Arsenal fans will soon see back of Mourinho! by Sam P
Arsenal fans and Arsene Wenger have already been able to celebrate this year with our first victory over a Chelsea team, or any for that matter, that was managed by our manager´s arch rival Jose Mourinho. Now while that win that gave us the Community Shield trophy was sweet, it does not really help Arsenal to get the trophy we really want, the Premier League crown.
But there is a good reason to believe that the Chelsea boss might actually help the Gunners to their goal this season, namely the two year time limit that Mourinho seems to have at his various clubs. Okay, he managed to stay at Real Madrid for three seasons but there was a lot of unhappiness from the fans, the players and the press and it seemed obvious that his time was up. Before that he had left Chelsea and Inter Milan under a dark cloud after two good seasons.
It seems to be a part of the way he operates. The press love the tension he produces and the soundbites, but it soon gets old. Already there are rumours that Roman Abramovich is less than pleased with his manager´s recent behaviour, such as that awful treatment of the two medical staff. The press seem to be turning on him as well and the referees are wise to his ways and the way his players try to cheat.
And when a team is not winning, a la Madrid, then the players start to resent his heavy handed treatment. So get ready for trouble at the Chelsea mill Arsenal fans and hope that Man City have a few problems as well. That way the EPL title could well be coming to north London again.
We do not need to fear Mourinho because “What do we think of Mourinho” – “Shit”. “What do we think of shit” – “Mourinho”.
Stop talking about Chelsea and mourinho!
This is supposed to be an Arsenal blog!
the pl is won by going at it and concentrating on game by game…not worrying about the previous winners every week..
Liverpool Monday…….Chelsea 19 Sep – worry about them then..
Get your own house in order first!!!!!! How is Chelsea in trouble?
Chelsea are doing just fine. 4 EPL’s to our 3 and 1 Champions league trophy to Arsenal’s zero.
Dark cloud?? Mourinho left Inter Milan after winning the UCL and he stayed at Chelsea for 3 seasons in his first stint. You can’t even get your facts right. In his final season at Chelsea, he won both the FA cup and Carling cup after successive EPL titles in the two seasons earlier.
I’d rather a manager stay 2 years, win the EPL and leave if he wants than one that stays 12 years and can’t even finish 2nd. NONSENSE!
INANE B.S article.
Stop hiding Arsenal’s problems by making FAKE problems that don’t exist for Chelsea.
Maybe focus on FACTS.
We still have the same losers from last year that couldn’t challenge for the EPL and were PATHETIC again in the CL.
We don’t have a bloody striker….We don’t have a bloody striker.
We still have a clueless manager. and even worse are his followers.
We have not won the EPL in 11+ years and we sit here and watch as Champions and legitimate challengers keep adding to their squads rather easily while we are made to believe no one can improve the bunch of overpaid 2nd rate players we have in our squad as starters.
“We still have the same LOSERS from last year”????? That is what you think of your club? That is what you call support??? And they did win the FA Cup again…… so I guess they are just partly losers according your pathetic criteria.
Shameful. Go support Real Madrid or Chelsea.
No you go and support WestBrom or Norich
Sorry mate, you a club support in highs and lows. Showing disrespect to West Brom and Norwich fans does not validate any argument.
Too much whinging and venom before the window is even closed.
Only ignorant thumps you down … Thumps down facts
Well said!!! Arsene is just one Of the worst manager i have come accross according to him arsenal has all world class players in all positions. What a pathetic man we have at the helm.
Mourinho is a distasteful sort. He really annoys me and for good reason besides the abuse and bad winning. When Di Mateo won the champions league for chelsea, what did Mourinho have to say. Was he delighted that the club he proclaims to love had won their first European trophy, or was he happy for the underdog and likable bloke Di Mateo ..heck was he. He proceeded to take credit for chelseas triumph by saying it is his team that just played his tactics. And, we move on to one Carlo Ancelotti. Carlo went and won himself a champions league medal not long after the special person had up and left. What does Mourinho say on his achievement, a well done, nope again it was down to Mourinho leaving everything he needed and the players using what he taught them.
Hold on, so we have a re-occurrence here, he obviously salivates over the European cup. However, if he believes credit should be given well then that must mean he fully thanked the managers who worked with his triumphant players. After all, when he won his European cups he did have quite a set of players to work with, inherited. Yes, indeed it would be wrong of Di Mateo and Ancelotti to give no thanks in crediting the man after he had went and gave his best wishes for similar gifts.
Wenger is a great manager. It is almost impossible to stay on top consistently while selling off a team’s spine year after year. If you look past the stadium move then i think we have done pretty well winning two fa cups back to back spending 42m on a player etc: and this year we look set for a title push after securing the signing of benzema and cech. I think we are doing well. Arsene wengers performance has been decent these past two seasons and he really has built a very very strong team with cech benzema ozil and sanchez all coming in over these two years. If we fail miserably this year to compete for the league then fine…
Don’t know which EPL you’ve been watching. The ONLY legitimate title challenge Arsenal has mounted in the last 11 years was in the 2007/2008 season.
