Why did Fabio Vieira struggle to get game time at Arsenal last season?

Fabio Vieira’s season at Arsenal began promisingly, with the Portuguese midfielder delivering several impressive performances off the bench. His early form suggested he was on the verge of breaking into Mikel Arteta’s starting XI. However, an injury sidelined Vieira for several months, and during his absence, Arsenal continued to perform well, focusing on other players.

As the season progressed, fans grew concerned about Vieira’s limited appearances, and he ultimately finished the campaign without making a significant impact. Despite his early promise, Vieira struggled to regain his place in the team upon his return from injury.

According to a report from The Athletic, the primary reason for Vieira’s limited minutes was his underperformance in training. The coaches felt he did not provide enough evidence during training sessions to warrant his inclusion in matchday squads. This lack of impact in training meant Vieira became one of the few players who have struggled to thrive under Mikel Arteta’s management.

Vieira’s situation highlights the challenges players can face when returning from injury and the importance of consistently proving their worth to secure a spot in the team.

Just Arsenal Opinion

Vieira has been a poor signing so far because he has not broken into our starting XI. In some games, he has come on to show that he has the capacity to thrive at a top club like Arsenal.

However, at other times, he has simply been poor, and it will be interesting to see if he leaves this summer or gets another season to prove his worth.


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  1. Considering he is timid, frail, lacks strength and pace, and doesn’t have a defensive bone in his body, I’m not surprised he has been a failure.

    Epitome of a luxury signing; can only play as a 10, and only produce when opponents give him time and space to operate.

    Not suited for premier league, just like Nketiah. You can keep Vieira for 5 years too, and he still will not come good.

    Some players are not suited for the premier league, best to sell Vieira now and recoup something before it is a total loss, and we rip up his contract or loan him out until any sellable value is eroded.

    1. For Durand
      I agree with you physicality and defensive strength angle. A summer in the gym would do him no harm. But this fellow has talent and far more suited than Nketiah (who really is not up to the mark) and useful as a squad player. I feel he should have been brought on more often around the 75 minute mark in the PL to give the overworked wingers a rest. Also more used in the cups.

  2. My own personal take is, any player in the Arsenal”s senior team squad group of 25Gunners. In the recently concluded last season.
    But who doesn’t have what it takes to be a regular game – match starter in matches for Arsenal. SHOULD not, not and not be in the Arsenal’s team squad group for next season’s campaign in all competitions. That Arteta will build and put together to contest for the Premier League title win next season. And also contest for the quadruple win as well next season too.
    If Arsenal will win the Epl title and also the quadruple next season. Then, Arteta SHOULD not keep any squad player in his Arsenal’s team squad group for next season’s campaign.But all round regular match starters.
    For his trusted matchday starting XI team. Who he can rotate the Gunners in his 25 man team squad regularly for matches
    without seeing top, top and top performance by any of his players dropped throughout the season. Bit always remain at the highest level performance As his Arsenal coached team makes the attempts to win the quadrupled of titles next season.

  3. Couldn’t agree more!…You summed up everything that I was thinking about Vieira…The most worrying thing about him is that he even looked fragile when playing in the Europa League the Season before last.Unfortunately Arsenal took a fairly expensive “punt” on him (following on from an outstanding under 21 Championship) and he hasn’t stepped up to the mark in most every respect.He represents the epitome of why you have to pay a “premium” for “Premier League Ready” players….Edu please take note when considering new winger and centre forward options.

  4. If a mistake was made in signing Vierra then I’m sure the manager will have realised it long before anyone else. The people in charge of transfers have a vastly superior knowledge of the players available and how they may fit into the team. Saliba is a prime example of this when everyone was demanding he should be integrated into the team the manager resisted and the result has been spectacular. I prefer to leave it to the experts because their knowledge is far greater than ours.

  5. Much is mentioned of Vieira’s physical appearance. At 58kgs/9 stone and a bit, he weighs the same as Beth Mead and less than some other Arsenal women.

  6. For 30m I would have expected someone who could make a meaningful contribution to the cause.As it is, he is a skilled ball player with an ability to thread a through pass when given time but apart from the occasional glimpse of his football intelligence he has not made his mark and is unlikely to in what is a physically demanding League.I hope he goes on to prove me wrong but I suspect he , along with Lokonga will go down as examples of errors of judgement made by the Edu/Arteta regime.

  7. Vieira has great technique, passes the ball well, and has a hard and accurate shot, but does not press or do anything resembling defending.
    Just not suited to the rigours of the Premier League, and if he’s sold I doubt that Arsenal will recover the £35m paid for him.
    Was this one of Edu’s choices?

      1. At 58kg, he will struggle in Premier league physicality.
        Viera has outstanding techniques. All he need to do is to do gym workout during this summer. And also put more effort in training. We had a shorter player Santi Carzola. I still admire Carzola’s techniques till today.
        Viera just need to pull up his socks in his physicality

  8. I am a fan of football who’s intuition rarely fails me. I too was on the Viera out bandwagon but I did some video analysis recently and while the doors that can open for him to be a star seem few I can’t brush this nagging feeling that with the right conditioning, fitness regime and maybe mentoring by a Bernardo Silva for example I can see his play evolving to that level. Fans are right to ask him to move on but cant help but feel we could be making another ex arsenal trophy winner with this one.

  9. He has lots of potential in him. He’s shown some moment of quality to prove that. Now, it’s up to him. But, I don’t think he’s a mistake signing. One could easily see why we signed him the potential is there. The physicality he’s lacking his something he can work on. Once he gets the right physical strength in addition to his potential , believe me we have a gem. I still got high hope for him.

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