There’s something in Arsene Wenger and Arsenal that gets Jose Mourinho talking. He loves putting it across Wenger and never stops short of taking potshots at his counterpart.
Continuing his mind games over the Frenchman – who many believe would be one of his toughest competitors this season – Mourinho taunted Wenger’s record against him. The self-proclaimed ‘Chosen One’ has not been beaten by Wenger in 13 matches between the pair ahead of the Sunday’s Community Shield at Wembley.
The Portugese tactician has never suffered such a poor run against any rival, let alone Wenger. So, he went on to ridicule Wenger by saying that it was only against the current West Bromwich Albion manager Tony Pulis that he struggled for wins.
Mourinho may have a point in this because he lost to Pulis against Crystal Palace once and against West Bromwich Albion once. With Wenger, he somehow managed to remain unbeaten. The law of averages is bound to catch up with him at some point but until that time, he would want to poke Wenger and taunt him.
The Blues manager has rarely passed up an opportunity to express his dislike for Wenger. He always keeps telling that Wenger has the dream job because the Gunners boss has a stable job and has the luxury of selling, rebuilding and waiting for success. In the eyes of Mourinho, while other managers have the ominous task of bringing success in terms of trophies, Wenger has the stability to wait for trophies.
Is he right in doing this? Let’s keep the factual aspect out of it – these jibes are nothing but a part of mind games from the Blues manager. Every time before any match against Arsenal, Mourinho makes it a point to talk about the trophies and compare the long run of ‘no trophies’ under Wenger.
Deep down, Mourinho knows that Wenger is his closest competitor for the crown. If he aims to retain the EPL title, he would have to get past Arsenal, Manchester United and Manchester City. The two Manchester clubs are at different ends of the spectrum where there is no surety of consistency. Arsenal on the other hand has always been there or there-abouts.
Of course, being there-abouts doesn’t count in the route to success. If Wenger is set to topple Mourinho and Chelsea, he will have to guide his club to the next level. And if he does, Mourinho will have a serious job at hand. That probably explains why he always goes after Wenger. There’s always a first time and none better than this weekend for Wenger to start winning against Mourinho. That would definitely put all the jibes to rest.
Sridhar are there no better topic to write again?
The obsession is quite frankly daft. Whether we win or lose on Sunday wont change anything about Jose and his character.
The most important thing about the game tomorrow is that we get to see a true gauge of whether we can truly mount a challenge. I hope for the sake of our preparation that Mourinho plays their best XI and not a bunch of kids here and there so that we are left with a realistic outlook for the season ahead. That being said, it would be a very Jose thing to do if he went and played Loftus Cheek, Ake and Mikel.
I agree Rock. The Special One aka “The Spending One” – he has bored me now for about 10 years, strikes me that the Mou fan-club demographic must be 90% made up of swooning middle-aged women, the tribal beer-boys and the giggling sycophantic press haggle. I came across this on a blog – for anyone who has never seen the film “Being There” this will make no sense – for those that have they may find it quite funny. It neatly sums up my thoughts on him.
“And that brings me, rather nicely, to Chelsea Football Club’s very own Jose Mourinho.
Just as Chauncey was a fine gardener so Jose Mourinho is a fine football coach. And just as Chauncey Gardiner became a darling of the media, so has Jose Mourinho. I can understand their fascination with him, because Jose Mourinho is undoubtedly a colourful character, but when they hang on to his every utterance, dissect his every word, and interpret his every sentence, as if in some way searching for deep-seated significance, I do feel they are assigning a profoundness and intelligence to his verbiage that simply doesn’t exist?
And the parallels between Mourinho and Chauncey the gardener don’t end there.
I have watched Mourinho’s career evolve as a succession of seriously wealthy and influential men, controlling some of Europe’s most revered footballing institutions, each learn too late that there is less to him than meets the eye. I have looked on in astonishment, as a bunch of pretentious and self-obsessed television ‘experts’ mistakenly interpret his infantile ramblings as pearls of wisdom. I have sat open-mouthed before my T.V. set as the rest of the illuminati of the football media assign hidden depth and meaning to his every puerile remark.
I am left to wonder how long will it be before the football world comes to collectively realise that, although Jose Mourinho is a fine coach who organises and drills his teams well, he is about as close to being football’s equivalent of the burning bush as his club captain John Terry is to being the ‘Let’s Kick Racism out of Football’ campaign’s man of the year?
