Why Mikel Arteta ‘won’t be sacked’ – Former Gunner explains club’s ‘plan’

Kevin Campbell has claimed that Arsenal have a long-term plan for Mikel Arteta as boss, and that it isn’t just his FA Cup success keeping him employed.

The Gunners made the jump to hire Arteta in December 2019, and the team initially appeared much more organised, and appeared to be fighting for the shirt once more.

We eventually closed out the seasons by rescuing European football through the back door by winning the FA Cup, beating both Chelsea and Manchester City in the latter stages.

While the new season started brightly, by winning the Community Shield before winning five of the next six in all competitions, we then fall into touching distance of the relegation zone, before climbing back into the top ten.

We now have the daunting prospect of failing to qualify for Europe in any shape or form, and with no backdoor routes remaining either, leading to some calls for the manager to be shown the door.

Kevin Campbell doesn’t believe that to be a possibility however, insisting that the owners’ have long-term plans for the man in charge.

“Winning a trophy does help,” Campbell told the Football Insider.

“But that was last season. Football is all about ‘what have you done for me lately’?

“Not ‘you won a cup so you get extra time’. I believe the ownership has a plan for Mikel Arteta.

“That is why he won’t be sacked. Because if he is sacked then the new manager would still need the money to recruit.”

Do the fans still believe the club is headed in the right direction overall?


Tags Kevin Campbell Mikel Arteta


  1. I fear Campbell is going down the same rambling, incoherant road travelled by Merson and Adams. What unenlightening drivel he regularly talks.

  2. Butr how the hell shall loser Arteta all of a sudden become a winner? He was Pep Guardiolas assistent, and that is just a handyman. Give us a winner! Give us a coach/ manager who win major trophy’s. FA-cup is a small, small trophy, and Community shield is a joke. And what happened after that? After 12 rounds of 2020-21 Arsenal was in 15th position, tvelve points behind Rottenham Hotspurs. Great, tette!

      1. I’m glad you said that!
        Trying to be a clever dick and just ends up being very unfunny

    1. That is a bit too harsh. All legendary players managing clubs have had a bad year- Pirlo, Lampard, Rooney, Arteta, but of all Arteta had a mountain to climb higher that tge Everest with the players at his disposal. Remember he started the season with who? Socrates, Mustafi, Ozil who provide nothing. Next we have error prone players- Luiz, Leno, Xhaka,
      Bang average players- Bellerin, Elneny, Laca, Willian, Pepe
      Overhyped youngsters – Nelson, Eddie
      Injured players – Marri, Martenelli, Tierney. Out of form Auba.
      Newcomers Ganriel and Partey neesed to be integrated with the team.
      Save Saka and ESR, the whole team was a mess at the start of the campaign. This season was a write off even before the first game kick off and is ending as i has expected. With the dross expected to leave next season will be the real test

      1. You’re a nice man, Loose. But I’m most concerned about his background. What did qualifie Arteta for the job as manager for Arsenal Football Club? He was Peps handyman – and suddenly he became coach and manager for The Gunners. Out of nowere. How the H did that happened? A guy with no merits, no experience. i think it’s a humiliation of the club we fancy. We are worth something better than Arteta.

  3. Campbell says ‘I believe the ownership has a plan for Mikel Arteta’.
    So what did he say the plan was?
    All Campbell said was that even a new manager would need money to recruit.
    So is he saying spending massive on players is the only answer?
    Well Man Sheiky, Man U and Chelski are in the top 4 so may be that is the answer with Chelski and Man Sheiky making up the Russian gas v Abu Dhabi oil CL final.
    Meanwhile the Arsenal fans who campaigned against the greed of the ESL are the same fans now demanding Stan or EK spend mega millions on new players and pay them vast salaries with no performance clauses.
    The irony the hypocrisy is palpable.
    So twenty PL clubs will spend mega this summer yet only one can possibly win the league.
    Such idiotic illogocal spending for so little return.
    Yet they do it every season.
    Spend spend spend and promise promise promise we will win!!!
    Then when 19 teams don’t win the league they all do the same thing the following season.
    Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.
    Is it the Owner, the board, the Manager,the players or the fans who are mad?
    Or just all of them.

    1. Whether we agree or not, the ownership has decided to stick with Arteta, who is central to their plans for the immediate future.

      Face it – ARTETA IS KROENKE’s MAN.

      Change of ownership may bring about a “domino effect” throughout the club, but right now suck it up.

      The oncoming summer window will be entrusted to Edu / Arteta – AND MONEY WILL BE SPENT ON THIS AILING SQUAD !

      Funds injected by the owner, will be added to money raise via sales.

      Filthy isn’t it – spend, spend , spend to “buy success”.

      Wrong – we are a long way from “success” in Arsenal terms.

      At this point in our history, we need to spend on this current squad to take even the FIRST STEPS to regain our standing in world football – and that certainly ain’t 9th in the EPL !

      So to all the “self sustaining model” purists, I suggest you get on board.