Last season (WE FINISHED 12 points behind Chelsea and WERE NEVER AT ANY POINT CHALLENGING OR HAD A THREAT OF WINNING THE EPL) and 2013/2014 were poor. Wenger had a chance in 2013/2014 but foolishly blew it by not signing a ST in 2 available windows and then signing a 32 year old injured has been on loan in January 2014 who could not play for 2 months. Is this a manager that really wants to win? Or just bank on things like luck and luck of the draw?
“he really had built a very very strong team with Cech, Ozil, Sanchez and……BENZEMA?????? wake up dude and stop snorring
Draxler is available …. Same price as Pedro with a way longer shelf life …. Can play on wing cutting in from left …. Would be a massive upgrade … Why can’t wenger see this? …. Pls stop comparing with mourinho the guy has a way better record as a football manager over last 12 years …
Draxler not better than teo or ox or welback either Sanchez so why spend for sake of spending,
go for Cavani or Benzema or Luwandwaski
what ever his name is ,
and get a DM , and are are good,
Sorry? Did you just write that wellbeck was better than Draxler??????
Draxler is a replacement for Diaby
the medical centre has lost much of its business since the departure of Diaby
That may be but with one leg he is more competent and dangerous than DW!
jesus…some people really are clueless about the beautiful game
No he doesn’t, comparing Mourinho to Wenger is kinda stupid considering he had big clubs allowing him to spend +100m a season. Wenger had to re-build every season because of players leaving, Wenger still made everyone believe he could challenge even though realistically his squad was as good as Spuds and Everton. Unlike Klopp he never struggled re-building after selling his best players every season
So what u saying is that an less both Chelsea and man city have problems Arsenal don’t have a chance to win the EPL? the mentality of same of our players and supporters it sacks. we as gooners must start believe and make the players believe, and stop relaying other teams to have brake down,
Im tired of mourinh0’s childish and stupid behaviour lets live him out of our discussions and concentrate on our own.. Hopin wenger will suprise us
“he really has built a very very strong team with Cech, Ozil, Sanchez and……BENZEMA?????? wake up dude and stop snorring
Another of the frequent drab articles making round here…We are the Arsenal,so let’s focus on us and not the Lose – sorry I meant the Blues of the mouthy One.
i agree samij. mourinho has spent enough money on players to build three emirate stadiums and thats a fact if he had been in charge of q.p.r last year they might of 18th .money talks the same as man. city hopefully wenger buys the players we need, if we do.our turn.
My favourite blogger had this to say …..
“Arsenal’s squad would be completed, not via the transfer market, but the
laboratory. Behold, Coqteta, the defensive
midfielder possessed of great energy and
tenacity, but with perfect ball retention
and (and hair). Then there’s the world
beating wide forward Walbeck. Strong,
fast, defensively conscientious, tactically
intelligent with a constant supply of goals
and assists. Ramshere would have been the most complete British midfield player of all time, were it not for the fact that
Wilshere accidentally got stuck in the
splicing pod with a daddy long legs. On
the upside, Jack’s limbs are now notably
less brittle as a result…”
Likelihood is that all the other managers in the premier league will leave, have a breakdown or they and their entire squads will be killed in some bizarre aviation accident therefore leaving the path clear for Wenger to at last claim the Premier League again!
Lets just sign the remaininq players our darling team need and forget about the mourinho’s stuf…
I’m new here, you guys should pleas welcom me!!
If Wenger is as useless & terrible as Mou portrays him, i wonder why he can’t seem to get Wenger & Arsenal off his mind & lips. I mean, if I cared less about someone, I wouldn’t even know he or she is there but when I keep insulting & talking at you, I’m definitely seeking attention even if I don’t know it.
This tells me that there’s something Wenger has been doing right even when he has been doing wrong.
Bring on Liverpool… We can only get better as we defeat them come Monday Night at the Emirates…
If we buy a couple of world class players before the end of the month then it does not matter what the Chelsea manager does.
I also think we need another winger to cover for Walcott’s AND Chamberlain’s usual 8 month sick note period. Especially with Gnabry being out on loan. I considered Sanchez a Walcott replacement and was happy to see Walcott leave after his signing, but he seems to be on the left side most of the time instead of his stronger right flank, so we have people like Ramsey playing out of position to cover for Walcott. … It is definitely a situation which weakens the side every season.
This article seems to imply we cannot win the EPL unless Mourhino is out of the picture and as saddening and defeatist as it sound I agree with the summation…….Arsenal, on a good day will beat ANY ball playing team hence am never afraid we will lose when we play the likes of City,Liverpool, Spuds…but we have always struggled against Mourhino and his negative cynical tactics, as attested by the fact when he left the first time around we got a couple of good results against Chelsea but as soon as he got back normal services was resumed and we were getting battered……like it or lump it Mourhino has the beating of Wenger.
Jesus christ – in a season where City is clearly the biggest threat to the title, we still focus on Mourinho? Maybe if we’re aiming for 2nd or 3rd…
Wenger CANNOT win d epl with Giroud as our main Striker. No, U can’t!!!!!!