And I am also left to wonder how long will it be before the remainder of football’s punditry, who eulogise one day and castigate the next, are similarly seen as the political chameleons and feeble-minded sycophants they undoubtedly are? Somehow, given the sporting media’s ability to invisibly mend its own patent stupidity, I think I can guess the answer”.
Anytime I see mourinho in the headline I don’t read the article. This is getting out of hand
One thing about Mourinho is that he speaks the truth. Hate it or love it!
I have no reason to hate Mourinho because nothing he has said is a lie. In fact, what is the point of even hating these managers? It just makes the game more interesting.
I think fans who hate Mourinho should redirect their hatred to Wenger because Mourinho is NOT the main problem of Arsenal. He is NOT in charge of transfers at Arsenal. To be honest, I like Mourinho. He talks and he backs it up (I mean he called Wenger a specialist in failure after Wenger ran his mouth initially and on Wenger’s big 1000th game he pummels him 6-0 and proves his point). I also don’t think this Mourinho and Wenger feud started because of Mourinho because most of the time he minds his business but its just others can’t keep their mouth shut about him so he responds.
Also… I highly doubt Mourinho considers us or Wenger a serious threat. I wouldn’t see us as a serious threat if I were him or in his shoes but I wouldn’t take us for granted also which is exactly what he does. His closest competitor is Manchester City…they finished 6 points behind Chelsea and we, Arsenal finished 12 points…12 points…12 points behind Chelsea. Do people forget this because Wenger resets their memory with bogus lines like cohesion and consistency every July or every preseason for the past 5/6 years now?
Its up to Wenger? I mean does he really want to retire in 2 years without winning the EPL or the CL because from what he has done so far in this window, I don’t think he is serious about winning a major trophy. For the past 3 seasons, the striker issue has not been solved. Here we are for the 4th summer running and he still has not fixed the problem and he still is not making a move for a DM that can take Coquelin’s place or step in when Coquelin gets injured or plays to many games and is tired. The moves that should make us genuine title challengers aren’t being made. 30 more days until the window ends…so lets see how much he wants to win a major trophy and win for the fans because Wenger and the players..average ones like Giroud or superb ones like Sanchez win whether they win a trophy or not. They are paid ridiculous amounts but we fans win mainly from the pride that comes from winning trophies and creating history except of course we want to finally accept that Arsenal is now a slightly above mediocre club and we should be satisfied that we have no shot at winning the EPL or the CL…then great but for some fans to say the squad is good enough to win the EPL and/or the CL, you have to be kidding yourselves.
Mourinho is NOT the villain here. The guy does what he is meant to do and that is to WIN major trophies. That’s just the bloody truth and I’m sure some here will not handle it well.
Well said Sir! You’ll probably get a lot dislikes from the AKB’s, but you’ve hit the nail on the head. One of the reasons Mourinho is successful is that he fixes weak areas of his squad asap, whilst Wenger just can’t seem to do it. Arsenal fans constantly moan about all the money Mourinho’s spent, but at least he backs it up by winning major trophies regularly. I don’t like Mourinho and his style of play, but have to respect he’s a top class manager who constantly performs in the big games, and that he’s a better manager than Wenger. It does pain me to say that, but it’s true.
Our problems are so obvious to everyone bar Wenger. He unbelievably still hasn’t replaced RVP, which is just crazy when you consider that the CF position is arguably the most important position in any team. We’ve also had the DM problem for years, which was only solved midway through last season by pure luck of the injuries, NOT because Wenger suddenly had the ability to see he had no balance in his team. Wenger was forced into picking Coquelin. I’m not going to have a go at Wenger for this transfer window yet, as there’s a long time until it closes, but again, the areas that need strengthening are blatantly obvious (back-up DM and first choice CF) so what does Wenger do…he signs a GK, despite Ospina being brilliant for us, his previous clubs and for Colombia for years. Obviously I am delighted with Cech, but it’s classic Wenger, because all fans are still talking about the areas he’s so far ignored. Will he finally sort out our problems or is it Giroud for a fourth season?
Josey has taken a big page from the Nazi propaganda playbook. You mix the truth with lies, exaggerations and just plain vile demonization of those you see as the enemy.
He does not speak to impart information. He speaks to cause trouble, to influence, and to deflect criticism. He does this with idea of gaining an off-the-pitch advantage in a sport that is supposed to be played on the pitch.
You are just wrong. Josey’s words, when taken as a whole, have very little to do with expressing truth.
Wow. You have been brainwashed.
Josey the Snake has taken a page from the Nazi propaganda playbook and you have bought into it. He mixes truth with lies, exaggerations and vile demonization of those he views as his “enemy.”
