We were the better team and the ref robbed us (Says Tottenham)

We all know that Tottenham are Arsenal’s nearest neighbours in London, but I am beginning to think they may actually be from another planet! I’m not sure what game they were watching on Saturday but they were definitely looking at it from a completely different perspective than all the TV pundits and of course the analysts who proved that just about every referee’s decision was wrong, which is why they escaped with a point.

What am I talking about? Just read these comments from Mauricio Pochettino after the game on BT Sport: “I think if you assess the game I think we were better than Arsenal in all the aspects,”

“Sometimes we focus on a few actions. But I think that the action that changed the game was after 12 minutes. The action from Xhaka to Harry Kane that wasn’t even a foul.

“That was the action that afterwards changed everything in the dynamic of the game. This season we are so unlucky, decisions that affect us in a negative way.

“Like (against) Manchester United, Paul Pogba should be sent off, Harry Kane got an injury when it was a clear foul on the edge of the box but no foul.

“We keep on going in many, many, many situations but you know, hope that we get to the end of the season and next season change maybe and we have more luck in the future.”

So, I don’t see any mention of the studs to Leno’s chest, no mention of Rose’s stamp on Koscielny, no mention of the encroachment at the penalty? No mention of Torreira getting sent off after winning the ball?

Wow what planet is this man on, honestly?


  1. I. Eli eve they are getting very nervous, not only of our improvement, but that of 5e chavs and the Mancs. And they do, of course, have a long history of bottling it athe final run in.

  2. Spuds are a team of chokers, no cojones.
    I can’t wait to hear the moaning after a decade of stadium debt WOOOooooo!

  3. So a few spuds have been spouting off to me this morning about how Xhaka should have been sent off, that would have changed the game completely, Rambo wouldn’t have scored blah blah blah….so i just looked at ref watch sky sports (online) Xhaka’s challenge wasn’t even mentioned!!! Everything else was though & told us everything we already knew… that really we should have won 1-0…
    It’s still frustrating (especially being told by a spud that Auba’s miss was hilarious ?)
    What a numb nut Poch is….everything else is swept under the carpet regarding his dirty, cheating team… oh poor Harry Kane & his mbe…. poor diving Son… cheating Vertonghen… dirty Rose… dirty sit back down Dier…. they all make me sick!

    1. Totts will always be favoured by refs media alike Sue because of their England connection! Harry Kane is the nation’s sweetheart and he can actually do as he pleases.. there’s no way the fa is gonna come down hard on a team that carries important England internationals! The league is corrupt, has been for years! That FA are a disgusting bunch of sleazy individuals…

      1. Hi there John, you’re back in one piece?! Did you have a good time? ??
        Saturday really did my head in…. I usually keep calm if we lose (I know we didn’t, but it felt like it)
        Had to go upstairs & have a major meltdown (poor Coco ?) still annoyed now, but what’s the point – nothing can change the result…. just drives me mad when you see all these articles saying yes they got it wrong…. of all the games, it had to be against THEM ????

        1. Yes Sue still intact ? I did for sure who doesn’t ? first time I’ve been since I was 23 damn I’ve got old ? Sue I didn’t see the game but saw highlights and left me seriously annoyed, that feels like a 3-0 defeat and Aubameyang you idiot! Has the chance to win a big game and blows it! Go watch Lauren slot in a pen in a NLD pressure game! Ref was beyond pathetic and now LT is banned for 3 games, Sanchez gets away with a kick, Harry Kane scores another pen against us and still has horns growing! Lose against utd on Sunday we can sing goodbye to the top 4 ? poor Coco haha ?

          1. Haha you mean you’re old & you couldn’t keep up!!! ??? penis fountain???!!!
            I guess one thing- they’ll be even more pumped up for Sunday (?) yes if we lose, I can’t see us making it. Of all the times to miss a penalty….. gutted

            1. I can keep up it’s called experience it’s just the next day is a struggle ? no, no selfies by the penis fountain Sue I’m guessing you have ? I’m planning to go to Seville in the summer so that’s next up ? oh I hope so Sue I couldn’t handle losing to utd again ? we have to deal with Rennes first though ? not sure what to expect, I don’t know anything about them ?

              1. Hahaha ok so you can keep up!! It’s called experience ? nice one!!
                Seville sounds nice – suns out guns out ?
                I can’t either.. Sanchez is injured… just need about 10 more to follow & we’re good to go!
                So I’m seeing the curse has struck again- Luke Perry & Keith Flint died ?

