Young inexperienced coach emerges as the next permanent Arsenal manager

Arsenal legend emerges as top target to be the next permanent Arsenal manager.

Arsenal finally fired Unai Emery last Friday after several calls from fans for them to show the former Sevilla boss the door.

Freddie Ljungberg has since taken over as their head coach on an interim basis. The Swede helped them pick up a point in their game against Norwich on his managerial debut last weekend.

However, reports from France via Football365 is claiming that the club has made Patrick Vieira their top target to be their next permanent manager.

The 43-year-old is an Arsenal legend who has been building a career for himself as a manager. He currently manages Nice in the French top flight and has a contract there until the summer of 2021.

Arsenal has had a look at the likes of Mikel Arteta, Carlo Ancelotti, Brendan Rodgers, among others, but the report claims that Viera is the club’s top target right now.

Viera had commented on Emery at the weekend and admitted that Nice could also fire him too.

“It’s a very difficult job and I realise that. It’s always sad to see a coach lose his job.

“Today it’s his turn and tomorrow maybe it will be me. When you throw yourselves into this job, you have to expect to be sacked one day.

“There are things I don’t control. People say a lot of things in this industry, whether they’re true or not. I have nothing to say on the matter. Like you, I read things, watch things and listen to things. That’s all. I have never said I wanted to leave Nice!

“Maybe one day I’ll be sacked without wanting to leave Nice. I know where I am and I know where I’m going and it doesn’t bother me.

“It’s true that this evening I would have preferred more questions about the performance of my players rather than on my future.”

Whether this report is true or not is up to each individual to decide for themselves. Personally, I can believe that the board would look at a former player that has some management experience, albeit limited. They could easily be thinking he knows the club’s DNA and is better placed than Ljungberg or even Arteta.

One thing I do know is that they need to resolve this sooner rather than later before it becomes too much of a distraction.


  1. We are in real trouble!! We need an experienced manager to come in a settle every thing but who would want the job?

    1. “Arsenal finally fired Unai Emery last Friday after after several calls from fans to show the former Sevilla boss the door”
      This is for the dearly delusional. If you feel that your fan power is so influential, then tell the board and management which high power, trophy winning manager to get in ASAP. IJS

  2. Today was an indictment on the piss-poor manner in which this club mishandled both the Wenger Affair and the subsequent transition period… of course all clubs go through periods of upheaval, for a fortunate few the return to greatness is relatively quick, but that certainly isn’t the norm…more often than not, clubs in disarray will experience a significant drop-off that will negatively define a club for an extended period…sadder still, a few will plummet so far that there is a distinct possibility they will never recapture their former glory…for those savvy enough to navigate their way back from the abyss, a few valuable lessons have been learned…without substantial financial backing your odds drop by half…without a highly experienced and emotionally invested executive branch, the chances of success decrease by at least another third…and if you don’t have the right Captain to steer the ship, you could literally find yourself on the outside looking in… we presently have none of the three…if you believe, even for a second, that we’re simply too big, too prolific to suffer relegation, think again…from the tactics usually reserved for a Father/Son church league game on display today, to the totally lethargic performance by the players, especially in that first half, this club is in free-fall…this ain’t no joke because there is no way we can trust our absentee landlord or this complicit board to properly navigate us through our present crisis of culture…frankly we would be complete morons to think otherwise, just look at how this ownership and it’s various minions have orchestrated our slow but steady fall from grace…I can only hope that someone within this train wreck is just embarrassed enough to actually do something so significant that it just might change this increasingly depressing narrative…be angry, let your voice be heard because with this inept ownership at the helm fan apathy could just be the final nail in our coffin

  3. Nice are hovering just above the relegation zone down in 14th in Ligue 1, with a -5 goal difference. No thank you!

    We badly need an experienced manager to save us this season. At this stage, I would actually take Allardyce until the end of the season. I never thought I would ever want that, but we are in real trouble now.

  4. To get this rusty arsenal Max Turbo engine running, we need no rookie for the job. We need an old pro of a gaffer who players would respect. Truth be told, this Arsenal job is not an attractive prospect at all, we would need a manager who has got a game plan and strategy on how to engage our players and have the guts to do what’s is right for the club and us fans.