The Snake does not speak to impart information. He speaks to influence, to coerce, to cause trouble. He speaks to influence the football off the pitch when it should be played on the pitch.
He is simply poison to the sport. And, when taken as a whole, his words have little to do with the truth. He should be banned. And fans who have bought into his nonsense would do better to admire someone other this horrible excuse for a human being.
Josey the Snake has taken a page from Goebels’ propaganda playbook and clearly you have bought into it.
The Snake mixes some truths with lies, exaggerations and vile demonization of those he sees as the enemy – which is almost everyone.
He does not speak to share information or to impart knowledge. He speaks to influence, to coerce, to stir up trouble, and to deflect criticism.
When taken as a whole, his words have very little to do with any version of “truth.” But his nonsense sells papers so the media plays his game and to many dim-witted fans continue to support his nonsense, often by rationalizing the poison he spews with “he is a good manager” or “he speaks the truth.” Disgusting.
You do the same for Wenger even though he is delusional and clueless . So I guess we are even.
Please show me any quote that I ever offered about Wenger. Any quote at all, let alone anything where I “do the same thing.” Same as what I am not sure as you did not really clarify what that might be.
But I apologize if I hurt your wittle feewings.
Small detail dude…one is allowed to be subjective and have faith in one’s club…not in the rivals….honestly….you d be happier supporting chelsea.
Go do it…I am friends with chelsea fans and they Re ok cuz they admit they dig jose and Roman into buying titles.
He takes on more responsibility and more pressure and he WINS.
At FC porto and Inter Milan with a relatively small or lesser budget than Chelsea and Real Madrid. Everywhere he has gone to he WINS.
You try to sound wise but trust me, you are very inane from my perspective.
U should really check circumstances in Porto and inter mate…..
Good to see you giving facts its due value lol
poor old Wenger
we need change. we need to move forward
Wenger is clueless. He has lost touch with reality.
This is the twenty first century, but the club is under a dictator.
we must fight this. We want war!!!!!
In other news Lord bendtner equalized for Wolfsburg and scored the winning pk
Mou’s record is amazing
where ever he goes
But it’s not just Wenger
who is in his shadow
every Manager is in his shadow.
It’s like Messi and Ronaldo put
every other player in their shadow.
The issue has become boring 🙁
Same as the should Giroud lead
the Arsenal attack issue.
Pretty sure I could win all those trophies of I spent €900m in 10 years too. Ferguson spent half as much and won more. Guardiola less than half.
Mick – £s not euros. £903M. Or put another way – our heaviest ever spend, double anything previous, in the season we bought Alexis, Debuchy, Welbeck, Chambers, Gabriel, Ospina and Bielik is the rough equivalent of JM’s average spend every year for the last decade. I wish someone could develop an algorithm that could calculate how much of his success was due to his undoubted tactical ability and how much to just buying ready made world class players at teams already successful. Same with Ancelotti – only a shade behind him on total spend. I mean, select the most successful teams in relatively uncompetitive leagues, have a 3 year plan max so you don’t have to worry about what you leave behind and spend what you want – you have to say the odds are stacked in your favour.
Excuses, B.S…bla bla bla.
Atletico Madrid did it in Spain. Real Madrid probably has higher spend and net spend that Chelsea. Borussia Dortmund did it in Germany too.
Freaking excuses…its ridiculous and pathetic.
Rubbish…if Wenger wanted to win the EPL in 2013/2014, he had the chance in the summer and in the winter 2014 to buy or loan a striker. Instead he signed a player past his best date who was injured and couldn’t play until late March/early April. Are these actions of a manager that wants to win? or just a delusional idiot?
Its not about spending. Its about identifying weak spots in the team and trying to repair of fix them rapidly and ferrociously. Mourinho doesn’t spend for spending sake. He spends to build a squad and shape a squad that can win and he does it expertly. Its actually MORE PRESSURE than staying at Arsenal and achieving 4th place and having B.O.D’s pat your back for doing a good job.
“Its not about spending” – hilarious. “Mourinho doesn’t spend for spending sake”. Priceless. “He does it expertly”………yeah hysterical, like Schurrle, Salah, Luis, Cuadrado, Shevchenko, Kezman, Sidwell type expertise.
He inherited a defence with not one of his purchases in it. He buys back Matic for 10 times the price they bought him 2 years earlier. Buys Costa though his Mendez/Atletico cabal and accepts our Fabregas gift. Every transfer he has had to work out for himself he has failed.