      Let’s hope hitting rock bottom drags us into the real world (however unpleasant that is) and we go play with the big boys once again.

      If not, I look forward to the new “North London Derby” against BARNET one of these fine days (yes, I jest, you get my drift) !

    2. too much Fifa21

      where you can spend 500m so easily and there will be another 500m available to spend anytime….

      players do not need to settle or adapt and can easily score 50 goals and replace

  4. By saying goodbye to Arteta, the new man will have to start all over. Re-educate, design and then hope of total implementation. Pls look at how and when goals were conceded, and who. Red cards and even yellow cards in the opponents were still in their half and us 75 %in ours. What we need is policy of accountability. No favourate. Players. And last of all. Slower rotation.

  5. I was very hopeful Arteta was our man. I defended him throughout this season but gave up after the first Villareal game. The job seems too big for him and he was out thinking himself. After one and half season he still didn’t seem to have his best team and playing style in mind. Bad signs.

    Having said that, I accept he will likely be given more time which means, unless he comes good, that next season is also a write of since it is unlikely we will get a top manager let alone in the middle of next season.

    So there for our best hope is to envision the scenario where we bring in one or two better option for some key places (right back, DM partner for Partey, back-up LB, creative midfielder). We cut out some stupid red cards and other mental errors and succeed in closing the current 5-point gap to European football. Very doable even with Arteta.
    There is nothing else to hope for if we start the season with Arteta and it is still possible. Arteta is young and could learn.

    The alternative is, Arteta fails and we get Freddie as caretake manager for half a season. Who wants to hope for that?

    1. I was listening to our local East Midlands radio sports reporter who described Wayne Rooney’s time so far at Derby as a tinker man. Similar to Arteta who is forever changing things. Perhaps it is as a result of over thinking when there is something simpler right in front of them

      1. I so agree Sue. Emery was like that as well. When Arteta first arrived he made simple changes and we had some good results. After that, he started to overcomplicate things.

        What happened to the high-energy pressing style that got us an FA Cup?

        Arteta is intelligent, I have no doubt about that. We have to hope that hee will have time to evaluate his own performances.

        We should not underestimate the benefit of no European football. It allows him to spend much more time with the squad working on the way he wants to play (if he even knows that ;-). It also reduces the chances of injuries resulting from the overuse of players.

        When Chelsea missed out on Europe I think they came back and won the PL the following year. We won’t win the PL next year but if we get “simple” Arteta back and few decent signings we could have a much better PL campaign than this past season.

  6. My sentiments entirely Guy.He is an Arsenal man at heart, but he simply cannot express himself in a meaningful manner.

  7. Even if we keep changing managers every time it will not work so long as the shareholder does not want to invest enough in the market we shall not do anything and we will forever remain a gambling team with loose plans that will always not work.

  8. Didn’t intend to respond directly to @Wyoming.

    For what it’s worth, my twopenneth is above.

  9. Long-term plans are for managers with track records. NOT for novices with NO experience or tactical nous.

    Arteta MUST be smart enough to know that he has a LOT to do in order to win back the trust of the fans.

  10. What claptrap is Campbell talking? How on earth do you have plan for a guy who has never built a team, managed a group of players and is wet behind the ears. Campbell you talk garbage, you dont talk sense.

  11. I dont capture the logic here:
    “That is why he won’t be sacked. Because if he is sacked then the new manager would still need the money to recruit.”
    So let’s give Arteta money to recruit?
    That is the answer?
    With Villareal games Arteta gave a final proof of his inability to address the team’s problems during (and between) the games. A reporter asked after the second clash, if he felt, Partey was left alone in the midfield. Arteta seemed confused for a second, but he was adamant, that our midfield was strong enough. Everyone could see, it was not…
    So I am in doubts, he would address problems on long term, I think, he cannot even see them.

  12. Seems to me that CAMPBELL’s quoted words are merely saying that he does not see MA being sacked, as that would cost money in paying him off, plus his staff and also giving the new manager more funds.

    Which means it is unlikely we’ll see MA leave soon. I agree with that view and though I do now want MA out, I do not think he will be leaving til- at the very earliest – next Jan and probably not even then. He may well be here for years, dependant on how things go, no matter what most of us want.
    IF, which could happen, the club changes owners, THEN I do think MA will be let go. Or, to use fan language ,be sacked!

    1. Jon – I think we have been on the same path in terms of our hopes for Arteta being the right manager for us. And I think we both lost faith after we saw the way in which he handled the Villareal games (not so much with the result but more with the tactics and team selection).

      However, if he stays around, it would not be beyond the realm of possibilities that he evolves. He is an intelligent man and although we don’t want managers that need to learn the job on our account (we should be too big a club for that), we better hope that he will learn on the job.

      My great preference is for him to be replaced tomorrow by a suitable manager. In absence of that, I will hope and look for any sign that he is learning and evolving. After all, I loved most of what he did last season and the way in which we played with high intencity and committment.

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