                1. It looks awesome Sue and weather is wicked I love the sun and I need a good holiday tan ? Buffy the vampire slayer is dead ? I heard about Keith flint ? is lingard injured too ? brugge looks an interesting place Sue and it neighbours Holland might be better for the older generation hahaha

                  1. Yes I think he is still… ? hope so as he always seems to score against us ☹ so we may not see that stupid dance & broomstick
                    Haha is that for my benefit, the older generation ?? I’m not ready to retire to Eastbourne just yet ??

                    1. I sometimes shop in Tony’s tackle in Eastbourne ? I know Sue and it’s getting really annoying seeing that stupid dancing ? are you watching the steel derby ? So have you got any new movie suggestions for me haha

                    2. ? you beat me to Eastbourne ??
                      No.. Eastenders is on ?
                      I watched A simple favour… it was good!
                      That’s all I saw over the weekend

                    3. Haha half way to retirement then ? oh I forgot you’re an EastEnders fan ? your not missing much so far Sue ? I fancy Dortmund to put Totts out tomorrow ? at least man u will be out of Europe by Wednesday night ? just too annoyed to watch anything after that result Sue?

                    4. Half way ? that’ll be some comeback for Dortmund, can’t see it unfortunately… bet Son will dive for a pen!!
                      Cavani isn’t going to make Wednesday- gutted! Mbappe had better get a hat trick instead then ? will defo watch that!
                      Yes was distraught John ? no MOTD, no social media nothing ??

                    5. Jeez again! That utd team are blessed in luck! Are we gonna get some luck over them finally???? I don’t either but we have to hope haha, yeah that’s pochs tactics Sue ? no motd either I’m shocked ? they got Southampton away next week, that’ll be a tough game, if justice is to prevail they’ll lose and we’ll win ? i don’t wanna speak too soon but I think Emery might have got to grips with that Arsenal team, there seems to be some steel about them I guess we’ll know more after Sunday ?

                    6. I hope Di Maria assists again, or even scores!! Be so nice to see them dumped out in style…
                      The Saints ain’t no walk over (as we know) so hopefully they’ll beat them..
                      Yes we’ve been really good lately… Leno has been superb.. as has Sokratis… just have to hope we bury our chances on Sunday.. can’t be doing with anymore of this if only/what if talk! That goes for Thursday as well…. this Rennes lot aren’t a bunch of farmers (that’s all I know ?)

                    7. You know what would be sweet us finishing 5th and winning the Europa League and utd to finish 4th sending utd to the Europa League ? we can then say how’s 4th place ? Di Maria to score and psg to win 4-0 haha ? yeah I like Leno, I don’t understand his critics, also heard he made a few good saves on Saturday ? haha no but are like 11th in French league so I expect a comfortable win ? he’s been good but I also give credit to koscielny he came back well from a really bad injury ?

                    8. That would be perfect ?
                      4-0? Make it 5-0 ?
                      He made some great saves on Saturday.. the price we paid for him & Sokratis – an absolute steal!! Yes Kos has been really good lately too… him & Sok (superb cb pairing!) It’s Mustafi that worries me.. not all the time… just sometimes

                    9. I want Mustafi sold this Summer and replaced by Manolas ? new left back too we should move Monreal on ? Sue I’ve been saying all season Leno is as good anyone he’s just playing with a dodgy defence does ppl think Alisson would be so good with that Arsenal defence ? In fact his ball play is dodgy and kick outs aren’t that great either! No leave that for us to do this Sunday ? I read piatek is an Arsenal fan that guy is the new Lewandoski go get him Stan ?

                    10. ? love it John – nothing would please me more than for us to do that to them… loved it when we beat them 3-0 (scored.them all in the first 20 minutes!) Then that other time it was 2-0 Welbz & Xhaka.. see we can do it & it’s about time we did it again ?
                      Manolas is from Greece right? I’m all for another Greek warrior in the team!
                      He likes PSG too… but they can sod off, they have more than enough!! ?

                    11. Oh yeah wiped them away in 20 should have gone for the jugular like they done with us at old Trafford ? I don’t like that when we ease off I’d rather we go for more goals ? Wenger’s first competitive win over mourinho ? yeah he’s Greek Sue him and Sok with Kos and holding as back ups perfect ? oh god he’ll go there then, he would be a perfect fit for us Sue ?

                    12. That would be some defence John ?
                      You never know, we might go for him! Who knows who Emery fancies, or that new guy who’s supposed to be coming in.. only 9 games left..then we’re going to have that huge void for 3 months ??

                    13. I still think we need a right back and left back, bellerin isn’t good enough defensively and with an ACL injury god knows what type of player he’s going to be when he comes back ? also need a new a striker Aubameyang misses too many big chances and isn’t great in big games, Lacazette is a work horse but isn’t prolific enough that’s not me saying get rid of them just saying we need something else ? Monchi has a good eye and works well with Emery if we get CL football it’s exciting times Sue ? if we don’t qualify for CL it’ll feel like 6 months and I’ll feel like crying I couldn’t manage another year in EL ?

