive support from the locals. Their coach Vasyl Sachko afterwards couldn’t help venting his anger at the change of venue. “I would like to say a lot about this,”

“A holiday was taken away from Poltava. This game was very important for our city. One of the most important games for 10 years.

“We were preparing very much and it was expected to be like a holiday. We spent a lot of our energy and we did everything we could to prepare for the match.

“It influenced the mental condition of the players very much because only in 24 hours everything had changed.

“That was a big influence on the mentality of the team. The city lost a lot. A thousand supporters were going to come from other cities to support our team.

“The city really lost a holiday. If we played at home there would definitely be another result.”

I’m sure it must have been frustrating for them, but it doesn’t mean they would have got a different result. They would have had much more vocal support and to be fair they probably lost out on a lot of money for them and for the town they come from. I am sure 500 Arsenal fans would have spent a lot of money and so would their local visitors, but as for it changing the result, I am not so sure….
