Who should be Arsenal’s main centre-forward for the rest of this season?

Who do you think is Arsenal’s best striker for this season?

Mikel Arteta and Arsenal at the moment have quite a few striker options to choose from, with the team Arteta has set up, there’s a lot of versatile players who can and will happily play multiple positions. Obviously we also have Gabriel Jesus and Eddie Nketiah who are out and out centre forwards, but after a rocky season with injuries, a lot of players have had to step up and take the reins, but who do you think is our best option up top for the rest of the season?

It’s been widely reported that in the summer we will be looking to sign a new “world class” striker, but for right now we must do whatever we can and work with what we’ve got for the last stretch of the season.

Gabriel Jesus was a clear first choice for Mikel Arteta at the beginning of the season but after multiple setbacks and injuries, it’s been hard for Arteta to rely on him. The Brazilian is clearly a talented player and since joining Arsenal from Manchester City, he has done some incredible things and scored a lot of goals for the club, but the injuries make it so hard to rely onhim  and trust that he’s able to be consistent. Although he’s a great striker, consistency is key.

Eddie Nketiah has had his chances on and off this season, but also picked up an injury last year that saw him miss out on a lot of football. He has since fallen out of contention and looks likely to look for another place to play in the summer to get some more minutes on the pitch. Being a young player, I don’t blame him, but it does sting a bit as it’s clear he loves the club. It just doesn’t seem like he’s in Arteta’s plans for next season as well as this one.

Now, Kai Havertz has stepped up and played a few games at centre forward as well as in the midfield this season, being a very versatile player and it just seems like he doesn’t really care where he’s playing, as long as he’s playing. But when playing at CF he’s looked very comfortable and has taken it in his stride, recently going on a scoring spree and looks to have really found his best form on the north side of London and under Mikel Arteta.

Then we have Leandro Trossard who I think ideally likes to play on the left wing but with Martinelli looking to have cemented that spot when he’s fit and healthy, like Havertz, I think Trossard is happy to play wherever and has also shined at CF when he’s played there. Maybe not as much as Havertz, but he does have a clear impact whenever he’s up front and whenever he’s playing.

At the moment, it’s a good problem to have with plenty of options as we go into the last stretch and most important part of the season, but it will be interesting to see what Arteta does for the rest of it.

What’s your thoughts Gooners? Who do you think is oor best CF option for the remainer of his season?

Daisy Mae


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Tags Arsenal strikers


  1. Havertz should be the false number 9 ahead of Jesus and Nketiah because he creates more problems for the opposition by creating space, using his strength and aerial prowess. He also has better understanding of his position than Jesus and Nketiah and creates good link up play and gets more goal scoring opportunities. He had 5 chances to score against Liverpool and Klopp admitted that Liverpool could not handle him.
    Jesus can deputise for all 3 forward positions and is an ideal super sub. Nketiah will be sold and swapped for an Established 20 goal a season strong TargetMan.

  2. Havertz plays as a cf only when we play with both Rice and Georginho,otherwise he plays as left b2b,and I guess this the only chance Gesus will be in contention.

  3. That’s a no-brainer, it just got to be the Big German until his form suggest otherwise.

    Back to sleep

  4. For me, right now considering the form factor, Havertz is the clear choice for CF followed by Trossard. Jesus will likely rotate for the 2 of them and can also rotate with Saka on the right. Sadly Nketiah is unlikely to get many minutes and most likely will be leaving Arsenal at the end of the season. Arsenal will definitely sign a new striker in the summer.

  5. I hope/wish/pray/fantasize that Havertz plays as the CF for the remaining games and goes on to contribute immensely, scoring crucial goals leading us to win the title. At least then we’ll stop worrying about a new striker and I’ll finally stop being pained and moaning about how much better we would be with someone actually worth the fees and wages spent on him

  6. Just smiling how football opinions & especially Arsenal fans change – slightly 6 -8 weeks ago MOST fans wanted to see the back of Havert and were questioning his 65m transfer & high wage. – Someone at AFTV even went as far as claiming Havert will be the reason Arteta gets a sack! – Today am sure he is of the opinion Havert should keep his place as Jesus gets benched.

  7. I think when all things are considered. As they concerned which option as centreforward should start for the rest of the season for Arsenal?
    But to me, I think It all depend on who is the most suitable CF that has the capacity to take up the role efficiently. In terms of full match fitness, on top form, desire and ability and capability to deliver the goods for Arsenal when it’s mattered most.
    And Ii think Karl Havertz has begin to show the traits he has it in him for Arsenal. As he has improved on his game an now performing very well and scoring goals for Arsenal.
    So therefore, I will follow the bandwagon to choose Karl Havertz to be leading the line for Arsenal in the Epl and Ucl for the rest of the season. More especially if he maintains his current top level of his form and improved on it as from the Man City away match after the break.

  8. Considering form I think Havertz and then Trossard before Jesus. Jesus works a lot for the team but we need our CF to be scoring goals. If Jesus can do his primary assignment as a 9 then it’s no brainer he should start ahead of any other in front.

  9. I’ve always considered Nelson to be more intelligent football-wise, than the other wingers. He dribbles well, has the pace, the positioning, and the vision. I think his main drawback is lack of self confidence. Bar this, I think he can make a poor version of Henry as CF, which would be very good with current crop of players. I believe he would be much better than Havertz if given the run of games and patience Havertz got. Should he go to Brighton, he’ll be phenomenal.

  10. The best striker is the best finisher
    The best finisher is the player with the best minute per goa.
    The player with the best minute per goal is Trossard (148mpg)
    Why players with double is minutes per goal are playing ahead of him is beyond human comprehension

  11. To my thinking mind , it is NOT which is th best striker that most matters but which players, in which SYSTEM, brings us the most chance of success.
    And THAT factor also need to be tempered by what we can financially accomplish/
    All in all, I rather think we and MA in particular , are doing “pretty well” to put it very mildly!!

  12. For me it is Havertz, because of what he brings to the lineup as a striker.

    He holds his position and not dropping too deep into the midfield like Jesus. He has good instincts to make those runs and offers more of a scoring threat than Jesus or Nketiah.

    I think Trossard is the better finisher, but Havertz operates better in all the traffic around the box.

    Jesus has shown he is a winger, and not much of a striker except positioned as one.

  13. Would you use Havertz to take penalties ?? Would you expect him to take many shots from outside the box ?? I would use Trossard or Jesus for both of these as our CF. Havertz was hopeless in that position at Chelsea and I dont think anything has changed. Goal scorers are generally naturals in that position and unfortunately he is not a natural. Spend the money and get a top quality CF

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