                    14. It is worrying about Bellerin.. terrible injury… same goes for Rob & Welbz… wonder what they’ll all be like…I.didn’t think Theo was the same player when he came back from his injury. I do like Bellerin though & would like to keep him.
                      Monchi (that’s his name ?) you knew who I was on about!!
                      No I don’t fancy another season in EL… 2 has been more than enough! I’ll have to get an unlimited cinema pass to fill the 3 month void ?

                    15. Well the good thing is that their both still very young so they have an excellent chance of making a full recovery, I was shocked that koscielny came back so well I think he was 32 when got his ACL not many 32 year olds would come back from that injury so fair play to him ? Sue was Theo the same before his injury ? ? Thing with Walcott was he never had the brain for football had everything else ? haha yeah I’m just happy Gazidis is gone it wouldn’t matter who came in if he was still CEO! Your off to Lanzarote or Tenerife though aren’t you ? That’ll kill 2 weeks the cinema will kill the rest until pre season ?

                    16. That is very true… also true about Kos… I thought that’d be the end for him… just goes to show not all 32 yr olds are past it… just 36 yr olds hey?! ???
                      I watched Theo yesterday in the derby, he was pretty crap… just keeps showing why we were right to sell him!
                      Never want to see Gazidis ? again!!
                      Lanzarote isn’t until October… might have to go somewhere during those 3 months ?

                    17. Not for long Sue I’ll be 37 in 2 months ? ah well I still feel fit ? koscielny is like me Sue it’s not the miles it’s the make ? crossing to imaginary players running like Forrest gump was he Sue ? yeah he’s Milan’s problem now ? October ? that’s a good few months off haha yeah a day trip to Alton towers ? ?

                    18. I was only joking ? nowt wrong with being 37! I’d quite happily go back there! Although it wasn’t that long ago… life begins at 40 though so they say ?
                      Not the miles but the make ??
                      Oh you know Theo well, it was exactly like that!!
                      Yes it’s a while off, gives me time to prepare for the flight ? and leaving the dog ☹
                      I actually like Alton Towers ?

                    19. Well Dean Winchester is 41 and hes still hunting so it can’t be that bad ? as long as I don’t go grey and can walk without a Zimmer I’ll be happy ? haha you like that Sue ? lol does he play any other way ? ?. Haha prepare for the flight ? my flight was fine just take a playlist of your favourite music you won’t even think about it ? can’t your eldest not take the dog ? I don’t really like amusements especially not rollercoasters haha

                    20. Yes she’s going to have Coco.. still don’t like leaving her though ?
                      You don’t like rollercoaster?! Oh my!! I love them… at Thorpe Park was going to queue for the swarm.. who just came off it & walked past us? Only bloody Razor Ruddock… looked like he was going to hurl! ? or does he look like that all the time ??

                    21. No that’s just his natural look ? it’ll give you something more to look forward to when you get home, at least she’s staying with family and not at a shelter ?

  4. Based on my observation, the Spuds won more duels than the Gunners. I could be wrong, but the Spuds looked dominating, perhaps due to the home supporters and Arsenal’s tactic

    Nonetheless, Emery’s strategy to make the players get behind the ball and invited the Spuds almost worked well

    Had the strikers not lost their composure, Arsenal would have won. The striker issue is what Emery has to fix before facing Man United

    1. I don’t believe we have an issue with our strikers at all, it is just one of those things, these two players are probably our least most patchy spell type of players. All players face these days, it is just that when it is your main strikers and on the same day, it can hurt the performance. We don’t have a problem here, we have two from the group of leagues most deadly players when it comes to minutes per goal and chances per goal. Some people are going overboard, I mean, if Iwobi or Ozil had a big chance but fluffed their lines, certain people would easily look past it and speak about areas of the game that they done better in, or would choose to completely ignore that game and defend them against criticism instead. People need to be fairer, you may have a favorite player, and if so, you should know what it feels like then if that player is performing well often enough but then takes massive criticism with the first signs of trouble.

      1. Hopefully Aubameyang or Lacazette wont go on a run of 28 games without scoring as happened to poor Olivier Giroud.

    2. @gotanidea

      Yours is a fair account imo – added to that on 2march the Just Arsenal Admin blog read this:-
      *No ifs and buts – Arsenal just need to beat Tottenham

      nuff said

  5. I just read this:
    “Davinson Sánchez will face no further action following apparent stamp on Laurent Koscielny on Saturday. Was seen by match officials at the time.”
    Not surprised…

    1. Blatant bias in favour of the tiny Tots. Harry Kane incident against Azpi was swept under the carpet, now it’s same thing with Sanchez’s stamp on Kos and someone will want to convince me that the FA isn’t biased? Rubbish.