  5. I think within the next 4 games we will be better placed to assess whether these relegation fears are valid or not. Either way I don’t think relegation will be a genuine concern. No way garbage teams like Watford and Norwich will jump ahead of us even in our diabolical form. Nonetheless, I wouldn’t mind if the season ended today and we finished 10th and missed out on that Europa distraction altogether. Then we can just focus on the league and get this team back on track.

    1. Cannot believe you’re not worried? It’s not just that we keeping dropping points against the worst teams in the league, they’re battering us! Unbelievably lucky just getting draws out of Southampton, Norwich, and Watford.

      I can’t even see us getting another clean sheet this season. Remember that Leeds went down with a quality squad, so it is possible. Our last 20/25 league performances point to only one thing…relegation.

      1. @ThirdmanJW
        Ofcourse am a bit concerned as everyone is. However, it’s too early to start panicking, there are still 10 other teams below us with 3 in a particularly hopeless state (Eve,Wat,Nor).

        1. You’re right.

          Unlike relegation teams we have 3 good forwards – Laca, Auba, Martinelli – no way we are going down with even a mediocre caretaker manager.

    2. I wouldn’t mind getting a free run in the league alone next season, with that new manager boost and a few wise new additions, it might work better. Some players who look born to play in England, or maybe even one or two who already do. I think we’d have a better shot at breaking that top four without Europa, Mourinho makes it more difficult again, so yes, even though I always want us to win, I think this could turn out to be one off those in hindsight moments, hat seems to fit us nicely at the time.

      In future fans need to be more careful at the games, I know the players piss us off, right off!!!, but unless you know for certain that having one or two less options for a season will come out in our favor, wait in future til the whistle goes or it is close to calling an end to bad or horrid affair, then boo as loudly as you like. And I’d tell the players that they can’t blame match going fans for any online abuse, sure there’s no way to tell if it’s not trolls from elsewhere or if it’s a crazy person typing from a cell somewhere. You can’t blame fans for letting some feelings out all you can do is ask them to try to be more careful with the timing. We all want and need this great club to stop messing around, earn your pay-checks, show us why you deserve to receive our best game that we want to give.

  6. No manager can get sort the mess we are in now.
    It’s time the Kroenkes pay back what they have been stealing from the arsenal by investing in new players or else relegation here was come.
    This is the worst group of players I’ve have seen wear the arsenal shirt they can’t even compare to the liverpool bench &yet we are competing for the same honors.Its a shame.

  7. We need a manager to come in and kick the players up the arse and drop the who should be dropped ie Allegri he will get us playing again and in the summer he will get two top CB and get rid the ones wot we av got

  8. I don’t think the board would take another high risk by hiring another non-EPL manager, although Vieira is a legend here

    I believe the new manager is between Pochettino and Nuno now

  9. The attitude and leadership qualities of Patrick Vieira is what Arsenal needs now. That never say die mentality is what he will bring to the club and feed to the players. It is not like any coach is going to come and start teaching them how to score goals or defend goals. Those skills ate already there. You need someone to motivate them to “hate” the other team and see every game as must win. Simple

  10. All this problems are down to the Management of the Owners and i hope us fans realize this and stop directing our anger towards the players and especially Fred. I want to really complain at the top of my lungs but not to our team and what we have. Let us all play our role and help our club to be the best it can be despite our owners. our players have been rate 5, coaches rated 2, fans i rate us as 1 for booing the team even though we all know the team needs our backing to get back their confidence. we need to push them by showing them that we are behind them despite all the drama. COYG

      1. 👍 Minimal character, weak physically and mentally, little self motivation, lacking in professionalism, personal pride and commitment to the Club, except to put their hands out to collect their wages.

  11. I don’t want to believe Arsenal are considering Vieira for the job, it has to be media nonsense.

    Eventhough, I do not have any idea of which manager can help us, I still don’t want Vieira for the job, as some has said a big and respected personality is required for this position

  12. Bruahahahahahaha… (I laugh like those white bearded Kunfu Masters in Chinese movies). Until we start playing our quickest players in a 5 attacking and 5 defensive team, this is what will continue to happen. We are staring relegation in the face people. The EPL this season is played with pace, energy, determination and stamina, grit and energy. Even the teams currently in relegation have these attributes and yet Arsenal is still playing slow-paced football with no passion whatsoever. The board should get Arteta to come with his attacking mindset in a 4-1-4-1 or 4-3-3 master plan. Arteta, please come and instill your quick, one-touch football with skill and pace in this team. Come and instill the training sessions that make Man City players play fluid football. We need you now!













