Why the delay on our star striker? by Shenel Osman
The delay in tying Aubameyang down on a long-term contract is making me feel extremely anxious and worried that he could possibly be on his way out! Which I hope is not the case!
It has been over two weeks since it was breaking news on sky sports that he was edging closer to that new deal at the club. Why break that news if you do not go through with the actual signing in the days after the news has broken, and why make the fans wait even longer!
As the new season is looming and our first chance at a trophy is edging closer as the boys return, it would be nice to have Aubameyang finalise his proposed contract before we play Liverpool in the Community shield on Saturday. Then to top off the signing, winning the trophy would be the icing on top of a very good possible week for us. And yes, people may argue that it is just the ‘Community Shield’, but it would be another trophy to add to our cabinet and would hopefully give our boys the added confidence they would need to begin to get the club back to where it belongs!
The longer the hours tick away and the more the days go on, it seems like Arsenal are no closer to finalising a deal. So we are left to think what is the delay… Is it money or is it Arsenal being quite frankly just Arsenal and waiting until the last minute on deadline day to announce a deal that really should have been done by now, and should be so easy to tie up if both parties are positive and want to do so! As talk makes us assume that this is the case then what on earth is the hold up!
Only Aubameyang and Arsenal know.
However, with the boys expected back in training this week before the Community Shield showdown, here’s hoping we will start to see positive news coming out of the club sooner rather than later.
We want some decent signings and the news that our star man is going to continue his journey and possibly extend his contract, which would then see him end his amazing career at a club that loves him!
Sky again reported last night that he is about to sign ,maybe he’s waited to see what we do to the squad before giving his last 3 years as a professional footballer .
Couldn’t blame him for this
👍 You’re not wrong, Dan kit & Shortboygooner!
Why are you worried?.. When they are ready they will do the needful.
This pre-seasonis like completing a jigsaw where all the pieces need ro fit One leads to another and so on.
My instinct is that since no other clubs have seriously come in for Auba that he will stay but I ALSO THINK HE WANTED TO GO TO A MORE SUCCESSFUL CLUB but will sign- assuming he DOES sign – for financial security in this bleak time for us all. How committed will he be going forward then? Only time will tell but it is a worry, for me anyway.
I find your last couple of lines worrying me too, Jon.
Do you think that a bumper contract would diminish his desire and commitment to the club? I would be so disappointed if that was the case as that would show he didn’t give a fig about CL football, just money
If it happens then he will be another Ozil in team
Sue P. fair question and I will, as ever, gladly answer an honest question with my honest thoughts.
I think that in general MOST top players care far more about money than they are keen to publicly admit. That is just one, among several reasons, why they use agents, as that deflects from their own greed, in public perception at least. Fans often do put all the blame for players greed on the agent when, in truth, both agents and playrs are greedy , way beyond all decency.
Auba is not differnt fromother players in that respect, but only different in the actual ability he has and consequetly how VERY MUCH he can therefore earn , both for himself and his parasitical agent. Only an extremely rare player, ANYWHERE, puts the club above himself when thinking of future contracts. SAD BUT REALISTICALLY TRUE, AS I THINK YOU MAY AGREE.
Will he become another OZIL though? Thankfully, I think not! All this assumes he will re -sign, which as of right now he has not.
I believe the important thing is that he can be convinced Arsenal’s ambition matches his own.
I suspect it has something to do with getting Ozil out of the books before Auba’s contract is announced. And the rumour about signing a young attacker is not helping. Though that could be for replacement of Laca if he is eventually sold.
We look forward to interesting ending to this window.
Aubas been away on holiday firstly,there has been no negative stuff about him NOT signing! Also he was waiting to find out who was arriving. Community shield dont get too excited about that trophy,its an uneccessary hindrance to pre season fitness plus every chance BOTH sides will have kids playing.
Liverpool have playing their friendlies with their first 11 with not a single one missing from the line up! There is no way theyre going in with kids!
With regards to announcements – maybe we’re saving the best till last??
We’d be absolutely insane not to have sorted this out at the first opportunity…look how important he is to us!! Been reported for ages now that he’s going to sign/has signed….
Come on!! I’m fed up with waiting….
Maybe it is already decided that Auba will stay with us and AFC are waiting for the right time to make the announcement. Also, I dont think a huge pay package will make Auba less committed to AFC. Auba is a complete professional, non selfish and a complete team man and will give his 100% to the Arsenal cause.
You’re worrying yourself with deals which are done. Aubameyang has signed a new contract. He verbally agreed to a 250k a week months ago but waited to see our plan before recently signing.It will be announced soon.
The same with Gabriel Malghaes.We were told how Utd were set to hijack but he was already set on joining Arsenal long ago.If anything, the hold up was for Lille driving up his price to Arsenal. Utd and Napoli were never beating us to his signing
What about Partey, Coutinho??
Arsenal will go in for Partey but for Coutinho his salary might prove difficult at the moment
Things will get announced when they are ready to do so, I’m 99.9% sure Auba is already done, Gabriel is done.
As for Partey and PC, i agree with @kev that we will still go in for TP but we need cash to meet the buyout.
For PC, i highly doubt we can afford his wages but if rumours are true that Kola is being eyed by Shalke, HB could also be moving
Both CC and Holding are being eyed by Fulham and Leeds respectively and AMN should be off to Wolves so thats ALOT of wages that could potentially be freed up.
There has been no new news regarding LT but again if we manage to offload him that would free up more money.
Laca could move on also along with Sokratis and Mustafi both being linked with Napoli so they could move also.
if all this happens and we meet Partey’s release clause i think after that we should go for Alcantara, the guy is a pure baller and if we could manage to pull that off, well that would probably make my year….we can all dream right? XD
I agree with you kev
Arsenal going in for Partey is music to the ears. But I am sad AMN and Belarin may not be with us next season onwards, specially AMN, a versatile and strong player capable of playing in different positions.
Sad? About BELLERIN? Are you a Spud then? Not a serious question of course but I cannot comprehend how ANY knowledgeable Gooner can be anything but delighted at the prospect of the “no defensive ability at all” Bellerin leaving. I am hoping beyond hope that we may – I don’t know of course – but that we MAY, at long last, be free from Bellerins hopeless attempts to defend!
jon, hopefully Bellerin will be seen on the catwalks of Milan, Rome, Paris or Milan.
I think Bellerin is more of an attacker than a defender. Like Chelsea’s Marcus Alonso.
I believe Auba is holding out on signing to see who Arsenal bring in this window. If the number and calibre of players doesn’t meet his expectations of being able to challenge for CL next season then he won’t sign – similar to the van Persie saga.
Sorry mate but Aubameyang does not give a toss about the Champions League, I mean he left a Champions League team to join a Europa League team. He came here for the money.
If Aubameyang has not signed or was not going to sign and was to be sold, he would surely not have been risked to play against MK Dons?
Would he? Didn’t Chamberlain play for us like a week before leaving for Liverpool? Monreal too kept on playing till his last day with us.
Fair enough QD, but the other games were competition games, not risking a high value player in a preseason friendly?
Why does it take so long for Arsenal to get any signature on paper. Ever since the days of Dick Law we were a ‘yaaawwn’. Everything so slow ‘yaaawwn’. Notice how sharply Man City do their business and also in renewing contracts. Aubameyang is in danger of succumbing to our renewal pace and falling asleep, ‘yaaawwn’. Supporting Arsenal ‘yaaawwn’ is not easy at all. Snzzzzzzz.
👍 And Chelsea.