        1. What about Porchetino’s outburst at Burnley, or has he been let off as well. This is all about Tottenham getting treated totally opposite to Arsenal by the bias FA. We get off with nothing, they’re getting off with everything. It’s about time the club put it’s foot down and accused the FA of blatant cheating. That would ruffle a few feathers.

          1. Why don’t we hear anything from our ex-players in the media, Smith, Merson and Wright, they’re quick enough to criticise us. Worried more about their jobs that’t their problem.

            1. Martin Keown tried to raise the issues.
              Ponchitino is now showing the pressure of having a “once in a generation” Spurs squad and having no trophies to show for it. In his post match interview he grasped at every incident he could (Xhaka on Kane etc) to deflect attention from himstlf and his players.
              The corruption in FIFA (World Cup allocation to Qatar!! Construction deaths, OH&S during facility building), UEFA (Lacazette gets 3 weeks), English FA club favoritism and Referees Association is clear to see.

              1. You’re right OG, Martin Keown backs us to the hilt as does Charlie Nicholas. Can’t say the same about the others although Wrighty still has a genuine love for the club

                1. Your last sentence merely proves my long and oft stated point that most players are not fans and do not behave as fans, therefore, when they leave. I agree that Wright, Keown and Nicholas are fans. Merson supports Chelsea and Smith just his TV career. These are just the normal reality of life with most ex-players. I am surprised that any thinking fan should fail to see this. But many do, including you Kenny. It is NOT your comments I criticise but your false expectations. Fans are fans . Players are players having a career. Mostly they are exclusive, though not always. Very occasionally fans become players, like Charlie George, Jimmy Carter and Jenkinson. Most though, NEVER become real fans (despite bogus badge kissing etc) even while they play and certainly not after they leave and it is a refusal to face reality , if you expect the unexpectable.

                  1. Jon, with respect I remember telling you about Alan Smith’s behaviour towards Arsenal a long time ago and you replied how much he cares for the club. As far as Merson is concerned, he’s never been a fan of our club, something else I pointed out to you a long time ago. Wrighty was born in South London and only started supporting Arsenal after George Graham signed him. As far as ex-players go in supporting a club are few and far between. Charlie George was an original North Bank boy before he was a player when I was also in the North Bank and is a die hard Arsenal fan. I went to many away games with Charlie when we were youngsters I’m surprised you think I have false expectations over who’s a fan and who’s a player, I can assure you I know the difference. Please don’t confuse me with people who think every ex-player is a fan.

  6. Exactly what i would expect in all honesty.
    It’s called supporting your club and their supporters would not want anything other than their manager doing just that.

    They can discuss amongst themselves the real facts and figures, just as we do on here.

    But to admit publically that their main rival completely outplayed them, the referee helped them and they were actually second best in every department EXCEPT the taking of penalties (sorry Aba) would be seen as heresy down at the s**thole wouldn’t it?

  7. Spurs saying they where robbed must be referring to the building companies erecting their new stadium seeing as its at least 30 % over budget.Cancelling building the trophy room could save some wings.

    1. No I think, I’m not sure, but there’s some old wives tale about Tott actually winning the league once, and they’re up in arms because they don’t believe they are getting the respect that they deserve. They asked the media why there hasn’t been a big fuss made about it, and why the Invincibles are still often talked about, yet even many Tott fans believe it is a myth that they ever succeeded. They believe they are robbed of any respect basically, and are probably right but I wouldn’t say they are being robbed, it is more that they earned it, the lack of respect.

      1. Spurs did win the first League Championship/ FA Cup double of the 20th century in 1960/61!

  8. Imho, the spuds were the better team in ball possession and cheating. Arsenal played tactically and were more dangerous going forward.

    But saying that the referee robbed them is really funny. It’s as if actually being ironic, unless otherwise they meant that the ref failed to swim 100% with them in their usual cheating tactics.

  9. Even that offside penno they got, that was practiced, the man closest to the linesman, he was there to obstruct his view and it worked. If that player wasn’t there the ref would’ve had a perfect view, but the ref had to crouch ahead of the line and look slightly back at it. I think he probably still should’ve spotted them offside, I would’ve liked to see exactly what view he did have, but the player there did make it more difficult. There should be a rule stopping players from trying to obstruct the linesman view. The ball wasn’t going out that way, esp , and even if it eventually did and you want someone there just in case it does end up out that way, there is no excuse for him to stand in line like that when he knows the linesman is there for a reason. It was practiced, I seen other teams do it too, it’s a bit of a snake kind of move. They should put body cams on refs so the fans can see exactly what view they have, then we’ll know if the refs are a bit dodgy or just incompetent.

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