  13. Get David O’leary in there as a mentor. He had Leeds in the top 3 as a manager for several years until they decided that wasn’t good enough (sound familiar) where are they now. Bring in a manager that can speak the language and kick some arses. That may or may not be Freddie I don’t know but patting every one on the back saying they have lost confidence does F**k all. Start splitting some heads.

    1. The current management doesn’t want any strong characters with credibility at Arsenal, so approaches from legends like David O’Leary, Dennis Bergkamp and Martin Keown have been rebuffed and Sven Mislantat and Steve Morrow were forced out.

    2. There is no guarantee the Italian will turn out to be a winner. His credentials are top quality but some of these top guys have failed and been
      Any manager coming in has to fix the defence and try to make Arsenal harder to beat.
      I hope we can get our guys to run at
      defender s instead of pass and pass.
      This pass and pass is being overplayed
      and the forwards have to face massed
      Until this changes get ready for a
      relegation scrap

  14. Every rookie manager under the sun will be thrown at us by the media, knowing they will upset us and irritate the situation even more. This board are idiots if they really are considering an ex player wet behind the ears. The man the have to appoint needs some recommendations in trophies and experiences, that way people will give him time and give us hope. This club at the moment is in free fall and the media love sticking the knife in and twisting. Benitez is the only man, go get him, he is a genius.

  15. Here we are heading towards relegation and the even more frightening thing is that I couldn’t even see us getting back if relegated as the Championship is seen as the hardest league in the world to get out of for a reason.
    We couldn’t fight our way out of a wet paper bag.
    On our way to hell in a hand cart.

  16. Good, he can have enough experience playing with Arsenal in the Championship next season and then in 2021/2022, we can go back to top 6. Not a bad plan at all. Just please, mister Wallmart, keep the ticket prices as ridiculously expensive as they are now, even after the relegation.
    On the long run, this is excellent. He might become the second Wenger that way. But it’s gonna hurt a lot before it starts feeling good again. We gotta stick with the club through the Championship just like Juve fans did and look at them now. We can be the new Juve, not the new Leeds.

  17. people are forgetting the kroenke’s are in charge so the manger will need to be someone cheap who doesn’t want expensive signings.

  18. What is wrong with Arsenal? I think the club made a huge mistake by letting Ramsey go. They should have kept him. That being said, we should STOP playing both Aubameyang and Lacazette at the time. Pep hardly plays Aguero and Jesus at the same time. Go back to the basis. Play a 433 formation.


    Bellerin Chambers Holding Tierney

    Torrera Ozil Luiz

    Pepe Aubameyang Martinelli.

    There should be ONLY two candidates to be shortlisted for the job. Arteta and Nuno Espirito.

    This is not rocket science. Stop wasting Aubameyang on the flanks. Lacazette should rotate with Aubameyang

    1. That midfield is weak going forward and that has been our Achilles heel all season. We need 2 converted attacking midfielders in Pepe and Martinelli flanking Luiz in midfield. Let Lacazette play from the right wing and Saka or Ozil play from the left wing, and Aubamayang as striker, he is being wasted in the wings. We don’t need more than 1 defensive midfielder in midfield.

  19. I couldn’t believe what I was watching last night v Brighton , I started watching the Arsenal in 1953 ,went to most games home or away , any weather, Cried when knocked out of the FA cup, being a teen I loved every minute in 1964 I migrated to Australia, and followed them Through TV and radio, with my frequent trips back to the UK,with the trip back in the Invincible year to put icing on the cake, with the odd Cup final wins my beloved Gunners have gone to the stage where I still watch, but no longer enjoy it, there so predictable, no backbone ,players walking around,like a Sunday stroll, Where do they get a Top manager, without getting some for the sake of it, One day they will back to where they belong,in the meantime you can do better………. and save the team I love COUG

  20. Viera would be a huge gamble and has no real managerial success or pedigree. Great players do not often make great managers. Most truly great managers wereeithere modest or certainly short of top class as players. Only a very few were true greats and having played for us is no proper reason to choose a managerial relative novice, with no real track record.

    1. The invincibles aren’t coming to save us, Freddie is taking a kicking, vierra will take a kicking. Loved them both to bits but they need to prove themselves somewhere else before taking us on here and being our boss.

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