My point exactly…if he buys and it doesn’t work, he sells them and for good profits most times. Its better than keeping Giroud at Arsenal for 3 seasons when he hasn’t done Jack sh*t and still the idiot shows no urgency of fixing this problem. Wenger inherited a team too when he came to Arsenal. Duh!!…all managers inherit squads when they are hired. Wenger didn’t have one f*cking purchase before he came to Arsenal. He came and he bought what he wanted didn’t he? By your logic, what does that make him? Its just junk childish nonsense to make excuses for what I don’t understand.
Where are your excuses getting you? Another 4th place? Because thats what you’ll get. No EPL and definitely NEVER a CL as this team stands now. Just a big, old 4th place trophy to make you followers happy as usual.
Guys relax, Arsenal will win Sunday that’s for damn sure. As far as the PL league trophy, well that depends on our injury record, if we have low ‘layoffs’ then we will be there about, if we have long term injuries then same ol crap.
If you’ve noticed our record against weaker teams is TERRIFIC! lately we’ve stepped it up and beaten both Manchester teams as well. So, Chelsea is the only team left to conquer, if we do this on Sunday it will remove the ‘mental block’ b/c pound for pound we’re better.
30 more days and i believe we might get a ST coming in as well that will catapult this team to new heights.
You are right about the record vs. weak teams compared to the big teams but……….
In 2013/14 Arsenal still would have won the league even while losing those big games if they would have simply beaten all of the games vs. weaker clubs. But Arsenal lost points against some of those weaker teams also – and that was the difference.
Tut tut tut
Same old Arsene. Cautious, penny pinching, lethargic, delusional and confused.
How can Arteta/Flamini remain
Oh well, just 30 more days of pain..
NOTHING will cause Josey the Snake to shut up. The sports media “tabloid” mentality loves Josey because he is always causing trouble which sells papers.
I think the FA should simply ban the Snake from the EPL based on the “horrible human being” clause.
Said the Wenger and Giroud worshipper. You’re naive mate.
Jose makes the EPL interesting. Jose is the EPL. He has the passion and energy to win that it translates to the touchline most times. He is not boring and delusional managers like Wenger who have no passion and energy to win. He doesn’t even manage my team but I am always interested in what he has to say. I bet you, most (even though they will not admit it even yourself) would rather listen to what Jose has to say rather than Wenger who says the same predictable fake B.S every time. Jose is very straightforward and certain and Wenger is mostly cryptic (a sign of uncertainty). Jose trumps Wenger in every way you can think of. He is not a proud fool. If his team is not good enough he expresses it clear and concisely and doesn’t B.S his fans.
If you can’t understand this, then you are more inane than most of the joke of what you call analysis you write on this site.
He talks the talk and walk the walk.
And I don’t think that a manager who wants to win major trophies to make his fans happy and proud is a “horrible human being”.
You mentioned in another article that you were “mid 20s”. I must admit I thought you were a lot, lot younger. So when did you start supporting Arsenal? When you were 5? 10? You must be a Wenger baby-boomer – slightly ironic really seeing how much you hate the guy. My theory is that you are an undercover Chav and came to the Mourinho party in 2004 when you were a teen – would make more sense. Haven’t heard you utter one positive about the club you claim to support since you made your first appearance on here a few months ago. It doesn’t add up – you’ve been rumbled mate.
I am also Manchester United fan because I like Alex Ferguson. I am a red devil. I like how Harry Kane plays so I must be a Spurs fan also. I think Daniel Sturridge is top three best strikers in the league when fit. That makes me a scouser I bet or maybe I am a Geordie because I was a fan of Alan Shearer also. Does that random speculation satisfy your curious, desperate attempt for whatever straws you are grasping at? If you ask me, you’re just pathetic to think every time someone criticizes things that warrant criticism they aren’t a fan. You’re naive.
I had been positive for a long time to no end. It just ended up with Wenger selling his best players 1 by1 (after he said he was building a team for the future with the likes of Van Persie and Fabregas) every single season until the last straw which was the RVP sale.
I don’t hate him. I actually want to see him win but he will not with the way he approaches transfer window every year.
I would rather take the hard road with a new manager that actually takes risks even if he might eventually fail. Wenger takes no risks and fails CONSISTENTLY in the EPL and CL.
must you write bout mourinho? why not leave the media to continue their love story with mourinho?? or is this site beginning to fall in love with mourinho? enough mourinho articles please
I am with k-ool on this one, seriously i keep wondering what wenger’s ambitions are, does he realise that he hasn’t won the epl in more than a decade and the UCL in like forever